Pole - shift, mainstream theory is about the solar flares and EMP.* And What is the meaning of "debunked"? In these times?
*I don't support it. They don't know about aether.
A series of short videos is available by Suspicious Observers, the first: THE NEXT DISASTER | Part 1 - Ice, Fire, Magnetism, (Youtube).
Heinrich events and magnetic excursions have occurred at a somewhat cyclical pace based on geological measurements. Roughly every 12,000 years there has been magnetic event measured in Earth’s crust based on chemical analysis. And time’s up again.

The Suspicious Observers channel has many short videos and I listened to a couple hours of them. The speaker is extremely confident sounding about the predictions of what to expect - based on the idea that the solar flares and change in solar energy effects the Earth’s stability and will be more of a risk as our magnetosphere weakens. Why the Earth’s magnetosphere weakens is not explained well and seems to involve the interaction with solar energy - the Sun gives the Earth magnetism? I am not sure what I heard except I really can’t agree with that thought. The Earth has a molten metal core that is magnetic. The Earth is magnetic because the Earth is a magnet - that is the easy part. Why the magnetosphere is weakening in spots is the question to ask.
This layreader article explains - the Earth’s core is magnetic but the solar wind presses on it more from the ~ south pole direction. Earth’s Magnetosphere - Protecting our planet from harmful space energy. climate.nasa.gov *Nothing inflammatory or cataclysmic in that article, pole reversals happen, but is not expected currently. It is just an explainer as to the magnetic core and magnetosphere that extends outward, flowing in a figure-eight like donut of energy that crisscrosses through the center axis of the planet at the North and South magnetic poles.
“…continuous loop, flowing into Earth at the north magnetic pole [positive charge] and out at the south magnetic pole [negative charge]. The solar wind compresses the field’s shape on Earth’s Sun-facing side, and stretches it into a long tail on the night-facing side.” Earth’s Magnetosphere - Protecting our planet from harmful space energy. climate.nasa.gov
So the donut of energy surrounding Earth is more like an egg shaped donut - with the pointy tip pointing towards night and the flattened end pointing towards day - which means the magnetosphere is regularly flexing its position along with the rotation on its axis.
Dance break.
As a dancer who likes to spin, my sense was, it is just time to unspin then. Spinning only one direction all the time feels wrong, Spin one direction, reverse and spin the other way for a while, repeat as energy and interest lasts (I’m not a planet though). The heart vortex is a reversal and repeat pattern and when mixing a baked batter or pudding I noticed I stir with reversals too. If you always stir in one direction it is just spinning it into a vortex, all staying on track with centrifugal force. A single whirlpool isn’ t ‘mixing’ - sloshing the fluid back and forth and thoroughly mixing the contents.
However, the wandering planet X theory turns this from a question of why would the Earth just lose its magnetosphere on a 12,000 year somewhat cycle? all on its own or with changes from the Sun? — to a clearly obvious problem of a magnetic pinball game in the sky in which Earth is the weaker player - Planet X is allegely four times larger but 23 times denser - a stronger magnet, but not as strong as the Sun in our magnetic pinball game in the sky.
What is the meaning of “debunked”? In these times?
As the debunking sites have shown themselves to not be “safe and effective” the meaning of “debunked” currently seems to be “largely true” and “Please don’t look into this further” and “Thank you for cooperating with this disinformation! Would you like a sticker?”. I largely take “debunked” in these times, to be like the Twitter Stamp of Authenticity - censored or banned by old Twitter = largely true. The Fact Checking sites are all similar in being Stamps of Authenticity, in my opinion.
I gave up on Snopes almost a decade ago - they “debunked” the odd string of sudden deaths among the small community of Vitamin D Binding protein researchers (GcMAF) as a “mathematical coincidence” and since in math coincidence happens, therefore this is one and is “debunked”. I am sorry, that is not fact checking. Where were the background checks showing long illness, or suicidal depression, or high crime district? None of that, just “in math, coincidence happens, therefore this is a mathematical coincidence.” as if a big word makes it true. I am sorry Snopes, nope, that is not fact checking.
Other things that have been “debunked” lately - natural immunity is not a thing, vitamin C or garlic for immune support is not a thing, horse paste is a Nobel Prize winning thing that we can’t talk about.
Also debunked: Jabs are safe and effective and will end this CoV plandemic forever!
Debunking has not been going well lately for the debunkers, in my opinion.
Related, amusing, brief: Covid and the Three Tests of Compliance, Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute.
Regarding CoV Lockdown -
“The kids had to stay home too, and moms and dads were forced to leave the workforce to care for them at home, splitting their days pretending to work on Zoom calls while their children pretended to be in school on Zoom too.” ← seems fact based.
- Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute
Regarding “debunking” of “aliens”.
The US actually admitted to lying about Area 51 and Roswell and released some information - at a point when political distraction was likely desired - and there was an enormous “meh” “we knew you were lying to us all along” and it did not work as a political distraction at that point. - However - the US admitted to lying about having had alien contact. There is a video of the alien who survived the crash - he was nicknamed Silent Bob I think. There are transcripts asking why they came here. Nikolai Tesla’s machine was mentioned as having given off a big signal (aetheric is my impression from other info) that was picked up off-planet and they came to see who had figured out how to do that on this ~backwards, low-tech~ planet. This would have been the early 1950s I think. (I write I think because I have watched and read a lot of info and finding the exact citation to double check it would be difficult and time consuming - breaks my train of thought - need to flow first as a writer - cite later).
So, news to know - in case you missed it - the US admitted to lying about alien contact and UFOs. There are UFOs that they can’t explain.
Wilhelm Reich knew more about them I think than the US scientists looking at a downed craft figured out. His aether gathering Cloud Buster was able to disrupt the flight path of UFOs that would come to observe his experiments with the device (long metal tubes, put one end in flowing water and point the other end at the sky, slowly move it as if vaccuming the sky in the direction of change that you are trying to promote. To ‘change’ weather, the contraption would need to be moved to a few nearby locations in a series, drawing aether from farther away to cluster into a rain cloud over a droughty area - aand it worked. Wilhelm Reich’s work was never proven to be wrong. He was jailed for selling health devices that the FDA hadn’t “approved” - It didn’t matter if the devices worked or not - The FDA hadn’t said “Yes, you can sell that as a “health” product.” The man whose work was banned by Kitler Germany, Stalin Russia, ended up dying in a Cold War US prison.
Sadly, I recently learned that the scientist who confirmed Reich’s Cloud Buster work and helped regreen some drought areas in Africa with it, passed away in May 2022. (No idea if jab related.)
People who want to debate or question my theories - please read the book by James DeMeo - until you have read that - we are not speaking at the same level. The current view of astrophysics is wrong and that makes everything else that is based on it wrong too, or at least not fully correct.
Aliens are among us - the US admitted that. The public went “meh” - so therefore public - accept that aliens are among us — and have been - and therefore our former beliefs need to be questioned and new interpretations are needed about our planet and its history. The unlikely-that-primitive-natives-built pyramids probably weren’t built by us, and it goes on from there. What else have we been lied to about or assumed wrong from a toddler level egocentric point of scientific view?
Comparing the timeline in my previous two posts on New Madrid Fault (soonish) and pole shift (later) - with the Suspicious Observers series is that the ‘current science’ is also saying that massive cataclysm is on the way, but their timeline is more vague - 2030-2040 - and seems focused on solar flares as the main causal issue. I can’t even begin to agree with an idea based on the Earth not being a magnet. (not sure which episode it was, I was listening and didn’t realize autoplay went through lots of the short videos seamlessly.
The core is magnetic so why is our magnetosphere weakening? Something must be going on - true.
The question of why our solar system has an ellipsoid orbit for the planets instead of a circular one is very significant. It doesn’t make sense without a third astral body pulling on them. It should be a fairly perfect circle if magnetic planets are spinning around a magnetic sun - they would all stay at a similar distance like a whirlpool vortex. That a second and dark sun is farther out, unseen, but exerting a strong enough magnetic pull to skew all the other planet’s orbits into an ellipsoid, does make sense physically - that would be an effect.
Magnets will attract or repel each other depending on how the polarities of each are lined up with the other. The astral bodies repel each other enough to maintain some distance, but also attract each other enough to stay in the cluster.
One way or the other, time will tell something. Peace be with you now and then.
My series about Wilhelm Reich, aether theory, and James DeMeo’s book is on earth-ocean.info.
The series includes How-To directions for making your own dielectric blanket - it collects aether energy from body heat and the surrounding air and has a warming effect greater than a standard blanket - and healing potentially. I got one out for my dad and now he loves it and wants it within his reach (partially paralyzed in bed with cancer, but seems stable, thanks for caring). I use one on my feet at night and have another that I put on my left shoulder and hand sometimes as it does seem healing for painful areas.
Dielectric Orgone Blankets - a How-To project and what dielectric is referring too.
Happy Birthday Albert Einstein; Gravity (March 14, 2020)
Ether theory applied - re-greening an African nation, Eritrea. *This is about a team James DeMeo worked with helping a drought-stricken area that also had a nearby war. They had to leave the area a year sooner or so, than planned.
Aether and astrophysics - background info.
WHEN you read James DeMeo’s book, you will learn that aether/orgone energy fills space and all of life and is all around us - more at high altitudes on a windy clear day, and less flow in an enclosed basement with poor ventilation. It is the “sea” that light waves travel in.
People who study Fluid dynamics know more about quantum physics than quantum physics does because waves need a substance to flow through - to press against and reverse back the other direction, then press the other direction and reverse again. Fluid dynamics and wave/particle interactions are the same for water wave action, and sound waves through air, and for quantum particles in aether. The ancient scientists were all fairly in agreement - “aether” of some sort MUST exist, because light waves exist and waves have to something to “wave” through, therefore some sort of ‘aether’ must be filling space and air.
See the book Waves and Ripples in this post: Free ebooks - Live Pain Free Cookbook & Waves and Ripples (substack.com) The book is from the early 1920s and is an annual Christmas lecture or series that was supposed to amuse and educate younger students at an undergraduate or University level. Earlier chapters present wave theory in water and air and then progresses to ‘proving’ therefore that an ether substance must exist for light waves to be able to be waves. Waves need a counterforce. It includes the science demonstrations that show parts of the findings - visually entertain the students. The directions could be followed probably if interested.
Aside: In my series on earth-ocean.info I was using the word ether and have since switched to using aether consistently to differentiate it from the knockout gas type of ether used in early medicine as an anesthetic.
Excerpt: “Long story short - there is a type of energy around everything that is not entropic - chaotic as expected of everything in nature - a tendency to decompose and become more disorganized instead of becoming more organized. The ether energy generally becomes more organized. It tends to coalesce like water molecules, and has an affinity for water. It is attracted to water, especially moving water, and that tendency was able to be used to modify the weather.”
Excerpt: “Quantum effects have been supported by modern research, and quantum computing. The equation E = MC squared is not in question due to the work [by Morley and Michelson, Wilhelm Reich, James DeMeo, and others] proving the theory that there is an ether type of energy throughout the universe.
The theory of relativity has two parts. Special Relativity involves physics in the absence of gravity and General relativity is an explanation of gravity and how it relates to other forces in nature.
The General Relativity theory would be affected because it is based on the premise that space is empty and motionless and suggests gravity is due to the attraction of large objects for other objects. The data [by Morley and Michelson] showing that there is a drag effect roughly equal to the amount of energy it takes for a rocket to leave our atmosphere suggests that space is not empty or motionless and that gravity is due in part to the motion of ether around planets and other astral objects.” Happy Birthday Albert Einstein; Gravity (March 14, 2020) . . . and that rocket scientists need to learn about aether.
#2 "Misinterpreted Results - the meaning of “null” is that the hypothesis of the study was not met - the predicted outcome did not happen as predicted. That does not* mean “zero” was the outcome. The Morley and Michelson study was expected a larger drag effect by their understanding of aether. Instead the effect they found present was much smaller: roughly, 200_(_units of force) was predicted to be present as ether and instead about 11_(_units) was the outcome. That is both a null effect, and not zero. The ~ 11 ended up being fairly close to the amount of force that is needed for a rocket to leave our atmosphere - #coincidence ;-)
Addition & *edit for an omitted word ‘not’ - critical in this case - the addition - the #2 Misinterpreted Results error was not Morley and Michelson’s. They accurately reported a null hypothesis - their hypothesis was not met. And the Wave and Ripple book from the 1920s show that ether was not considered “debunked” at that time, following 1887 and the null result. Waves and Ripples (substack.com) It wasn’t until after Einstein’s work on General Relativity theorizing that space is empty that it became more of a widespread misinterpretation of the study. Academia seems sold out to funders and the funders seem to fund red herrings while the independent researchers get no support and/or harassment.
The approximate equal to the force needed for a rocket to leave the atmosphere is not zero, or it would be easy to blast off.

This post wandered but, space is vast and interesting. I like to think about it.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Jennifer, I love how you go down the rabbit holes seeking information that is withheld from the masses. Have you ever looked into what’s known as “flat earth”? It’s “debunked” and “archaic”, according to the fact-checkers ;) And they put out lots of misinformation meant to make it look crazy, so one has to weed through that. But, of the people I’ve known who laughed at the idea but then went out to disprove it for themselves...they all came to the conclusion we can’t possibly be living on a spinning ball hurdling through ‘space’ as we’re told. The ancients didn’t believe that, but we in modern times think we’re so enlightened by science and advanced technologically, but are we, really?
The reason I bring this up is because it’d cast a whole new light on the pole shift reasoning and I think it’s worth looking into.
I appreciate the use of the word "aether."
In addition to the medical ether used as a knockout agent for kidnappings, or more ethically in medical procedures, there is also ethyl ether used as an engine starting agent (denatured with poisons to intentionally damage humans if "mis"used for biological purposes.)