No Virus? ...role of virus in evolution; also Why are people glowing blue like the race in the movie Avatar who were killed in a genocide.
No "virus" and no "immune system" either? smh
This post has a reply by the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World about how isolation of a virus is done - culturing a sample and then centrifuging it and examining that for gene sequences that match what you are looking for, like SARS-CoV2 or the gp120 sequence of the chimeric spike. It also discusses the patent trail for the HIV1 gp120 sequence.
A reply to that by Jo Waller points out that there is a human protein that is very similar to gp120 so how do we really know that the original work wasn’t based on a human protein that had turned up in the centrifuging type isolation process in the past? In other words - if we dial back history farther, might gp120 been added to the Gain of Function research industry from human tissue material?
That is not a question that I can answer but it does bring up the basis of the No Virus? hypothesis - might measles not just be a normal inflammatory response and a vaccine was created against human proteins that had been misidentified as a ‘measles virus’ after centrifuging serum samples?
It was pointed out in a reply to my post that RNA virus are a big step in evolution - that takes us farther back to the question: How did life crawl out of a chemical soup in a brine pit or mud puddle?
An additional comment by a brand new Substacker who wants to share with the world how there are no viurs, and no immune system either, maybe a toxin removal system, but not anything against pathogens. I am informed that we live in an interconnected world that relies on cooperation more than competition -
Betsy, 7 mins ago, Author
"Immune system" as a term is an artifact of a military/war metaphor for how we are related to and interact with the rest of the natural world. We do have mechanisms for protecting us from unwanted influences and substances, mainly toxins, not pathogens, and to heal damaged tissue. I choose not to call that an "immune system." I do not see the world as "dog eat dog." That to me is also an artifact, of an incorrect understanding of evolution and ecology. The world is interconnected an interdependent, relying much more on cooperation than competition.
Maybe the planet is over-crowded and I should just mind my own business….
And in other news - Why are people glowing? is a question that Maria Zeee and Dr Ana Mihalcea discuss. Video shared in my Telegram chat group.
*Addition - this Greg Reese video talks in more detail about the glow and the likely source is hydrogel, not just the CoV Lipid Nanoparticles. I was wrong about the color of the glow - it is an orange spotted effect from little hydrogel fibers under the skin or within the eye. The blue color is from the UV light.
This screenshot is of the quantum dots used to make a vaccine ‘tattoo’ that a cellphone app could ‘see’.

The orange is the glowing hydrogel stuff, the blue effect is from the UV light/black light.
Lab mice were bioluminescent ten years ago in research papers.
Avatar seems like it was a predictive programming movie in more ways than the genocide of the interconnected loving blue people. They were a very similar shade of blue. And even have the spotted effect.
In the interview video we also learn that unjabbed people are glowing but only a little around the nostrils, not the full face like multiply jabbed people. We also learn that the glow centers around the forehead, near where the magnetic pineal gland is located. A police whistleblower revealed that special lights were installed in a parking lot and it didn’t make sense because the lights were dim compared to normal parking lights - they were more purple/blueish. The tinfoil speculation was a quick and easy way to tell which people in a crowd are fully jabbed and which ones aren’t.
These people really suck mega/meta amounts.
Additional comment about the chicken coop cartoon (this post) that had chickens saying: “They’re going to eat us!” “Conspiracy theorist!” and “LoL” ← note the capitalization pattern. I was told that this acronym is another way that we are being laughed at - if the L’s are capitalized then it may be intended to be read by insiders as “Lucifer, our Lord.” I started watching it and there may indeed be a subtle pattern. It can be typed as lol or as LOL too. Typing capitalized and uncapitalized letters in a mixture is a specific choice. Certainly it might be a coincidence too, but within the cartoon it does add another layer of meaning - which is part of what jokes do.
Allegedly the Lucifer worshippers have to reveal their plan in some way to get ‘permission’ from the masses or there would be the bad karma witchy rule of what you put out your receive back, times three.
It seems a little too coincidental that a genocide movie was killing off spotted blue glowing energy people who were so sweet and loving and who would never hurt anyone.
Additional addition (not in the emailed version) - I forgot an important background point - the blue glow enzyme … is called luciferase.
“Bioluminescent assays rely on luciferase enzymes, which catalyze the oxidation of specific substrates known as luciferins to form oxyluciferin, with the concurrent emission of a photon. Although all luciferases catalyze light-emitting reactions, the luciferin substrates are structurally diverse.” (Thorne, et al., 2010)
**I have been searching a few places to see if glowing people is being discussed and I only saw one Tweet about it. 🤔 *Which had the Reese Report video.
There are lots more f gaming and other references to glowing blue eyes or effects though. It is a common theme on Twitter.
Back to the initial post:
What role do viruses play in evolution?
Virus and RNA virus in particular are very interchangeable in the gene sequence. A quasiswarm RNA virus species is more of an average gene sequence than a single organism of typical critters we might think of.
This interchangeability makes them also readily able to share sections of their gene sequence with a host cell, especially if the host is in an inflamed state of health when more action is going on without normal white blood cell oversite. How can we tell what is a human protein or what is a viral protein when we share a lot of proteins anyway? We’re practically kissing cousins with bananas and fruit flies when we look at shared genes.
What viruses tell us about evolution and immunity: beyond Darwin?
“We describe mechanisms of genetic innovation mediated by viruses and related elements that, during evolution, caused major genetic changes beyond what was anticipated by Charles Darwin.
Viruses and related elements introduced genetic information and have shaped the genomes and immune systems of all cellular life forms.
None of these mechanisms contradict Darwin's theory of evolution but extend it by means of sequence information that has recently become available.
Not only do small increments of genetic information contribute to evolution, but also do major events such as infection by viruses or bacteria, which can supply new genetic information to a host by horizontal gene transfer. Thereby, viruses and virus‐like elements act as major drivers of evolution.” (Broecker, Moelling, 2019)
A reply by the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World about why virus are real, written in reply to Proton Magic, someone who seems in favor of the no virus/virology is fake hypothesis.
The replies are in the comments of this post. The gist - if Fauci and friends make Gain of Function bad stuff and call it ‘novel virus’ or ‘vaccines’ that may make them fake as a ‘novel virus’ but that doesn’t make the GoF stuff safe for us. And new ‘virus’ of the day may be on the way, for the promotion of new ‘vaccines’. — WATCH OUT.
2nd Smartest Guy in the World, Mar 26, 2023; Author
The 2012 paper refers to a virus that actually was originally isolated by the late Dr. Frank Plummer at a Winnipeg Level 4 bioweapons lab in Canada. Sadly he was likely assasinated (died in mysterious circumstances) at a conference in Kenya attended by Dr. Fauci in January of 2020 when Dr. Plummer was put in charge of the original investigating team researching the origns of SarsCov2.
The key to your second question is that assuming that was true the distinguishing and critical Furin Cleavage site and the HIVgp120 inserrts are part of the sequence found in these samples that are not found in non infected patients.
"Isolation" refers to culturing a virus with a distinct and unique sequence. In this case the virus that was isolated from fecal samples as I described originally and then they were sequenced to identify if they were SArsCOv2 or something else.
The unique sequences that were added in a lab are hallmarks of this virus. The isolation part is centrifuging the sample scooping up the top layer and culturing in. a dish. Step 2 is sequencing what you have cultured to know what you are dealing with.
How or where it came from is not the issue, you either have a SARSCOV2 as "advertised" replete with specific sequences in past published papers or you don't.
The really sick part is the unique sequences were patented by Moderna in 2015. Here is a do it yourself guide on to check out the US Genome database and the US patent database aka BLASTIN and see how it was proven that Moderna actually patented these lethal and inserted sequences.
now go away please.
The other person (Proton Magic) was banned after replying something that was deemed worthy of banning. His Substack post about it (Substack). Frances Leader linked to that post in hers which has the interesting finding that an increase in EMF exposure, microwave radiation, can cause a sudden increase in parasite growth in lab animals. Physiologically, that makes sense. EMF opens TRP channels and allows more calcium entry into cells where it causes more activity. This can increase inflammation and may lead to cell death. Within the cells of a microscopic parasite, the increase in cell activity would likely cause more cell division and a ‘sudden bloom of parasites’.
. . . so 5G roll-out in combination with preventing easy access to parasitic medications, would likely cause an increased number of people feeling sick with mystery illness.
Next step - make up a fake PCR test that will identify papaya as a sick person and test as many people as possible, declare them all positive for “made-up illness” and then mandate that they get an injection to help protect them and their grannies from the “made-up illness”.
Just to confuse things, through in a chimeric pathogenic sequence that will add to the illness symptoms in people who are injected with the “made-up illness vaccination” and which will also passively expose other people who breath in or touch exosomes from the injected person.
And to keep the fun going as long as possible, ban access to anti-parasitic low cost medications. Aside: Personally, I have found artemisinin to be very effective throughout mystery illness era. It is an herbal extract of Sweet Wormwood, Artemesia annua, and it is available without prescription as an herbal supplement. It is a malaria treatment that also shows benefit for cancer and autoimmune disease.
Chris Milbank, @ChrisMilbank, 4h
“Crohn’s patients who were already being treated with steroids were given wormwood at a dosage of 500 mg three times a day for ten weeks. By the end of the second week, the participants were able to begin tapering off steroids, and by week ten were steroid-free.” (TwXtter)
**500 mg of artemisinin three times a day is a large dose. I was using 100 or 200 mg capsules once or twice a day. I have a bottle of Doctor’s BEST, Inc. brand, 100 mg, veggie capsules, take two a day to get 200 mg is the serving suggestion.
Other replies by Jo Waller -
Jo Waller, How Jo Waller sees it; Apr 1, 2023
Hiya, how does uploading and patenting different sequences show where they have come from and that they are not cellular? The 'HIV' knob protein (gp120) was shown to be a polymer of the cellular membrane protein gp41 as long ago as 1989
Jo Waller, How Jo Waller sees it; Jun 8, 2023
very interestingly gp41 gene homology has been found in reproductive tumours, though not normal surrounding tissues in patients who are p24 and therefore 'HIV" negative. Why is no one investigating this really interesting thing. could it be that they don't want it known that viral proteins are found in uninfected tissues?
Additional media with blue glowing dead bodies that might be victims of a villain that freezes people.
Google search results show quite a bit of blue glowing ocean waves over the last few years but I didn't see any trend of people uploading videos of themselves. I am not sure of the accuracy of the Maria Zeee interview.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
(Broecker, Moelling, 2019) Broecker F, Moelling K. What viruses tell us about evolution and immunity: beyond Darwin? Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2019 Jul;1447(1):53-68. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14097. Epub 2019 Apr 29. PMID: 31032941; PMCID: PMC6850104.
(Thorne, et al., 2010) Thorne N, Inglese J, Auld DS. Illuminating insights into firefly luciferase and other bioluminescent reporters used in chemical biology. Chem Biol. 2010 Jun 25;17(6):646-57. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2010.05.012. PMID: 20609414; PMCID: PMC2925662.
I could make anyone glow Blue by pouring a Gin & Tonic over them, but they would have to ask for the kindness so they could make interesting selfies to share with friends.
Actually you only need the Tonic.
JD - I wonder if any of these mental midgets would be open to entering a room with mosquitoes carrying Wuchereria bancrofti or black flies carrying Onchocerca volvulus. I'm sure the subsequent LF (elephantiasis) or onchocerciasis (river blindness) would not be an example of pathogens and contagion, but 5G radiation in the sub Sahara.
And I'm sure in both cases, these agents of MDM would refuse Arty or Ivermectin as a anti helminthic treatment. Whether they were breast fed is one thing, whether they attended a pox party is another. The former mother of immunity, and latter example of contagion, cannot be disproven.
No pathogens, no viruses, no contagion goes with no brains, no headaches, no sense. These people and their talking points are intended to muddy the waters, and discredit the legitimate anti narrative malvax movement. That's what they get incentivized to do, nothing more, nothing less. As I said, useful idiots.
These operations are funded by your own government, which lies to you as a matter of course, as a matter of policy. Let's just say the paychecks are signed by the same people. Remember, never argue with idiots useful or otherwise, it's a waste of your time Agent Scully.