Love, music, and a list of the Heart Revolution series of posts.
And a link about the alleged people of the alleged planet Niburi - Sumarian records discuss the Annunaki and considered them Gods but they are mortal, just tall and more technologically advanced.
Musical interlude: Through Love مولانا RUMI (Music by Armand Amar) - YouTube
Comment by Subhan: "Even after all this time, the sun has never said to earth, "You owe me". Look what happens with a love like that, It lights up the sky." ~Rumi~
Comment by Mohammed Alblooshi: “As I listen to these tunes, I ask my soul to dance with the eternal wind. I ask my heart to open and rage a river of love. I ask my mind to be as still as that unbothered mountain which soars beyond the clouds above…
I then ask my self to find a gentle universe that lies within the uncharted parts of my undying, ever loving and unbreakable spirit.
I journey there alone, yet not. For I have you in every breath I take, in every poem I make, in every dream and in every wake. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for lighting that unwavering fire in my sake.”
Beautiful. The music is very beautiful and a little wistful - love can hurt, love can heal. Life is more beautiful with love.
What is love? Love is being there when needed. Love is knowing the other will be there when needed, if only in spirit.
“What would Jesus do?” became a bumper sticker phrase and it helped me in some moments of need - by showing me that I could pause and ask myself what would my friend who knows about this topic do? — I am not alone here, I have my friend’s wisdom to think about - or to call - phone a friend if possible. In panic it is easy to not think of the obvious - like leaving, or calling for help. It helped me calm and center enough to see that I wasn’t alone and could call for help.
When I am stressed I get more anxious and ADHD scattered - less decision-making ability - to an incapacitating degree at times. I have had to learn that trust is a difficult thing when you can’t trust yourself to have the same skill set in all situations - and the skill set may deteriorate the most when most needed. Stressful situation - less prefrontal cortex function. I can’t trust being around people who won’t be understanding of my occasional disability to regulate my emotions well or make good decisions. Being frozen and doing nothing is not a good solution either.
I have had training as a lifeguard and Water Safety Instructor, and other health care training, so in an emergency for others I can remain cool and go into lifeguard mode. Emotionally charged personal situations though - are an Achilles heel that I need to be aware of as one of my own limitations.
Love of the Oneness is greater than all, and contains all - good and bad. It is up to us to try to stick more to the good - teamwork and stewardship of nature rather than destructive overuse. I can calm and center and know that I am not alone, even if there isn’t someone to call on the phone.

Gebo, a Rune symbol, reminds us to keep our individuality: remember that true partnership occurs when two being form a team, each one retaining their own singularity.
Codependence becomes too enmeshed with each other - each may be feeling the victim to the other’s needs and wants.
But each may also be receiving fulfillment of some of their needs and wants. Without self-love it is hard to love with that singularity of self being maintained. As energy beings - strengthening our own energy field and sense of self - is a need too, rather than completely following another’s lead. What if their guidance is not fulfilling your needs, or making you worse? Awareness of self is a first step in life and we don’t all make it fully out of that toddler mindset of being the center of everything.
Toddlers can be demanding, destructive, sure of themselves, stubborn, and adorable. The Terrible Twos is a well-named phase of life. Kids need to learn they are autonomous and can make decisions. The smart parent learns to offer safe choices. “Would you like to wear the green shirt today or the blue shirt?” The toddler/preschooler gets to make a decision and choose. Saying “Put on your shirt,” is only offering a choice of obeying or not putting on a shirt.
If an entire industry is in a toddler phase of growth and development - it too might be dangerous and destructive in its self-centered, sure-of-itself, pursuit of its own goals.
*As a child trauma survivor with toddler age issues - I have had to grow up a little during my trauma recovery work. Children can become emotionally stunted to the age of a trauma experience.
The Heart Revolution series:
‘The heart is a vortex not a pump - Frank Chester video link / many links The Heart Revolution event, plus a Substack by Katherine Boyle and a related movie (includes some spoilers - Violet).’ Jan 17, 2023, (
‘The Heart is an aether gathering chamber (my thought); and More from The Heart Revolution videos.’ Jan 18, 2023, (
‘Better zinc levels associated with fewer migraines. More bitter taste sensitivity linked to less CoV - and what are bitter taste receptors doing in the heart?’ Jan 18, 2023, (
‘The Heart Revolution, con't - Mike Adams wins magnesium award.’ Jan 18, 2023, (
‘Cannabinoids and aether/nerve flow; heart failure and TRP channels; exercise and nutrients that may increase aether flow and awareness of our body.’ Jan 19, 2023, (
‘New beginnings for heart health education.’ ( (Jan 30, 2023)
*I stopped adding more Heart Revolution interviews because the site kicked me out after 2-3 days, not 7. It has other glitches or unfinished pages too - seems older now, a few years or more, and not completed as initially planned. However, it is revolutionary information. I was interested in more of the videos and may pay for the service, and try to contact the organizers about site maintenance needs.
Niacin and propaganda tactics on the way next, via posts by Ehden about his chats with the ChatGpt.
Poleshift: Info page about the alleged comet like planet and its people - not people who live forever and are energy beings - 8 feet tall strong giants though - look like Easter Island Heads in a Greek/Roman toga - aka a Nibiru planet normal style of dress - comfortable and macho. Crass thought - it takes balls, to let them be free ;-) However, their planet has no large animals let alone carnivores who want to eat you so they may appreciate comfort too much. They made human slaves deal with the carnivores while here, allegedly. (zetatalk) Science fiction? I don’t know. Current reality is seeming fictious, or like a horror novel?
Musical follow-up - [Try Listening for 20 Mins], Alpha Waves Heal Body Damage, DNA Repair, Relieve Stress, (Youtube)
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.