The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, a book summary (series), Part 1. / Regreening of Israel by Cloud Buster & Iranian clouds?
By James DeMeo, PhD (1949, 2022)
Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science; The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, by James DeMeo, PhD.
Acknowledgments include a thanks to James’ wife Daniela Bruckner who helped with review readings over the years of writing and translated German-language documents that provided insight in Einstein's views on the topic of ether. Einstein and Reich were of the same era and Reich did provide one of his machines to Einstein to test (or debunk) but Einstein never publicly said anything about the machine. Signed 8 August 2019, James DeMeo, PhD.
I had the honor of meeting James and Daniela at a coffee shop in Ashland, Oregon. I was so excited about the book release that I emailed him asking about meeting there to buy a copy and he agreed to arrange a meeting and brought several of his books and I bought a few, one duplicate I later learned. I already had a few. I had just been showing the books to my dad as I had got out a dielectric blanket for him and he really liked it. My dad’s question did you get it signed? Um,,,,, I had to look. No, I didn’t. We were talking about very interesting things. I wanted the book, not a signature - I must be odd. I focus on how well feet work more than how pretty a shoe looks.
Quotes follow the Acknowledgments section - Thanks Daniela for translating:
“I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards.”
Albert Einstein, letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921
“My opinion about Miller’s experiments is the following. … Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however they would have to lead to a significantly different theory.”
Albert Einstein, letter to Edwin Slosson, 8 July 1925, Hebrew Univ. Archive Jerusalem.
“The effect [of ether-drift] has persisted throughout. After considering all the possible sources of error, there always remained a positive effect.”
Dayton Miller, 1928, p. 399
{Miller replicated the Michelson-Morley work, refining the process, moving it up a mountain, and also worked with Morley on some papers.}
“You imagine that I look back on my life’s work with calm satisfaction. But from nearby it looks quite different. There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm and I feel uncertain whether I am in general on the right track.”
Albert Einstein, on his 70th birthday, letter to Maurice Solovine, 28 March 1949
Take home point - Albert Einstein by that point knew he was wrong in many ways, so wrong that he was not even playing in the right ballfield.
Author’s Introduction - this is 22 pages long and is a good summary of the work. Buy the book - my copying it out or trying to condense it further would be wrong. Anyone working on alternative science is not in it for the money because there isn’t much money in grants, rewards, or super popular book sales. (Also meaning they probably could use some money). This is an excellent book and accessible for many readers, as the hard math part of all the research examples is summarized and graphics and images of the original science are included. It dips into biology research that also supports the concept of aether energy being part of life.
The opening paragraph of the Introduction (which is like the Abstract for the whole book):
“Modern astrophysics and astronomy describe the cosmic space between the planets, stars and galaxies as an empty void, a hard vacuum lacking in inherent properties or substance. And yet, scientists working in these disciplines continue to discover “empty space” to be saturated with energy and particles, with turbulence and motion, as with the above concepts. Each is considered, by convention, to be a completely separate phenomenon from all the others, in spite of numerous points of similarities and agreement. Each term stands for its own presumed “soup” of discrete mystery particles. No matter how fantastically abundant, the space between them remains an empty void, save for scatterings of light and other electromagnetic waves. The scientists have identified all these specific “trees”, but deny the existence of any “forest”, whereby their basic nature could be more logically understood. As with the example of 10 blind men in a room with an elephant, each describes in exceedingly precise detail what they have individually grasped — the trunk, tusk, body, tail, legs — but the word “elephant” has become taboo. Like the proverbial naked emperor, nobody dares speak about a possible single ocean of cosmic energy, which offers a more unified and simpler understanding of all the diverse particles and “winds”. - James DeMeo, PhD, p. 1
Read More: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science Paperback – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo, (
A brief preview of the book, Table of Contents, page 1 of the Introduction and a few pages of Chapter One, in pdf form, is available for download on ResearchGate.
An earlier book with construction plans for aether collecting devices and the dielectric blanket, and Cloud Busters,
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans Paperback – July 25, 2010, by James DeMeo (Author), Eva Reich (Foreword) (
Eva Reich is Wilhelm Reich’s daughter and she continued in the area of his individual healing work. Developing and using techniques to reduce body armoring and inhibition that negatively affects health. The dielectric blankets help draw more energy to a person or body-part, and can reach an excess. Some people have too much pent-up energy and need to release it.
Caution regarding Cloud Busters - they really do work and can cause more severe weather patterns if used wrong/too much. For a brief time, there was some popularity and more random use of rain seeding with the introduction of silver iodide cloud seeding from airplanes and it got a little too wet at times. This article discusses the history of both types of rain-making. (Maglione, Sotgiu, 2007)
Cloud Busting may be used to break up a thundercloud to reduce a storm’s intensity or it is more typically be tested for ending droughts. Coud Busting is taking/attracting water vapor and aether energy from one region and encouraging it to move to another region that has drought. the metal tube apparatus is put in flowing water and swept across the sky slowly in the direction you are trying to encourage air flow. Then the device is moved farther that direction and repeated, for a regional effect the device needs to be used across part of the region. So, some physical work and a truck is involved, or multiple devices. It is interesting to note that the modern nation who has used Cloud Buster technology to make rain was Israel (ref) and an Iranian general called them out for taking Iran’s rain, so to speak (2018). It was a Tweet.
Ref: 22. DeMeo J, CORE Progress Report 30: The Desert Greening Project in Israel 1991-1992, Journal of Orgonomy, Vol 26, no 2, Orgonomic Publications Inc, New York, Fall/Winter 1992. Also in DeMeo J, OROP Israel 1991-1992. A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Wintertime Rains to Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean During an Extended Period of Drought, Pulse of the Planet, Vol 4, Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon (USA), 1993
#22 in this paper: An Innovative Method of Weather Modification, Roberto Maglione, Cristian Sotgiu, (Maglione, Sotgiu, 2007)

“Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, head of Iran's Civil Defence Organisation said that the changing climate in Iran is 'suspect'.
'Foreign interference is suspected to have played a role in climate change,' said Jalali, who insisted results from an Iranian scientific study 'confirm' the claim.”
[…] “Former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2011 accused Western countries of devising plans to 'cause drought' in Iran, He claimed 'European countries used special equipment to force clouds to dump' their water on their continent.” (
Suspicious evidence the Iranian general also cited was the lack of snow on Iranian mountains while other nearby mountain ranges still have snow.
He got really, really mocked - over 4 million search results on Bing for “Iranian General Says Israel is Stealing Its Clouds” (Bing)
Personally, I am siding with the Iranian generals on this one. My opinion based on the evidence trail dating back to 1991-1992. I have seen a more recent publication about Cloud Busting tech used in Israel, found it, 1983 was when it was used, published in 2012 though. Richard Blasbane, Weather Modification in Israel | Society for Scientific Exploration, 2012. (
Gaslighting is being told something isn’t true, when it is right in front of you. “The light bulb is flickering.” “No, it isn’t. You are crazy.” the lightbulb was flickering and the gaslit person was being bluntly lied to and being called crazy for no reason - except to make them question their own perceptions and therefore their sanity.
Why would mountain tops have no snow when nearby mountains do have snow? Truly it makes no sense. Cold air condenses water vapor and it drops as sleet or snow or rain or lingers as fog. If a region has mountains and drought, there should still be some condensation of what little water vapor is there over the cold mountain tops - unless it was extremely dry, but then why would nearby mountains still have snow? Cloud Buster technology can be directed at localized areas. The technology exists and has been used in scientific research at least twice in Israel. That is circumstantial evidence of opportunity and knowledge. Iraq is in between Israel and Iran so the geography isn’t contiguous. I don’t know, it is just one more oddity in our odd world.
Regarding the style of the book and the following summary (start of a series) - Science? Opinion?
A note on the style of the Author’s Introduction. It summarizes what he thinks we need to know as main points - it would be like a Discussion or Conclusion section of a science article. The book is written in science article style - information is presented with some conclusions, but we are to draw our opinions. In my following summary I am condensing significantly and am occasionally sharing my own interpretations or gist as I see it — some opinion, as well as presenting some information and quotes from which to draw your own conclusions.
My Opinion based on evidence: Science needs to start-over and it would be a first step for everyone to read this book - make it the book of the year that everyone is talking about. Why not? Because that sort of thing is boosted by media in unseen ways. Other things do spread at the true grassroots level person-to-person and that is what is needed in these controlled media times - citizen independence and action. I noticed Walmart has a book for sale called Reich and Orgonomy.
Book Summary: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science Paperback – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo, (
Chapter One - The Matter of Space, Light Waves and Motion.
This chapter is a thorough review of the very ancient roots of science theory and the various thoughts about ether.
Aristotle: The world was made up of the four elements of fire, air, water, and earth, and the heavens were made of a fifth element, “a weightless, unchanging and boundless ‘quintessence’, which was also given the name ‘Aether’. … ‘heavenly air’” breathed by gods and also “the godly ‘stuff’ from which planetary and stellar spheres were formed”. (384-322 BC)
Zipping forward through Copernicus (1473-1543), Bruno (1548-1600), Galileo (1564-1642) and Kepler (1571-1630) - aether was the going theory with variations but based on the fact that light waves have to move through something - because that is how waves work. Measuring and understanding sound and light waves occurred early. In 1612 Martin Mersenne was able to measure the speed of sound in open air. Others showed that sound did not travel in a vacuum and therefore air was necessary.
Light wave behaviors of reflection and refraction were described by Claudius Ptolemy in the Second Century AD and another 1000 years passed before Rene Descartes computed the math and geometry of light waves accurately.
Francesco Grimaldi described diffraction of light by water. Water, sound, and light waves all spread out in a circular wave-front which narrows through small openings and reforms in a circular pattern as it leaves the narrow opening. How do light and sound waves bend around corners? How do light waves travel between the sun and stars and planets? Sound cannot travel in a vacuum but light was found to be able to do so. Also, it was known that air is thinner at high altitudes compared to sea-level, yet sunshine worked equally well in both places.
Descartes, in Principles of Philosophy (1644) proposed that space was full of a continuous ether-fluid that was somewhat divided into cosmic cells with individual vortexes of flow. The ether whirlpools gathered matter together within their vortex to form stars, planets and moons.
When Isaac Newton was young (age 37) he supported the idea of luminiferous ether filling space.
“He embraced a ponderable, moving and luminiferous ether, which was dynamically attracted to and penetrated into matter, exerting a “gravitational pressure” based upon variable ether density. He also argued for a residual denser blanket of ether surrounding planets, the Sun and smaller objects, by which the refractory effects of light could be understood.” [Long quote by young Isaac Newton that gets into how ether seems to fill pores and pipes and to be attracted to enter them → and that is how both Cloud Busters and capillaries work.], p. 32-33
We are to learn as we keep reading more of the book, that young Newton was on target. Older Newton got taken up by the Church’s very firm belief at the time that what is filling space is about God and therefore we aren’t supposed to talk about it as something of human science. Later in life Newton radically changed his statements on several topics and his changed views were so different, regarding light waves, from other researchers at the time such as Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695), that his later work was dismissed on that topic. However, his late in life statements dismissing ‘ether’ might have stuck a little more firmly.
The role of the Church in the advancement/non-advancement of science is significant. A few of the scientists named above or in the chapter did become suddenly dead due to actions taken by the Church/Vatican.
Heretic - definition: “a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted.” - Bing search engine.
James Bradley (1693-1762) discovered in 1728 that a star’s location can appear to be at a location different than its actual location based upon changing angles of observation-stars made at different seasons. This was considered proof of ether as demonstration of wave refraction of light depending on an increased optical density of the condensed layer of ether that is close to the Earth’s surface. (page 37)
Aside/my opinion - in my Heart series I described the heart within the ribcage and brain within the skull, and the ‘ball of energy’ between my slightly pulsing cupped hands as aether gathering devices - working similarly to the dielectric blanket or an orgone collecting box. Wilhelm Reich learned that layering magnetic attracting metals with organic dielectric insulating fabric or certain plastics would collect a greater amount of aether than the surrounding air contained as a baseline. James DeMeo built his laboratory on the side of a mountain above Ashland, Oregon - beautiful countryside. Gurus/hermits/monks living on mountain tops makes more sense knowing this information. Aether may be like the “Living Water” mentioned in the Bible.
John 7:38 ESV
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”
Heart series - aether counts because it is part of health.
An overview that is intended to reach a protocol with product guidance, that part is incomplete: New beginnings for heart health education ( (Jan 18, 2023)
The Heart is an aether gathering chamber (my thought); and More from The Heart Revolution videos. ( (Jan 18, 2023)
The heart is a vortex not a pump - Frank Chester video link / many links The Heart Revolution event, plus a Substack by Katherine Boyle and a related movie (includes some spoilers - Violet). ( (Jan 17, 2023)
The Heart Revolution, con't - Mike Adams wins magnesium award. ( (Jan 18, 2023)
Better zinc levels associated with fewer migraines. More bitter taste sensitivity linked to less CoV - and what are bitter taste receptors doing in the heart? Jan 18, 2023, (
Cannabinoids and aether/nerve flow; heart failure and TRP channels; exercise and nutrients that may increase aether flow and awareness of our body. ( (Jan 19, 2023) *This article describes my ‘ball of energy’ and “Bell Hands”, a Feldenkrais exercise that also seems to gather aether. It feels similarly to what my ball of energy sensation feels like. A slight taffy like resistance to the air, a very slight magnetic pull between the hands or fingertips. I think the hands also can act as aether gathering chambers when cupped and moved in gentle puling motions. The Feldenkrais method of exercise has similar very gentle up and down or side to side motions for the shoulders and other body parts and it really does seem to open up a tight area well and leave lasting relief from constantly tense muscles.
Love, music, and a list of the Heart Revolution series of posts. (
On page 37-38 we learn about the exciting Double-Slit Experiment by Thomas Young (1773-1829). When light waves travel through tiny openings they diffuse outward in rings that overlap and interfere with each other and result in a striped effect of the light on the far wall of the dark chamber. August Jean Fresnel (1788-1827) worked further with light wave science and ended discussion of Isaac Newton’s later-in-life ideas about light. Fresnel proposed that ether is static but collects around astral bodies and it moves along with them producing a drag effect. George Stokes ( 1819-1903) also supported a dragged ether effect but he thought it would be motionless and therefore undetectable at the Earth’s surface.
“James Clerk Maxwell also embraced the cosmic ether, stating “It is inconceivable that a wave motion should propagate in empty space.” He viewed ether as a necessary cosmic medium with dielectric properties, and considered his magnetic and electric “lines of force” as rotating tubes of ether within an otherwise stationary ether. …most scientific discussion about a possible Galilean-Keplerian-Descartes ether-in-motion, streaming or vortexing within the cosmos, had ended.” (p. 39)
In the mid to late 1800’s great advances were made with more refined machinery to test the behavior of light waves but the idea of ether as a wind had dropped out of conversation and it was viewed as a static or stagnant layer of energy around the Earth. The speed of light was measured in 1848 by Hippolyte Fizeau (1819-1896) similarly to how Galileo measured it 200 years earlier but with better machines. In 1850, Leon Foucault (1819-1868) got an even more accurate measurement for the speed of light (“299,796 km/sec, about 0.001% off from the modern determination”). (p. 41)
Michelson of the Morley and Michelson 1887 study, developed an even more precise method and also showed variability in the speed of light - THE SPEED OF LIGHT IS NOT A CONSTANT. Depending on the motion of flow that light is moving through it can be made faster - going with the flow, slower, going across the flow, or even slower when it has to go directly against the flow. Why would light waves be slowed down by moving matter when it isn’t apparently slowed down by shining through a glass with a vacuum?
In 1853, Foucault added further proof that the speed of light is variable. Fizeau’s 1848 and 1851 experiments and Foucault’s 1853 ether-drag experiments are shown as graphics on page 43 - the device or path of the light flow and how it was measured.
Through this time ether was thought to be motionless but able to be collected and exert a drag effect on astral bodies - the author asks: “How could planetary and stellar matter move through and drag such an ether without consequences to their own forward momentum, over billions of years?” (p. 42)
That is the end of Chapter One. (pp 25-43)
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science Paperback – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo, (
Aside/ That is kind of my problem with the idea that the Sun causes the Earth’s magnetosphere to weaken on a roughly 12,000-year cycle. Why would its “solar wind” have such great impact periodically but not all the time? *referring to this post: Pole - shift, mainstream theory is about the solar flares and EMP.* And What is the meaning of "debunked"? In these times? ( The solar wind does have a daily effect on our magnetosphere - and has for billions of years. It doesn’t seem like enough of an answer to me.
This pdf is free:
And for something totally different - Christmas lectures from 1902, a 1923 4th Edition. Waves and Ripples in Water, Air, and Aether, being the 76th course of Christmas lectures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, by J. A. Fleming, MA, DSc., FRS.
A few screen shots are in this post: Free ebooks - Live Pain Free Cookbook & Waves and Ripples (
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Iran accusing Israel of stealing clouds - possibly more sources here though I think you have it covered.
And an update on weather wars in the Middle East!! I will be looking at this, see if your mountaintop issue is addressed:-)
I have been quite interested in Wilhelms theories for many years. Orgonite is one aspect I would like to experiment with. Would love to get a copy of James book too! Cool that you met him! There is a channel on you tube you may enjoy-Library of The Untold. A few of his recent episodes talk about the aether. Apparently there are some aetheric clouds at two of the Lagrange points that are sentient! Kordelewski clouds if I recall.
Trippy, man, trippy. 🤪
Thanks for the links Jennifer! 🙏