deNutrients - News to Use
How are you feeling?
Salt to taste.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -14:52

Let appetite become your educated guide towards good health. Our taste bud receptors are found not only on our tongue, but also in many organs and cell types throughout the body. They sense our body's nutrient levels and signal our brain to let us know we should be hungry for more of something. 

  • There are five main types of taste receptors - sweet, salty, sour/acidic, bitter, and umami - a protein savory flavor of glutamate and a few other free amino acid activators of that type of chemical receptor. 

Bitter taste receptors also can perform medicinal functions when they are located in other types of cells than on the tongue. If we pay attention to what foods and tastes help us feel better we can learn over time to eat what we need in the amounts that our body needs and is satisfied with - because its needs were met - the hunger, the craving was fulfilled.

When we don't know what we are hungry for, specifically, we may end up over-eating, nibbling small amounts of many things as we subconsciously seek a food that will supply the nutrients we need at that moment. On a sweaty hot day it might be salt. After a difficult test or problem, it might be a sweet to replenish the brain energy levels. 

Transcript: Salt to Taste!

The episode Crankiness - hot and thirsty health has more about how dehydration of water or salt can affect our mood negatively.

The series Hangry & Hanxious Part Two discusses glutamate and other factors that may increase a bad mood later in the day from overstimulation.

See the episode Fear and Immunity for more about Covid and nutrients that help immune function including citrus peel. 

More information about: Citrus Peel

The episode series Problem Solving and Terpenes includes more about geraniol and how tasting foods may lead to what our bodies need. 

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.

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