We have a need for a Detox/prevention protocol for acid-producing Cross Domain Bacteria & Hydrogel
and my Alkalizing diet handout & a new Cardiometabolic Protocol that emphasizes support products for a butyrate producing gut microbiome.
Clifford Carnicom has been studying synthetic life-forms for quite a while. Morgellons fibers were an early sign of the odd things causing harm to people that were hushed up and called crazy instead of being investigated or treated. We have all been exposed to synthetic biology now in the chimeric spike products and other hydrogel containing products.
Clifford focuses on studying the organisms and potential treatments may be suggested by his articles but he makes it clear that he is not providing clinical guidance and has no plans to provide a health protocol - but there is a need for it and for it to not be about money. Public health education can be helpful if accurate instead of government funded misinformation. <Old meme: “I’m from the government, I’m here to help you.”>
**I am getting a backlog of drafts, the Hashimoto’s series was a tangent from what I was working on - this post - and the Cardiometabolic Protocol included in the last post was meant to support this post - but a healthy gut microbiome is a therapeutic need for most chronic illness. See the very end of this post for more info about my Fullscript affiliated account and how it could help you.
The following excerpt is the closing of this post: Acids to the Demise (Substack). In the post we learn that the synthetic lifeforms make acetic acid and another acid - making us more acidic. The indicated treatment then would be to prevent acidosis by eating a more alkalizing diet and maybe monitoring urine or serum pH. Taking sodium or potassium bicarbonate.
‘In closing, I will re-emphasize the following discussions in previous papers:
1. Knowledge of the specific biology, chemistry, and biochemistry of the CDB synthetic biology inevitably leads to the development of numerous (i.e, scores, without hesitation) mitigation strategies to inhibit or terminate the harm, damage and threat from the CDB synthetic biology.
2. The health and nutritional professions, of all orders, are responsible for serving the public health and welfare. These same professions are responsible for providing the information and protocols for mitigation (or termination) strategies. These strategies are to be developed in a manner that provide accessibility and affordability to all. Drugs and money motives do not qualify here. Please see Four Mechanisms and a Future for Mitigation (or Termination) (Mar 2024).
3. It is best to work at the origin of a problem rather than on the tail end.
Clifford E Carnicom
Apr 07 2024”
We could start with alkalizing diet guidance - how to reduce risk of over-acidity in part is to not drink acidic beverages like soda, coffee, lemonade, or energy drinks, or not without adequate buffering from low acidity things like sodium or potassium bicarbonate. More plant foods is thought to be less acid producing after digestion, but presoak the beans, nuts, seeds and grains, or the phytic acid can upset mineral balance and the body becomes elevated in phosphorus and that leads to a more acidic internal environment and loss of tooth and bone mineralization. A diet rich in meat and dairy will be acid producing in the products of digestion.
In the post we learn that the synthetic lifeforms make acetic acid and another acid - making us more acidic. The indicated treatment then would be to prevent acidosis by eating a more alkalizing diet and maybe monitoring urine or serum pH. Taking sodium or potassium bicarbonate.
My Alkalizing foods handout, which has sections on other types of food sensitivities and it has copies of my various graphics for my Basic stack and other recommendations. (pdf in my Sync file)
Liver Support and Detox Essential Oil Blends - my recipes with some supporting research. (Substack) Save you a click, the inexpensive and simple blend to consider is Lemongrass and Clove essential oils. I found it tasty with a little instant coffee or plain. I add some potassium bicarbonate to coffee beverages.
Aside: Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, and Baking powder is sodium bicarbonate that also has had an acid added to the alkaline powder so the baked good will rise without any other acidic ingredient being needed - like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
Boron may be beneficial, caution against excess as it has a narrow range for safe dosing. See the last section about Morgellons treatment in this mixed post: (Substack)
This post focuses a bit on mycoplasma and treatment for that - rebuilding a healthy terrain. (Substack)
What is the origin of a problem versus the tail end?
Mitochondrial dysfunction seems to be more of an origin of the problem for which tumorous cancer cells can be a tail end, but others might have Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s dementia as the tail end. Preventive care tries to start prior to the origin of a problem or in very early phases of a problem, rather than waiting for obvious problems seen in lab tests or in pain or other symptoms.
From a book written for parents of children with autism - describing a child - I ask you, my adult reader to rephrase the quote in a way that relates better to adults and consider whether you have some of these symptoms of chronic inflammation/metabolic dysfunction:
“Doris Rapp, MD, has been studying and treating children with allergies for many years. In her book “Is This Your Child?”, Rapp describes possible symptoms of allergy (and sensitivity) reactions in toddlers: red ears and cheeks, dark eye circles and bags, glassy and glazed eyes, bloating, belching, diarrhea and/or constipation, headaches, runny nose, whining, screaming, hyperactivity, fatigue, aggression, depression, and refusal to be touched.” - Julie Matthews, Use Food and Nutrition to Improve ADHD and Autism, (page 22)
Interesting aside - the Brave AI offered me this when I tried to search the book title without specifying that it was a book I was looking for, it did a pretty good job:
Brave search engine’s AI on the topic of ‘Use Food and Nutrition to Improve ADHD and Autism’
Food and nutrition can play a role in improving symptoms of ADHD and Autism. Here are some suggestions based on the provided information:
High-protein diet: A balanced, high-protein diet can help control ADHD symptoms. Protein-rich foods include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds.
Soluble fiber: Foods high in soluble fiber, such as legumes, flaxmeal, chia seeds, oats, barley, and the skins of fruits like apples and grapes, can help grow colonies of healthy, helpful bacteria, which can reduce ADHD symptoms and improve outcomes.
Elimination diets: Some children with ADHD and autism may benefit from elimination diets that remove wheat, dairy, processed foods, sugar and sugar alternatives, food dyes, and additives. These diets can help identify and eliminate potential triggers for symptoms.
Gluten-free diet: Eliminating gluten from the diet may help improve symptoms of brain fog, irritability, eczema, and irritable bowel syndrome in some individuals with ADHD and autism.
Vitamin B6, C, and magnesium supplements: Research has shown that these supplements can significantly improve symptoms in autistic individuals. Consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen.
Few-foods diet: A few-foods diet, which involves eliminating certain foods for a period of time, may offer a long-term improvement of ADHD symptoms. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting this diet.
Avoid junk food: Children with autism and ASD are often picky eaters and prefer junk food, which is calorie-dense, carbohydrate-dense, high in sodium, and low in nutrition. Encouraging a balanced diet with a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help improve overall health and well-being.
Remember to consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making significant changes to your or your child’s diet, as individual needs may vary.
AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts.
*Regarding #3, 4 and 6 - a review article discusses the medical premise of some common elimination diets used in autism or ADHD and reviews clinical trials. Evidence is “weak” regarding a gluten and casein free diet for children with autism. It can be stigmatizing and difficult to follow, yet is recommended frequently. (Ly, et al., 2017)
Research results might be mixed due to lack of participant compliance - it is very difficult to follow such restrictive diets as dairy and gluten containing grains are in most common foods, meals and snacks. Results might be mixed for gut health as gluten free foods on the market heavily use corn and corn may also add to ‘leaky gut syndrome’ - leaky tight junctions between the intestinal cells which ordinarily keeps larger proteins or substances from exiting the intestinal liquid and entering the body’s interior spaces.
What are some specific foods that are beneficial for individuals with ADHD and autism?
[*follow up question the Brave AI suggested - this is kind of interesting as an overview of what is commonly being said online regarding diet for ADHD and autism.]
Based on the provided information, some specific foods beneficial for individuals with ADHD and autism include:
High-protein foods: Lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds can help control ADHD symptoms by providing the brain with the necessary building blocks for neurotransmitters.
Foods rich in soluble fiber: Legumes, flaxmeal, chia seeds, oats, barley, and the skins of fruits like apples and grapes [*and pomegranate!] can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, potentially reducing ADHD and autism symptoms.
Omega-3 rich foods: Mackerel, salmon, sardines, flax seeds, and chia seeds may help improve serum levels of omega-3s, which can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD and autism.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, and lean meats: These foods provide essential nutrients that may be deficient in individuals with autism, such as iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B-6, and vitamin D.
[*The fresh produce and herbs and spices add more polyphenols and bitter tasting phytonutrients to the diet which also help reduce inflammation and improve gut microbiome and overall health.]
Foods low in processed sugars and additives: Some individuals with ADHD and autism may experience improved symptoms by eliminating foods with artificial colors, preservatives, and high sugar content.
[*Processed and ultra-processed foods in general are bad for all of us as they seem to cause negative gut species to flourish.]
Remember to consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before making significant changes to your or your child’s diet, as individual needs may vary.
AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts.
I tried again with the search phrase: ‘Use Food and Nutrition to Improve ADHD and Autism, a book by Julie Matthews’… and got this:
Julie Matthews’ book, “Use Food and Nutrition to Improve ADHD and Autism,” provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing dietary interventions for children with autism and ADHD. The book is based on Matthews’ extensive clinical nutrition experience and research into autism nutrition and special diets.
Key points from the book include:
The importance of food and nutrition for children with autism and ADHD.
Practical steps for dietary intervention and a roadmap for getting started, evolving, and customizing the varied approaches.
Over 200 scientific references that explain the underlying factors in autism and ADHD, and how specific dietary choices can make a difference.
Client examples and direct experience to illustrate the effectiveness of dietary intervention.
A focus on personalized nutrition, taking into account the unique needs and biochemical pathways of each individual.
Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant with over 18 years of experience in the field. She has specialized in autism spectrum disorders and ADHD, and her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals. Her book aims to help parents and practitioners improve the health, learning, and behavior of children with autism and ADHD through strategic dietary intervention.
AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. [*The text is verbatim what is said about the book on Amazon.]
Julie Matthews’ website: (nourishinghope.com), and the book in paperback form on (Amazon).
What does all that have to do with ‘treating’ Cross Domain Bacteria or other synthetic biotech / hydrogel type substances?
Terrain theory really is more correct than Germ theory - which means that in order to defend ourselves better against ANYTHING, the basics have to be in place - we need our growth and repair and detoxification systems to be functioning AND we have to not be overgrown with unhealthy pathogens in our gut or other areas of our body and blood. The old poem about the war being lost because a nail was lost from a horseshoe is in play here - little things matter and impact larger things, until the whole place is a crumbling mess instead of a fortress efficiently repelling or removing unwanted invaders or crud, and providing a steady influx of oxygen and nutrients.
The children with [vaccine injury] autism or ADHD are our examples for what it can take to restore function to a system that has been over-inflamed probably from the fetal gestation stage. If mom is chronically inflamed and full of excess Candida yeast, then how can we expect her growing fetus to not be experiencing chronic inflammation too?
Hyperinflammation sets up food sensitivities. Restricted foods may be able to be added back eventually, but only after a few years of not having excess inflammation. The inflammation causes protein changes which lead to more expression of membrane channels that sense chemicals or pressure or temperature changes. Touch, sound, light, can all feel excruciating to someone who has way too many TRP channels all ready to activate a nerve signal. Such extreme sensitivity can lesson if over expression of TRP channels was causal and the body is given a long enough phase without excess inflammation to keep the over-expression of TRP channels happening.
The synthetic biology causes overwhelming hyperinflammation so we need to increase use of anti-inflammatory substances like the omega-3 fatty acids in ratio to less omega 6 than the standard diet; polyphenols from fresh produce, nuts, beans, and seeds, herbs and spices, and fruit peels. How we cook the food counts - crispy blackened barbecue or sweet crispy cookies have negative acrylamide formed in the crispy bits. Beans, nuts, seeds and grains have phytic acid and oxalate that presoaking helps reduce. And how we live counts too - modern lighting is a health negative for our eyes, and our sleep at night, and lack of sunshine impacts health negatively in a variety of ways, not just by lack of vitamin D formation. EMF activates the synthetic biotech forms and increases growth of other pathogens and may cause a flair up of Lyme’s disease or shingles. Glyphosate interferes with CYP enzymes which means vitamin D metabolism and detox of toxins is impaired.
CYP enzymes are involved in digestion and in the metabolism of many drugs including the opioids. If glyphosate is inhibiting the group then it may be part of the reason for the increased number of opioid overdose deaths. With less ability to breakdown the medication any dose that is consumed would remain in the body longer and might reach a deadly dose in a more petite woman or man. People with chronic kidney or liver disease are also at greater risk for inadequate breakdown of opioid and morphine drugs. (G.5)
Coffee lovers can rejoice, cafestol, a phytonutrient found in coffee helps promote the CYP enzyme involved in breaking down opioids. While grapefruit juice contains a phytochemical that can inhibit the enzyme:
“Administration of CYP3A4 substrates or inhibitors can increase opioid concentrations, thereby prolonging and intensifying analgesic effects and adverse opioid effects, such as respiratory depression. Administration of CYP3A4 inducers can reduce analgesic efficacy.10,11,16 In addition to drugs that interact with CYP3A4, bergamottin (found in grapefruit juice) is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4,26 and cafestol (found in unfiltered coffee) is an inducer of the enzyme.27” (G.5)
See page G4. Autoimmune disease and Vitamin D, effectivecare.info.
The synthetic biotech seems to be a constant risk in our food supply and various products now, so living more defensively is an ongoing need rather than something to treat once and forget about.
<Other resources>
via Sarah Kunzer: “You can also check out the Metabolic Health protocol guide from Ovation Lab…”
From the first link below - the clinician’s summary list:
Ovation Lab Cardiometabolic Protocol Lifestyle & Nutrition guidance:
Personalized fitness plan; Stress management;
Modified Mediterranean meal plan focusing on: low glycemic-index, high-fiber phytonutrient-/antioxidant-rich plant foods;
Adequate quality protein (grass-fed beef, lamb, fish, plant proteins);
Emphasize omega-3 fatty acid intake (cold water fish, flaxseed);
Elimination diet/gluten-free/dairy-free (if warranted);
Proper hydration;
Short-term high-protein/high-fat program and/or intermittent fasting;
Sleep hygiene;
Reduce caffeine and alcohol (if needed); Smoking/nicotine cessation (if needed);
Stress resiliency techniques; Additional behavioral support (refer if needed).
Cardiometabolic Protocol by Ovation Lab, Summary, a list of recommendations for Labs, supplements, lifestyle, - more of a clinician’s tool, rather than a patient handout. (pdf in my sync file)
This is a patient handout with images of the recommended supplements and dosing guidance. Ovation Lab Cardiometabolic protocol (pdf in my sync file)
The ingredients of the mixed products can be used as a guide to suggest functional foods or other supplements that might help. Otherwise you can sign up as a Fullscript customer under my account. The products in this handout can be purchased at a 20% discount or 25% if set up as a monthly auto-shipment when signing up as a client of mine. Some communication can occur on their system but otherwise contact with me would be by email or the Chat messaging service of Substack.
Fullscript - a wholesale supplement and other health product dispensary, only available through health practioners.
*Available through my Fullscript account in a new protocol based on the recommendations of Ovation Labs/Metagenics. I added a few extra nutrients and microbiome support products from other brands and added some critique or background information.
Cardiometabolic Protocol - Metagenics Brand products primarily, with a few I added. (Fullscript - you would need to make an account.)
I have a document version in my Sync file.
Readers can order supplements at 20-25% off through a wholesale professional dispensary by signing up under my account. (Sign up here.) You will be able to order from protocols I have shared or order from the catalog. Supplements by the company Ortho Molecular Products will need to have a plan/recommendation from me to allow purchase and the system notifies me if you want to order one. Look for a plan from me after you place the request - give me a day or two to get the email. Orders over $50 get free shipping. *Affiliate links, thank you for purchasing if you do, I make a small amount of money from your purchase.
Pregnancy Support Protocol: This link should take you to a prenatal protocol with product examples that you could order if desired. It includes a referenced protocol by Fullscript, to which I added additional iodine and a substitute prenatal multi that has less iron - still lots though.
A new feature offered by Fullscript is the ability to enter all of your current supplements and the total amounts are added up for a grand total of them all. That can be nice in case mixed products are leading to too much of a good thing - too much of some nutrients can become a negative. It would also allow me to see what you are using if you wanted my input. (Add your supplements here.)
Disclaimer This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Reference List
Foundational Metabolic Health Protocol, by Ovation Lab, https://fs-marketing-files.s3.amazonaws.com/guides/ovation-lab-foundational-metabolic-health-protocol-guide.pdf
(Ly, et al., 2017) Ly V, Bottelier M, Hoekstra PJ, Arias Vasquez A, Buitelaar JK, Rommelse NN. Elimination diets' efficacy and mechanisms in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2017 Sep;26(9):1067-1079. doi: 10.1007/s00787-017-0959-1. Epub 2017 Feb 11. PMID: 28190137; PMCID: PMC5591346. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5591346/
I have adapted a protocol based off what others have found before me, such as Clifford Carnicom and Dr Ana. Oral EDTA, ALA, Bromelain, Vitamin C, D, E and natural/sodium citrate.
My wife and I also fast for 3 days every month or so while taking the supplements to be sure they are effective, since EDTA binds with so many things that most people just waste it due to ineffective dosing. Also EDTA makes it very easy to fast as you do not get hungry when taking it.
They do not have any negative interactions, EDTA doesnt bind with them, and they are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier. They are all pretty natural (except for EDTA of course), and you can ramp up to high intake levels without any gut issues pretty quickly. ALA and sodium citrate also dissolves LNPs so that is the best regular cleanse I have found. You can make your own sodium citrate and organic hempseed oil pills are cheap and have a lot of natural ALA.
Fresh pineapples have a Ton more bromelain than pills, and bromelain gets into the reproductive system, which is important and unlike the other enzymes. Also by drinking fresh orange juice rather than taking Vitamin C pills, you can pretty quickly ramp up to much higher levels of Vitamin C intake than you can ever take with pills, and without gut issues.
It only takes a second to peel the end and juice it if you get a cheap twist juicer, so I just mix it with my Zerowater a few times a day. Then I filter out the pulp and then rinse water though that too, since Vit C and citrate are water soluble.
Nattokinase and Curcumin help too but they bind witth EDTA so I only take them when I am not cycling EDTA. Thats the very best regimen I have found for us, you cant take EDTA all the time but it seems a multi-solution approach is required.
Also the former purebloods are getting constantly reinfected every time we go around the infected and they are Everywhere, it transfects in seconds so I am not sure how clean anyone can stay now without complete and total isolation.
Thats the experiment someone Really needs to do but that would take a plan and a budget so Im not hopeful. They really are trying to kill us all but that doesn't mean we have to let them : )
JD - "Morgellons fibers were an early sign of the odd things causing harm to people that were hushed up and called crazy instead of being investigated or treated. "
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." - Nikola Tesla