Mike Adams, ‘The Health Ranger’; “Sludge Blood: What you don’t know about your blood. The importance of holistic perspective on illness. Dawn of a new paradigm in medicine.” Mike Adams, https://explore.theheartrevolution.org/speakers/the-health-ranger/
Irony - the former software tech exec who was overweight and unhealthy, so changed - is the first video interview who mentioned magnesium - it was in passing but strong endorsement - that anyone providing functional wellness care would have magnesium included in their plan. Hopefully - still worth mentioning.
A magnesium sparkler award for Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. He is currently working on a film about censored information including the use of biosludge as fertilizer. It may lead to an increased amount of random chemicals in commercial produce.
“What is the price of cheap food?” - Mike Adams, idea for a bumper sticker.
Answer - it may be millions $$$ for cancer treatment.
Take care of your cytoplasm with adequate magnesium, potassium, and sodium and calcium in balance, so everything else can take care of you.
To recap my stream of conscious style:
Structured water is a gel phase of water that is quantumly active and faster, more powerful, than standard views of chemistry. The gel phase of water is thicker than liquid and tunnels can be formed through it. Somewhat like Jello TM dessert, but probably with more fats and protein like a creamier custard or pudding. The gel phase has also been called the Exclusion Zone - things are excluded from structured water and it may be able to be used to purify sea water. In the blood vessels it helps blood flow through tiny capillaries because quantum tunneling of the protons -H+ at the interior, and a denser area of negatively charged -OH-, at the outer edge of the Exclusion Zone. In quantum biology this is called proton tunneling or quantum tunneling.
If you are living on junk food - do not expect acupuncture to fix your life. - a recap of one of Mike Adams stories. *I’m listening to the video too - my stream of conscious style gets help from my other habits.
foodforensics.com - first chapter of a book by Mike Adams with free download - 405 error for me. There are links for ordering the book.
censoredscience.com is the new project site/or will be. - No, it won’t - that already is a nice-looking alt news site: https://censoredscience.com/
Thinking out loud - I consider my blogging my notebook, my notes. Some of my posts are very early stage thoughts, others are information gathered over the last decade and or based on my fifteen years’ experience as a prenatal and early childhood nutritionist.
Magnesium matters! That was a headline in one of my educational public health newsletters long before Black Lives Matter seemed to put a trademark on the word.
Any doctor that doesn’t mention magnesium when talking about hypertension, needs to consult with a former software executive - or read a free ebook Magnesium and the Central Nervous System for a crash course. (Vink and Nechifor, University of Adelaide Press, 2011)
When I search Magnesium and the cardiovascular system - results are fairly bleak for current research. With a little extra searching among “Similar Articles” I found this: Magnesium and Hypertension: Decoding Novel Anti-hypertensives. (Patni, et al., 2022)
Magnesium deficiency is a cause of hypertension - YET the medical mainstream world doesn’t get it and ‘clinical trials have had mixed results’. (Tangvoraphonkchai, Davenport, 2018) They overdose people with a GI that can’t absorb ionic magnesium well. Use chelated supplements or topical Epsom salts anytime there might be bowel malabsorption = anytime there is stress/infection/inflammation.
SERIOUSLY - there seems to be a long-lasting conspiracy to not fund and/or suppress research about magnesium and heart disease or other conditions. Instead, many prescriptions are used for symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Congestive Heart Failure involves overactive TRP channels - too much fluid or calcium is crossing membranes and the water is no longer flowing out of capillary beds well.

TRP activation causes “A sudden influx of calcium into the interior of the cell. The TRP channels’ job is to keep excess calcium from entering, but magnesium is needed for the job.” - Me, 2016.
I didn’t like Irritable Bowel Syndrome so I had to figure out what my favorite spices, cold feet, and my inversion board all had in common besides sudden bowel discomfort - the answer was TRP channels. It was sad to cut out curry, but health is worth it. As the body heals and stress is managed better or reduced - the oversensitivity to TRP activators lessons somewhat but it doesn’t go all the way back to pre-IBS life again. Child trauma can be a cause, and then the IBS sensitivity is also for life - but again, may improve somewhat with improved health.
And what do osmomechanical stress, changes of temperature, chili powder, curry powder, ginger, Benicar, hormone D, steroids, and cannabinoids have in common? (substack.com)
“Analysis of functional, clinical and biochemical data was used to confirm an end-stage heart failure diagnosis. Compared to myocardium samples from healthy donor hearts (n = 5), we detected a distinct increase in the expression of TRPC1, TRPC5, TRPM4 and TRPM7, and decreased expression of TRPC4 and TRPV2.” (Dragún, et al., 2019)
TRP details: (Table 1, Kumar, Goswami, Goswami, 2013)
Arachidonic Acid (AA) metabolite activated:
Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (AA-derivative) activates TRPC5 & TRPC6 - “Increases intracellular Ca+2 and also helps in translocation of channels to membrane in endothelial cell” ← increasing TRP channel expression and activity in endothelial - blood vessel wall tissue - increasing calcium entry into cells adds to hyperinflammation.
Growth Factor activated:
EGF growth factor activates TRPC5 - “Effects rapid translocation, insertion of channels in the plasma membrane and causes Ca2+-influx” ← increasing TRP channel expression and activity - increasing calcium entry into cells adds to hyperinflammation.
Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) activates TRPM7 - “Induces differentiation of fibroblasts cells and increases the expression of TRPM7” ← increasing TRP channel expression and likelihood of fibrotic build-up.
Immuno-secretory compounds activated:
IL2 activates TRPM4 - “Prevents in T-lymphocytes and induces Ca+2-influx and IL-2 production during T-cells activation” ← would increase calcium influx and more cytokine production escalating inflammation more.
(1) (PDF) Importance of TRP channels in pain: Implications for stress. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234019431_Importance_of_TRP_channels_in_pain_Implications_for_stress [accessed Jan 18 2023].
TRPC1 channels weren’t mentioned in that Table - Inhibition of TRPC1 prevents cardiac hypertrophy via NF-κB signaling pathway in human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (Tang, et al., 2019)
It appears that hyperinflammatory signaling is causing increased expression of inflammatory TRP channels and decreasing helpful ones. The solution would be to reduce inflammatory stressors and increase Nrf2 promoters and probably magnesium and zinc, moderate calcium assess 1,25-D in case it is elevated instead of low (25-D is likely low). Selenium is generally low in heart disease too.
Stream of consciousness is my flow state - I share it with you. Skip those posts if you prefer.
The Heart Revolution series:
‘The heart is a vortex not a pump - Frank Chester video link / many links The Heart Revolution event, plus a Substack by Katherine Boyle and a related movie (includes some spoilers - Violet).’ Jan 17, 2023, (substack.com)
‘The Heart is an aether gathering chamber (my thought); and More from The Heart Revolution videos.’ Jan 18, 2023, (substack.com)
‘Better zinc levels associated with fewer migraines. More bitter taste sensitivity linked to less CoV - and what are bitter taste receptors doing in the heart?’ Jan 18, 2023, (substack.com)
‘The Heart Revolution, con't - Mike Adams wins magnesium award.’ Jan 18, 2023, (substack.com)
‘Cannabinoids and aether/nerve flow; heart failure and TRP channels; exercise and nutrients that may increase aether flow and awareness of our body.’ Jan 19, 2023, (substack.com)
‘New beginnings for heart health education.’ (substack.com) (Jan 30, 2023)
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Reference List
(Dragún, et al., 2019) Dragún M, Gažová A, Kyselovič J, Hulman M, Máťuš M. TRP Channels Expression Profile in Human End-Stage Heart Failure. Medicina (Kaunas). 2019 Jul 16;55(7):380. doi: 10.3390/medicina55070380. PMID: 31315301; PMCID: PMC6681334. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6681334/
(Kumar, Goswami, Goswami, 2013) Kumar, A., & Goswami, L., & Goswami, C., 2013. ‘Importance of TRP channels in pain: Implications for stress’. Frontiers in bioscience (Scholar edition). S5. 19-38. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234019431_Importance_of_TRP_channels_in_pain_Implications_for_stress (Accessed: 18 Jan 2023)
(Patni, et al., 2022) Patni N, Fatima M, Lamis A, Siddiqui SW, Ashok T, Muhammad A. Magnesium and Hypertension: Decoding Novel Anti-hypertensives. Cureus. 2022 Jun 10;14(6):e25839. doi: 10.7759/cureus.25839. PMID: 35836446; PMCID: PMC9273175. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35836446/
(Tang, et al., 2019) Tang L, Yao F, Wang H, Wang X, Shen J, Dai B, Wu H, Zhou D, Guo F, Wang J, Li T, Wang H, Gong T, Su J, Wang L, Liang P. Inhibition of TRPC1 prevents cardiac hypertrophy via NF-κB signaling pathway in human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2019 Jan;126:143-154. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2018.10.020. Epub 2018 Nov 10. PMID: 30423318. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30423318/
(Tangvoraphonkchai, Davenport, 2018) Tangvoraphonkchai K, Davenport, A. Magnesium and Cardiovascular Disease. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2018 May;25(3):251-260. doi: 10.1053/j.ackd.2018.02.010. PMID: 29793664. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29793664/
Your posts have been more in-depth and valuable than all the others I’ve come across combined. They don’t give me anxiety. Have had your transcending square site bookmarked for a couple years now. Interesting about magnesium after cancer is established via the link.
Thank you for your continued shared research & graceful way of presenting!
So theracumin overestimates that Trp channel? I take it for blood thinning properties alternating with fish oil as ( FVL hetero)and for Covid anti inflammatory / prevention ..no side effects but wouldn't want to potentially start something because of taking that.. makes me want to scrap all these supplements :) when read things like this!