New beginnings for heart health education
*I was busy cleaning house today, so I will share an initial section of the heart protocol which is not really a protocol yet. Introduction and some summary points.
Much of what was thought to be true about heart function has been found to be very different in reality with closer inspection and a change of view.
The Heart Revolution series:
‘The heart is a vortex not a pump - Frank Chester video link / many links The Heart Revolution event, plus a Substack by Katherine Boyle and a related movie (includes some spoilers - Violet).’ Jan 17, 2023, (
‘The Heart is an aether gathering chamber (my thought); and More from The Heart Revolution videos.’ Jan 18, 2023, (
‘Better zinc levels associated with fewer migraines. More bitter taste sensitivity linked to less CoV - and what are bitter taste receptors doing in the heart?’ Jan 18, 2023, (
‘The Heart Revolution, con't - Mike Adams wins magnesium award.’ Jan 18, 2023, (
‘Cannabinoids and aether/nerve flow; heart failure and TRP channels; exercise and nutrients that may increase aether flow and awareness of our body.’ Jan 19, 2023, (
New beginnings – a new way to consider heart function and its role in our health:
Energy flow, plasma flow, and functioning gel like extracellular and intracellular fluid are all critical to cardiovascular health. The heart is a device to provide control and direction to the energy flow and blood cells within the body – modulating blood flow and its route after leaving the heart rather than ‘pumping’ it. Quantum physics is involved when it is ‘healthy’ rather than in ‘failure’ – making the largest goal to restore our quantum health.
Quantum health requires healthy cytoplasm which requires trace minerals and good quality food and water, avoiding EMF, getting good blackout curtain dark sleep, exercise that includes full range movement and some more vigorous, get moving activity, even if brief, helps move the fluid and energy throughout the body.
We have several vessel systems in the body – the arteries, veins, and capillaries of the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the body and glymphatic system in the brain, and the Primo Vascular system that predates both in embryological development. Stem cells are made within nodes of the Primo Vascular system which are located along the Prime Meridian map of the acupuncture/acupressure system. (Vodyanoy, et al., 2015) The main energy vortexes of the body match the Chakra locations.
Chi is a term used to describe the ‘energy of life’ and other words have been used. Aether energy is the word I have decided to use. Wilhelm Reich measured an energy flow in the body that was not electric or magnetic exactly and named it orgone. He then measured it in other ways, in the environment. It is attracted to water and flows like water and is attracted to magnetic metals and organic substances like cotton, wool, or humans.
For health, we need water flow – so ADEQUATE HYDRATION – means drink water and water rich things that aren’t also diuretics. “Structured water” is in a gel phase with an overall quantum flow of the protons -H+ in the center and a thicker area with a negative charge from all the -OH- parts of the water molecule. Structured water has an antioxidant effect, and it has a chemical equation of H3O2 – it could accept another electron and become two water molecules. It is also called ‘heavy water’, ‘living water’ and is similar to hexagonal ice layers. Eight water molecules group together into a hexagonal shape – snowflake shaped, not coincidentally. (
Structured water can be created with a vortex machine – our heart happens to be a vortex machine – more on that later. Eating fresh produce that hasn’t been microwaved or overcooked can provide us structured water. It is better absorbed and more functional for our own health.
Aether flow is in all of life and found throughout our environment and space.

The different areas of the body actually emit light in different ranges of colors - probably not as intense as in the picture though.
Kirlian photography has been able to capture images of our energy field which extends out around us in a larger egg shaped energy cloud. Touch is soothing or can be because it can share the healing energy. Petting a cat can sooth the cat and the human.
The acupressure/acupuncture Prime Meridian pathways were found to match vessels and nodes of the Primo Vascular system, found in the 1960’s by a North Korean scientist, Bong Han Kim, whose work was suppressed. The nodes are involved in stem cell creation. (Vodyanoy, et al., 2015) Acupressure and acupuncture may be helping health by stimulating production of stem cells that can correct illness or dysfunction.
Homeopathic remedies that are properly made also likely affect the Primo Vascular network in a way that affects stem cell production. The diluting and shaking production method has been found to create nanoparticles of the original source material whether an herb, metal, or glass (silicon) bottle. Nanoparticles are made by diluting and shaking/stirring many times.

Our cardiovascular system includes energy & blood flow.
This is both “new” information to Western science and “ancient” well-proven information to Eastern health philosophies, whether Chinese, Indian, or other cultures. To restore or maintain health – diet needs are critical and so is a ‘diet’ of healing energy and avoidance of EMF and disruptive frequencies of music or loud noise. Inflammation can be caused by repetitive noise like a broken fan, railroad or street noise, or certain types of music. Other frequencies and music can be healing. We need to be more aware of what seems to relax our body overall, versus initially being stimulating and later draining. Rock music can be stimulating and then draining. The broken fan or strong EMF can cause physical symptoms in more susceptible people – those with more active TRP channels and/or a lack of protective magnesium.
Our membranes are our major sensory organ - via TRP channels that perceive stimuli within very fine ranges or wider ranges and groups of chemical triggers.
Our membranes throughout the body have been likened to our ‘real’ brain – our mechanism for sensing the world around us and responding to it. TRP channels and other calcium channels are our ancient method for “seeing”, “tasting”, “feeling” the world that we are floating in. We are marine creatures that adapted to living on the land. Pain has been called a “channelopathy” condition – due to aberrant function of our ion channels. Inflammation leads to an increased expression of ion channels of certain types and a reduction in other types. To restore health requires both reducing inflammation and coping with the overactive TRP channels in the meantime. Once health has been restored for a while, a half year or longer, the increased presence of TRP channels may lesson again but the overactivity may remain somewhat more than prior to the health or stress problem that had preceded it.
Trauma can lead to membrane breakdown and more active TRP channels can be expressed that may continue through life.
Trauma history in childhood can leave people with more active TRP channels for life. Spicy foods tend to be TRP activators leading to worse bowel symptoms during stress. Membrane breakdown leads to increased release of endocannabinoids which initially have anti-inflammatory roles but excess leads to metabolites that are inflammatory and activate TRP channels that lead to more expression of them, and more overall activity. What would that feel like? Edema and swelling, puffiness and pain. In bowel health diarrhea may be a sudden result.
Changed diet and lifestyle can reduce the overactive TRP channels, reduce the excess calcium causing heart disease and other degenerative changes to membranes and other organs, and if maintained long enough in a less inflammed state - the overative TRP channel expression may lesson and the extreme sensitivity or pain may be reduced.
Reducing the inflammation requires removing inflammatory triggers from the diet and lifestyle. That might include the spicy food, loud music, EMF sources, late night lighting, and emotional stress loads from work, family, or current life in general.
“What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger…” but it is no fun while surviving and figuring it out. A helpful stress coping skill is to consider whether this is something you can affect or not really. If you can change your diet, but not current life in general – then focus on your diet and stick the other worries in a Worry Jar to think about for 15 minutes once a week – there done, you dealt with that worry – recorded and filed. Let it go for now.
The Modern Diet is not full of “healthy” - even though it has a lot of “easy”.
Changing your diet, sadly, is more difficult than it sounds because the food supply itself is too full of toxins from agriculture and from ingredients that have been approved as GRAS – Generally Regarded as Safe – but they really aren’t safe. Just because they were grandfathered in with no modern testing doesn’t mean they haven’t been unsafe all along.
Bromide and fluoride and excess chloride may all be major health negatives in the diet, water, or medications. Low iodine and low selenium are common problems in heart disease and the halides compete with iodine making subclinical hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid conditions common.
Glyphosate and many pesticides are health negatives. Glyphosate interferes with magnesium and other trace minerals as it is a mineral chelator and it acts as an antibiotic and harms our microbiome and mitochondria.
Even organically grown food has pesticide and herbicide residue, but less than the commercially grown food samples. Most of us are not spiritually advanced enough to live on sunshine yet, so we have to eat something. Home cooked is a good start and avoid the microwave. Processed food, even if “organic” “health” “food”, is still processed and studies are suggesting that going vegan or vegetarian but just using the meat substitutes is not healthier than eating meat.
I eat beans, tofu, nuts, seeds, Nutritional yeast flakes, and amaranth as protein sources. I had to go meat free for autoimmune reasons and it cut out vitamin A too which likely helped too.
Genetic Screening can identify specific nutrient needs.
I have had some early heart health symptoms for a while - vascular breakdown is a problem for me and my genetic differences put me in a high risk category. I had the symptoms of elevated homocysteinemia in childhood too. Methyl B vitamins and other supplements have helped me to mitigate for some of my genetic weaknesses.
Cytoplasm - glycoproteins and glycolipids - Structured Water; also electrolytes and polyphenols that stabilize the electrical field and help proteins fold correctly.
BIG NEWS – we cannot have heart health or quantum health without having mitochondrial health which requires cytoplasm health. The cytoplasm is our transportable ocean – as marine creatures we need our internal ocean water to have the right balance of electrolytes and proteins and complex carbohydrate structures.
The surface of cell membranes looks like a miniature forest with many bushy branching molecules of carbohydrates combined with proteins or fats – glycoproteins and glycolipids. The complex branching is made possible by the varied shapes of monosaccharides – single molecules of sugars. These include “sugar” a disaccharide of glucose and fructose, and galactose – milk sugar, and others that may not have a six-carbon ring and can join together in different shapes due to having 5 or 7 or some other number of carbons. Increasing “fiber” in the diet can help increase the variety of these special sugars that we need for cell surface communication. The shape of the bushy surface proteins tells other cells information about the health of the cell and its function.
With an inadequate diet – the bushy shapes will be saying the wrong information. They also are supposed to have an electrical charge so the walls of blood vessels or the intestines will gently repel each other and keep the vessel open for good flow. We have to make these negatively charged surface proteins. You can not take a supplement of them – sorry. No easy fix there. Eat more mushrooms, seaweed, crushed shells or insects (small amount for trace nutrients are a long-term part of the traditional human diets, not a ‘cricket burger’ as the chitin may be a negative in excess), and more fresh produce that is rich in starches and fiber. Healthy species of gut bacteria need us to eat healthy food or they simply can’t survive. Processed modern diets support unhealthy species. Taking a “probiotic” supplement while eating a processed food diet low in zinc will still only be supporting the unhealthy species rather than providing the food that the probiotic species would need to survive.
For heart health, brain health, lung health and gut health, we need a healthy microbiome. It supports a good mood and functional health, while the dysbiosis of the junk food eating species can cause a bad mood and ill health within the colon which can affect the brain and body by increasing inflammatory signaling.
For heart health – the New-Age/tree hugger tips are not wrong, it turns out.
STEP ONE: embrace and love your symbiotic nature. Our gut microbes protect us from colon cancer – or can add to the causes. Our diet is directly related to which direction that goes.
STEP TWO: Embrace yourself and love life. Emotional stress is inflammatory. Working on mindfulness skills of some sort can help it become a habit, a reflex to breathe more deeply when troubled, instead of the instinctual tendency to hold our breath when stressed. The more we can have a grateful and loving attitude, the less inflammatory signaling is caused by our own thoughts. The workaholic “Type A” personality was associated with heart disease a few decades ago. We do need to take time to relax, pause and enjoy life, and enjoy others. Social acceptance within some group is health supporting while unwanted isolation tends to lead to illness and negative mental symptoms.
STEP THREE: Diet really does matter for heart health and mitochondrial health. A diet that is excessive in total fat or total saturated fat, or total carbohydrates in ratio to protein, is likely to increase mitochondrial dysfunction. A diet that is excessive in calories – causing weight gain – also is increasing inflammation and leads to insulin resistance as the fat cells get overloaded and can’t handle anymore. Be a team player with your body, instead of treating it as delicious food trash bin. A very important lesson my mother taught me, that she seems to have missed, is that food is fuel. It is nice if it tastes good, but that is not the point of eating. We eat to provide our body all that it needs to function. The car needs gasoline, and radiator fluid, and transmission fluid and windshield wiper fluid, and the tires to be inflated – all are needed, not just gas, not just calories.
This seems complicated because it is complicated – and that is okay. We are not amoebas, but our internal ocean needs to be able to support amoebas, or it won’t be able to support us well either.
DHA - our oldest molecule (evolutionary wise), is also a quantumly active molecule.
Nature repeats itself across the lifespan. The omega 3 fatty acid DHA may be the oldest, unchanged molecule across all of life, rather than DNA.
We cannot be quantum organisms if we are lacking DHA as it is a quantum molecule – very complex in its role in our function – and anti-inflammatory.
Health Habits
Eat fresh produce, fruit is great, but veggies are better. Too much fructose is a negative for our liver.
Ditch the microwave – wean yourself off irradiating your food. Saucepan, insta-pot or rice-cooker, double boiler, toaster oven, cold salads.
Drink more water, purified if possible, or structured water would be ideal.
Make pudding with tapioca, arrowroot starch, garbanzo bean flour, and fruit, herbal tea, juice, coconut milk, and flavorings like cardamom and vanilla or licorice root powder. It is structured water and liposomal delivery of phytonutrients (creamy = liposomes).
Zinc and other trace minerals are critical for stabilizing the electrical fields within our cytoplasm and other body fluids.
Topical or chelated magnesium; gut malabsorption of ionic forms may be a problem.
Iodine and selenium – critical for mitochondria and energy metabolism.
Manganese, molybdenum, boron, strontium, etcetera – a good mixed trace mineral supplement.
Methyl B complex, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid.
Omega 3 fatty acids adequacy in ratio to polyunsaturated vegetable and seed oils. Olive oil is anti-inflammatory and higher in healthier mono-unsaturated fats. Limit saturated fats to less than ten percent of total calories as more causes mitochondrial dysfunction that would add risk of DNA damage remaining unrepaired - leading to Nrf2 promoters
Nrf2 promoters inhibit inflammatory NF-kB and promote glutathione and other antioxidant production, immune function and DNA damage repair.
Cholesterol sulfate is a protective signaling chemical. Health requires cholesterol and we will make our own if we need to (vegans need to eat some coconut products to be able to do so). Statins are not a heart smart choice.
To Be Continued.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Reference List
‘Structured Water’,, *This is a product company with a nice info page and site, suggesting they may have a good product, well-researched, that is pricy. I am unaffiliated and have no idea if it is a good product or a fair price.
(Vodyanoy, et al., 2015) Vodyanoy V, Pustovyy O, Globa L, Sorokulova I. Primo-Vascular System as Presented by Bong Han Kim. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:361974. doi: 10.1155/2015/361974. Epub 2015 Aug 25. PMID: 26379743; PMCID: PMC4562093.
Wow, important piece, learned a lot
I just cannot sit in that lotus posture.
I am impressed by the range of your knowledge. Especially for an American! :)
"Aether flow is in all of life and found throughout our environment and space."
"Aether" is the foundation of physical creation. it fills all current created space. From it, matter was and is formed.
Re Health Habits
The body is the ultimate feedback provider of what is suitable for it. Some bodies need meat; and some don't need meat. Take diary as a classic example.
Yes, ditch the microwave. Personally I never let the microwave near my food.
Cook the food only ONCE! DON'T reheat or re-cook any food! I don't understand the habit of reheating food. Cold food is fine. People should try this simple experiment for themselves: take half of what you want to reheat and then compare the pair!
NEVER re-heat any refridgerated food!
Avoid combinations of food. Eat only carb group in one sitting - example, if you eat bread, don't eat fries or rice with it! Likewise with fruits and vegetables. Once type per meal. Therefore, salads are no-no!
When combined two carb groups I felt bloated.
What I eat: rice OR bread, one type of vege, fish or chicken. Try the ONE principle and see feel the difference.
And of course, portion size matters.
Looking at how the Japs eat, generally they apply the ONE principle - rice, miso, fish, vege.
The same with most SE Asians: they eat only rich with side dishes.
Considering that we don't have access to pure water, "structured water would be ideal". Alas, we don't live in an ideal world.
I would ditch #4 totally.
Avoid desserts other than fruits. I was surprised at seeing the western protocol of having the meal and dessert in one sitting.
I think that list is over long, over complicated, expensive and unnecessary. We should be able to get all we need from what we need, drink and exposure to fresh air and sunshine. Look at the habits of healthy people current and present, and most of whom did not touch anything other than food, drink and sunshine.
Remember that we are meant to maintain the body via natural means - not any processed stuff. Thus, any deviation from that basal principle is not healthy in the long-term. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule with us humans. Note that the Breatharians don't even eat nor drink and they are in rude health!