I could make anyone glow Blue by pouring a Gin & Tonic over them, but they would have to ask for the kindness so they could make interesting selfies to share with friends.

Actually you only need the Tonic.


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JD - I wonder if any of these mental midgets would be open to entering a room with mosquitoes carrying Wuchereria bancrofti or black flies carrying Onchocerca volvulus. I'm sure the subsequent LF (elephantiasis) or onchocerciasis (river blindness) would not be an example of pathogens and contagion, but 5G radiation in the sub Sahara.

And I'm sure in both cases, these agents of MDM would refuse Arty or Ivermectin as a anti helminthic treatment. Whether they were breast fed is one thing, whether they attended a pox party is another. The former mother of immunity, and latter example of contagion, cannot be disproven.

No pathogens, no viruses, no contagion goes with no brains, no headaches, no sense. These people and their talking points are intended to muddy the waters, and discredit the legitimate anti narrative malvax movement. That's what they get incentivized to do, nothing more, nothing less. As I said, useful idiots.

These operations are funded by your own government, which lies to you as a matter of course, as a matter of policy. Let's just say the paychecks are signed by the same people. Remember, never argue with idiots useful or otherwise, it's a waste of your time Agent Scully.

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People who get caught up in alternative theories can be quite smart. They are that the current explanations are wrong and are seeking other explanations. I know a Flat Earth believer who is very smart and has shared info that is scientifically implausible to me based on centrifugal force. Aether/orgone explains gravity better than disc world.

Community supporting each other is part of it - tribalism to support those dho are with you in the alt view.

I was unkind in sharing the "no immune system" comment but it is shocking how far the "no virus" idea is being taken.

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Valid. Don't play in a rigged game.

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It is insulting to refer to people you have quoted, like myself for example, as " mental midgets" but you consider that sort of talk "valid"? Is that so..... I don't think your judgement is quite as sound as you might believe. Either that or you are too indoctrinated to contest the vernacular used in the comment. Maybe you accept phrases such as "useful idiots" and avoid confrontation with the writer of them due to some misplaced respect.

You did not even challenge the references to Wuchereria bancrofti and Onchocerca volvulus, both of which are parasites and not viruses. So where, pray tell, is the validity? Who is rigging THIS game? And WHO is the one being paid..... hmm?

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I am sorry that you are taking things personally that were likely not intended to be specific to you.

The parasite comment was about a different quote in my post suggesting there is no immune system and that we don't have to worry about parasites because we live in harmony with an interconnected world. I don't want to live in harmony with parasites that cause blindness.

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JD - that's the Joe Friday way, just facts.

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Nattering Nob did not specify which person he was criticising and, frankly, it appeared that he was slagging the entire gamut. I can't speak for anyone but myself, obviously, but if I had sat back and let that vile ignorance and bad manners slide I would have to have had a personality-ectomy. I am STILL disgusted that you validated his horrible remarks regardless of who was the intended victim.

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What about providing counter information videos for the confused sheeple or awake but not informed? I have been working on something but have been modifying it. Addition - I was going to open with not planning to debate the no virus points, just discuss the topic.

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JD - Indeed, just discuss the topic. Never address and ignore the BS, leave that where you found it. Give it the Joe Friday treatment... "All we know are the facts ma'am" and "All we want are the facts, ma'am". Right, Got it, Thanks and when they get out of line, give em what they deserve like this... https://youtu.be/7qPep5jON2k?

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Giving away your bitchcraft and age with that video.... which could explain the incalcitrant attitude I suppose. 🙄

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I am interested in truth but I would rather not have you making negative comments to my Substack community.

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JD - That's called hitting it out of the park. See what happens when the non sequiturs, false accusations, and bait offered up are not taken? They have no facts, which they contort to change context based on their needs. With no legs to stand on they then resort to ad hominem. And we shall leave that where we found it.

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Excess EMF leading to dopamine depletion and irritability is a topic I'm learning about in Roman's course. It is easy to get too much.

Low dopamine leads to seeking more stimulation online, EMF excess, repeat indefinitely.

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Nicely nattered, Naybob.

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You think so? Hmmm. What does that say about you? Don't ask me, you won't like the reply.

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I am interested in truth but I do not want you to make negative comments to my Substack community.

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Gaslighting? Goodness me.... AND an accusation of being paid by the government? Keep nattering you nob. You just show yourself up for the narrow minded and ill informed academically stunted obedience freak that you obviously are!

What is being honestly questioned is the identification of exosomes as viruses. A body under assault from radiation poisoning will create a great many exosomes which are mistaken for viruses. Even you have to admit they are fairly indistinguishable, surely?

If 'science' does not look at the impact of telecommunications and the massive increases in electro-magnetic radiation since 5G was rolled out, it will continue to blunder on blaming the response to the assault rather than homing in on the root cause.

On ya go, Nattering Nob. You are missing the point and showing yourself up for the sneering self-aggrandising type of snob that holds back progress and ultimately will have to face the fact that you are responsible, via ignorance, for the deaths of millions. That'll be a hard one to swallow, won't it?

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I am interested in truth but I would rather not have you making negative comments to my Substack community.

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You should have thought about that when you validated your 'community' nob's very negative comments, shouldn't you?

Don't use my work again, Jennifer. I do not like being insulted and then told not to robustly defend myself.

I am NOT a mental midget or a useful idiot. No government pays me. I wish I could say the same for you and your 'community'. If ANYONE insults someone in my comment sections I nip it in the bud. I expect decorum. I do not validate boorish mean spirited snobbery and neither should you. Get some gumption woman! Stand up for respectful debate and I will stand beside you. Permit abuse and I will accuse you of obsequious arse-licking. Seems fair to me.

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It's cool when mice cooperate with my cat, who eats them.

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RSV=human placental syncytial trophoblast


AIDS=African baby malnutrition and death each day

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So sad

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Your website is awesome! Keep shining light into darkness!

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