A question about a repost of mine that said ~ "The Vaxxed are going to die within 5 years" ... Is that true? What to expect?
I'm sharing an edited version of a reply to an email question. My website contact pages are a way to contact me via email, or just reply to any of the Substack emails and I should get those.
Hello ___ unvaxxed person with friends and family who are CoV vaxxed,
I do remember reposting that (reTweeting was a better term - reXing does not work). I also reposted a nurse whistleblower who shared that she was only 1 of 3 unvaxxed staff and the hospital was being overwhelmed with a range of severe cases, non-healing skin wounds/rashes, 'pneumonia' resistant to treatment, heart issues. I forget what else she said.
I think there will be some individual variation and it did seem like roughly a third of the jabs were placebo or lower risk. Genetic ethnicity also affects risk, but eating pomegranate peel would help protect that receptor type. I keep sharing the preventive health info because I do think it can make a difference in the jabbed or unjabbed. Passive exposure to jabbed people left everyone else at risk too, of the chimeric spike genetics, but not the rest of the adjuvants or contaminants that jabbed people got, and it would be a much lower initial dose. More like catching an illness that has to spread, rather than the dump truck load of LNPs that the mRNA jabbed people got.
If you have jabbed loved ones who will listen to you, get them started at least on the Zelenko stack - it has helped my jabbed sister who has other health issues too. quercetin, vitamin C, D3, and zinc. All older adults (~ above 65) need about twice the zinc of the current recommendation. My dad and mom got the turbocancer after 3 jabs. He got surgery because it was on his spine and it left him partially paralyzed in bed. He didn't take that well, never adapted to stuff he could do with his arms while sitting. He came home from a nursing home with Covid looking like death and I called relatives - “Dad's on Hospice, looks dying.” But then on my dietary care, he stabilized, improved, but gradually worsened. He hung on for 15 1/2 months though.
My mom has had turbocancer lumps (and Alzheimer’s) since ~ March 2023 and lost a bunch of weight at first and got frail, but has turned around and got kicked off of Hospice for being too not-dying yet. Pomegranate products and other health aids are part of her daily routine now, and a low histamine diet made a big difference in the Alzheimer's bad behavior. She calls me Jenny somewhat regularly now but also will get mad. This morning - first thing, is mad, (is ravenous now, like a tapeworm or yeast hungriness - I gave some fenbendazole and it helped. I need to get more,) she comes up with a line that floored me, metaphorically, ~ I don't want to go to a mental ward. Or, You're going to send me to a mental ward. --- I have not used that phrase at all. But cranky myself, snapped back, that We were already in a mental ward.... both of us. Caregiving for a demanding person is a task only for saints.
And I'm not a saint. :-) But I try.
VAIDS... the jabs cause an imbalance in immune cell response. Pomegranate peel phytonutrients and other health aid polyphenols can help regulate protein production by affecting microRNA that breaks down inflammatory mRNA genes before they are made into more inflammatory proteins. They can also affect immune cell differentiation and help promote more helpful immune response and tamp down autoimmune type T-cells.
Back to the nurse whistleblower...her concerns included that this influx of very sick people aren't being cured, but her bigger, BIG point, was that .... only 3 staff weren't jabbed .... so … all the rest of the hospital staff are destined to develop these uncurable mystery illnesses too ... and then who is going to take care of them? and … Where are all of the new sick people going to be taken care of - no more beds? no staffing?
She always goes home to use the bathroom because she doesn't want to use the jabbed staff facilities.
This post gets into the VAIDS issue somewhat -
Nutshell story: human cells in a normal infection would NEVER produce a viral protein on the outside of the human cell. The mRNA injections cause that to happen, and then autoimmune antibodies are likely to attack all the cells that are producing chimeric spike — or learn to ignore them, causing a really bad or fatal infection once a chimeric spike ‘virus’ is encountered again … or likely if encountering exosomes from another jabbed person who is spreading chimeric spike studded exosomes - and the genetics for it. Then the exposed person might be making chimeric spike on their cells too, but likely in smaller amounts than the amount mRNA jabbed people may make with the full dose of LNPs. (denutrients)
See the chimeric spike showing up in the slide images. The color of the spike antigen is changed with an antigen that is carrying a colored or radioactive dye.
This post is monkeypox/vax focused but is also about VAIDS. (denutrients)
VAIDS isn't the only problem - the jabbed people are developing the weird rubbery clots that the embalmers are finding but not talking about except for a couple whistle blower embalmers. People need to take serrapeptase or nattokinase opposite of meals, I take it in the middle of the night when I get up briefly. Our own enzymes don't work on the chimeric spike amyloid/prion like clustering and it is tighter - more solid clusters or clots. We are going to see an increased amount of irrational behavior I think in addition to other illnesses.
The Mycoplasma graphic would be good for 'mystery disease' of a variety of sorts. My webpage Prenatal/Child on jenniferdepew.com has my most thorough discussion of the Basic Stack, Extended Stack (chimeric spike specific health aids), and Mitochondrial support and methylation support. The Nutrients and Cofactors pages on that site have typical dosing if taking a supplement and the precautions/no-more-than guidelines for the ones that can reach toxic levels easily (some trace minerals primarily).
Don't knock Pure Maple Syrup (~ 1/4 cup per day is a good amount, no more than 1/2 cup regularly due to it being so rich in manganese).
One of the things that my mom gets and enjoys everyday (even though a ketogenic diet would be better for cancer - with the Alz. I hadn't really been 'treating cancer' except that she kind of is getting better mental function. We have watched a couple movies together - unheard of possibility for many recent years. Histamine excess causes extreme paranoia and anxiety.)
I think Retinoid Toxicity might be a problem for some of the people and then a very restricted intake of vitamin A and carotenoids is needed, but that is more complicated to figure out or to explain.
Timeline of five years? Hard to say. Looking at the deaths and illness that have already occurred, and how badly people are being treated, hug your loved ones close and enjoy today, tomorrow is an unknown factor. Not fearing and despairing is important for overall health, and this does seem to be an energy battle at higher levels - so why give them what they want? (loosh - pain/torture/hopelessness/blood sacrifice, ascensionglossary.com)
I hope that helps rather than causing fear or despair. I think honesty is the best policy, even when truth or suspected truth is painful to face.
With my best regards, peace and love, and a few tears in my eyes,
Contact Jen page on jenniferdepew.com:
Ciao, Bonjour, ¿Qué tal?, Nǐn hǎo, Salut, Guten tag, Zdravstvuyte, Konnichiwa, Hello, Asalaam alaikum (Peace be upon you.)
From: (peace-is-happy.org/Intermittent fasting, magnesium, cancer prevention, and elephants.) ← *that article is kind of a masterpiece/research article of mine. I would need to reread it though ;-)
Shared comments from a few Paid Subscribers:
"I'm supporting you because you took the time to respond to my comment and also because you are a deep diver and bio hacker like me 😊" - Deep Diver
"Jennifer, your writings provided guidance, hope and healing, when I was ill and then abandoned by my doctor and local medical community last year (Citrus peel, pomegranate peel, and more). This latest article related to dense breast tissue also very relevant and important to me. With enormous gratitude, thank you so much for important work. - Christine "
"Thanks for responding to my questions! " - Phar Phercheron
"Your work is full of practical ideas and information that someone in the know understands. Thank you so very much for your wisdom and insight." - Dr Tamara
"I love your work and I lean on it. --doomer boomer" - cronecast
"Thank you Jennifer - excellent, truthful information. Merry Christmas from Florida. Peace." - Steve in Florida
"Hi ! I am the little lady that mentioned EDTA enema as a possible detox avenue. I laughed so hard I spit out my coffee when I read this essay of yours regarding "colts growing in us". I'm subscribing because Lord knows I NEEDED that laugh (levity) after watching the Dr Ana/ Clifford Carnicom video!!!😉 Also, you seem like a very cool lady and part of my tribe. Thanks for shining a light on truth!" - Michelle
I don’t think this is the “colts growing in us” post but it is a good overview of nutrition care needs and it has dinosaurs: (denutrients.substack)
*The people are glowing with orange dots of light and the blue is from it being photographable under a fluorescent ‘black light’. I think. Odd times and seems kind of predictive programming in the movie Avatar.
"Jen--you helped me stay sane through the nightmare of Covid, and I have learned so much from your curiosity, brilliance, persistence and commitment to the truth. xoxoxo" - The Irish Wet Nurse
I am honored by the feedback and by the questions. I appreciate the opportunity to help in times of need. Pain hurts, health is better - I learned that the hard way and sharing is caring - for oneself and others. We are all a community, with a mix of good and bad elements.
Regarding paid subscribers - this is the first year. I appreciate the financial support, thank you very much. It makes me feel employed or more employable, but also it is a change for me as a blogger. Not charging anything all along, has had some freeing aspects - helping when I can, in the interest of Public Health, but at my own random pace.
I strongly feel that people deserve access to accurate self-care information which will help them instead of mislead.
Charging too much were reasons for a couple unsubscriptions. I can reduce the price.
Substack may be glitchy, but I happened to notice, (*it is at the top of the admin page - Substack wants paid subscribers because they get 10% - that is their source of revenue is our paid subscriptions) …I happened to notice that my “annual income” was suddenly cut in half today - yet no Paid subscribers had left. I don’t know if my posts have been touching too sensitive of topics lately for Substack … I haven’t even gotten to some the good stuff in that book yet…
Addition *It was a glitch, the stats returned to what they normally look like.

I’m on a search for colts.
No Virus? What then? Exploring Exosomes, Liposomes, and “Virus”. (Overview presentation - comprehensive though - a webinar, link for viewing.)
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Ironic isn't it, that just 6 Pom seeds condemned Persephone to spend 6 months of every year in Hades, yet Pom is helping vaxxed folks stay out of the grave even longer....
Jennifer saw this and thought of you, I don’t understand it all I’m sure you will and can help people understand.
The Case for Shedding of Spike mRNA Gene Therapy Products Causing Excess Death Globally
A presentation to the International Conference on Immunology; Rome, Italy November 18 & 19, 2024