This post turned into a longer project and the original post is now rearranged a bit and my take home point became modified - there is a loud movement around the concept of “Virology is false”, “Virus are fake” and the tone is snarky and rude - we know so much more than you and all that you know is fake and wrong! That is not a good way to gain team members unless chaos promoters are who you want on your team.
Science is a house of cards built on a pile of evidence. How replicable the pile of evidence is one way to consider validity of the scientific model, or ‘house of cards.’ It can seem exciting and likely worth donating funds to support the take-down of an entire industry…. but the take-down doesn’t seem to be focused on stopping the Gain of Function invention of new pathogenic ‘virus’. It seems to be focused on ridiculing GoF research as malarkey because ‘virus’ are malarkey and therefore it is all just a laugh riot to smirk about. Yet, people are dropping dead after getting the CoV jabs, and people are getting turbocancer. A lot of people are not laughing.
Whether ‘virus’ are an invention of ‘isolation methods’ is a valid question and seems true even, BUT even if it is true, that doesn’t make the invented pathogenic ‘extracellular vesicles’ any less pathogenic to a recipient. The ‘No Virus!’ theory seems to suggest that if ‘virus’ were a mistake then they are no problem to us, they are just a fake thing - ‘not real’. Yet, people are getting sick or are already dead after CoV jabs. ‘Fake’ things can kill with real lethality.
We do need the lying about safety and efficacy to stop, but that is not going to happen.
We do need the government cover-ups to stop, but that doesn’t seem to be happening either.
Someone wondered when I would stop believing in the chimeric spike, I wondered why they didn’t believe in it.
I have learned more about the No virus viewpoint since that conversation, since watching Part 3 of a documentary series with Dr. Sam Bailey, which she is promoting: (Dr Sam Bailey Substack). It covers the information in this paper: (Bailey, 2022) and I agree with a comment - the paper was better than the series. The series is very sneering and jeering in tone and it dismisses Gai of Function research as if it is just silly because they are faking ‘virus’. Whatever they want to call what they are doing - it is harmful to health.
I think the documentary is promoting the disbelief in chimeric spike as a real issue with a logic fallacy or conflation → “Virus are fake … therefore anything having to do with virology and vaccines is a fraud and fake too! … therefore chimeric spike is just a big fraud and fake too!”
My question [to the post Substack] was - Why can't the no virus crowd believe that computer generated gene sequences are being produced and that output can be called anything, and can be stuck onto any other gene sequences and it can be patented? The Part 3 video didn’t go as far as to say the chimeric spike research didn’t exist, but Ralph Baric was made into more of a joke than a supervillain. Maybe covertly he funding the documentary series to whitewash Gain of Function bioweapon research as just something to snicker about
Visual proof of chimeric spike injury following LNP injections was gathered by Prof. Arne Burkhardt (1944-2023) and provided to police for investigation.
I would wonder why lack of isolating the Scamdemic RNA quasi-swarm version makes those people believe that there is no chimeric spike at all. See Prof. Arne Burkhardt’s autopsy findings - spike antigen bound to a dye revealed a lot of spike clustering along blood vessel linings. It is visible with the change in color. Prof. Burkhardt filed a police report calling for an investigation into the harm the CoV injections were causing in blood vessels.
A police statement made by Prof. Burkhardt (1944 - 2023) regarding his autopsy findings and the need to end approval for CoV jabs:,
via: PJH Law Solicitors LLP, @pjhlaw,
A gene sequence was given to all of the CoV jab companies to use by the US, NIH. The jab chimeric sequence was modified with pseudouridylation which makes it exist longer than normal mRNA within the body. That sequence is real, patented, published, and double checked by others. It exists. It makes people and tadpoles unhealthy.
Focusing on toppling the field of virology as fake is distracting from the injured and dismissing their pain. The message that patents are just written and may not work and dismissing GOF work by Ralph Baric as a big joke is also suggesting that it doesn’t matter.
But it does matter. The chimeric spike sequence makes any other carrier vesicle more dangerous and it is dangerous on its own. The lining of blood vessels is particularly vulnerable leading to increases in clots and heart attacks.

Something exists
I don't care what it is called, something exists, with a long patent trail revealed by David Martin, it exists and it makes tadpoles sick. That is concerning because human embryos have a tadpole-like stage. (Ives, et al., 2021)
My goal is not about proving virus theory is correct or incorrect or that an adenovirus was used or other specifics, more that chimeric spike is synthesized by man, and US not just Wuhan scientists, and it has been causing harm. The injection version has been worse in severe rapid onset problems and severe slow onset or turbocancer.
Something exists…
Something exists which can spread between people and the jab version of illness is worse than the initial version. Something exists with a a pattern of typical symptoms that matches many other conditions of hyperinflammation.
Whatever the scientists call it is less important than what it does to people and their fertility.
Something exists and it has a long patent trail for various pathogenic bits of it, revealed by David Martin and also searchable online. And it can slowly or quickly damage people. And it seems to lead to self assembly of nanotech.
Something exists that was synthesized by man — and US scientists, not just Wuhan scientists.
Something exists and it makes tadpoles sick. (Ives, et al., 2021)
I don't like being sick so I look for information about what is happening, what does this (unknown elephant) look like? What are its effects on physiology? What else might it be? <5G> <glyphosate> <fear response from media manipulation causing chronic stress and gut dysbiosis>
Spending so much time looking at what something isn't means you aren't looking at what it is.
Something exists and it is killing fetuses. I take that personally as a prenatal specialist.
Magnesium in a nutshell -
To have adequate or plentiful magnesium we need adequate protein and phospholipids to make ATP and other protein transport.
To have adequate ATP also needs methylation cycle function but that is a larger topic.
To be able to absorb magnesium from the gut, you need to not have a stressed out gut or other gut issues, not have genetic differences in magnesium ion TRP channels, to not have excess calcium or phytic acid or other issues.
Many people with chronic inflammation likely need a topical source, Epsom salt if not sulfate sensitive or magnesium chloride flakes in a bath or foot soak is my recommendation, about every 4 days, variable with individual need. *Chelated supplements may work too, Mg glycinate, citrate, or threonate are examples. Mg oxide can be poorly absorbed and are more likely to cause a diarrhea side effect than the chelates.
Typical lab tests are erroneous for showing chronic magnesium deficiency and only show really acute magnesium deficiency. Intracellular magnesium level from a red blood cell is more accurate but not ordered typically.
Many drugs and conditions that are related to magnesium insufficiency are in common use instead of proper screening and treatment.
Chlorophyll is green because it has magnesium which is green. Hemoglobin is red because it has iron which is red. The flower is coral for other reasons than chlorophyll or hemoglobin. 🥸 Roughly.
Maybe it has coralphyll. 🤔😂
I made the mistake of replying to an article that was trollish in tone and I paid for it in ongoing lengthy back and forth of insulting comments - this post (Substack) which was picking apart a video interview by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny with Dolores Cahill regarding the No virus?, “Virology is false” issue.
“Sars-CoV2” has still not been isolated in a way that satisfies the No-virus folks - yet. It also seems like their goal is not helping injured people but instead is focused on “virology is bad”. That may be true, I am not arguing that even, truth hurts virology industry, I am concerned about the injured and how we can help them or ourselves to manage the mysterious whatever-happened with the jabs.
The exchange led to my taking the time to watch the video that was torn apart in the post ( The two women give a reasonable discussion to the question of “No virus?” and “Why hasn’t isolation found a SARS-CoV2 virus?” The questions weren't dismissed, in fact partial belief was reached → they are won-over to the No virus? side - somewhat. But clearly that wasn’t enough for the anonymous Substack writer.
When you insist on 100% agreement, there is no room for discussion or respect for differing experiences and knowledge. The interview ended with Dolores Cahill giving the example of the excessive menstrual bleeding symptom being transmissable from jabbed family members to unjabbed family members. While she didn’t go so far as to bring up the nAChR inhibition by jab S1 as a causal factor for the symptom - she made a very valid point that something in the jabs is being spread within exosomes.
Exosomes and ‘virus’ are practically the same type of thing but with different names and a different seeming ‘risk’.
Exosomes and ‘virus’ are basically the same thing, same size and basic form, but they have a different origin story. Exosomes may also be called “extracellular vesicles.”
“A further embarrassment for virology is that alleged viral particles that have been successfully purified have not been shown to be replication-competent or disease-causing by themselves. In other words, what have been physically isolated can only be said to be extracellular vesicles (EVs). In May 2020, a publication appeared in the journal Viruses that claimed, “nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension.” ‘Nowadays’ means in contrast to the past and it is unclear how such can be observed.” 22 (Bailey, 2022)
Exosomes are thought to be an inter-body communication system which can also communicate externally as pheromones or other gene containing particles. Fewer are released from a cell like what is thought to occur during a long-term viral infection rather than with a new onset, rapidly replicating type of infection.
The rapid replication is thought to cause cell death when a sudden burst of many many new virus/exosomes particles are released. Cell fragments are left behind to be cleaned up by a white blood cell or left to make the area more inflamed and at risk of cell death from the cellular debris. In normal controlled removal of old or damaged or infected cells a white blood cell will engulf the old cell so there is no inflammatory cellular debris left in the area.
Exosomes and ‘virus’ can both contain genetic material which might be replicable by a receiving cell. Surface marker proteins have to match between the exosome/’virus’ and the recipient cell.
Exosomes and virus are about the same size membrane packets which can contain genetic material. The membrane is made from a piece of the host cell 's membrane. Neither exosomes or virus can replicate themselves.
Exosomes can reach a specific cell target in the body, or make one person fall in love but not another, because of surface protein markers on the exosomes that genetically match one person or cell type but not others. The right matching surface markers allow for the receiving cells to uptake the genetic material and cause a change in the proteins being produced by the cell.
My evolving belief - exosomes and ‘virus’ are the same thing and the ‘virology’ industry is creating exosomes with synthesized gene sequences in order to experiment with Gain of Function biowarfare type of research or “research that is for the greater good of humanity, ,. . . peace, love and freedom!” Whatever sells tickets to the show….
I have come to believe that ‘virus’ are exosomes from people with unhealthy terrain and that unhealthy exosomes can make other people with unhealthy terrain sick too.
Uptake of an exosome with genes to encode inflammatory proteins would lead to inflammation in a person with close enough matching surface proteins. Uptake of an exosome with pheromone odor protein genes (or whatever is in pheromones) would make falling in love feelings in a genetically matching person but not in someone with non matching surface marker proteins.
Surface marker proteins are what help a “virus” get into a cell to infect it too.
Quote in image: “The icosahedral envelope of DENV consists of 180 tightly packed E glycoproteins, which are critical for viral attachment and entry into cells…”
Dengue virus has 4 subtypes, getting sick to one may leave you antibodies that do not provide immunity to the other three and may leave you at risk for a worse infection reaction if sickened by one of the other types. There have been attempts to make a vaccine against all four types.
The chimeric spike sequence has a Dengue ‘virus’ like section.
2015, Ralph Baric, University of North Carolina

Thanks Ralph! I would like to press charges against you for damages to my health.

The focus of the comments by the author and another anon on the post (Substack) seem to be that denial of ‘virus’ means there must also be denial of the chimeric spike and also of David Martin’s finding a patent trail too. I don’t see the logic in that. The field of virology can be flawed without preventing scientists from tinkering with gene editing. RoundUp Ready crops exist. And now RoundUp Ready superweeds exist too. Gene editing spreads because it is designed to be able to change genes - it is designed to be transmissable and to cause uptake/transfection of the new genes into another organism.
2010 - U.S. Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds - The New York Times,
May 4, 2010 - “Heavy use of the weedkiller Roundup has led to the rapid growth of herbicide-resistant weeds that could lead to higher food prices and more pollution.”
“The first resistant species to pose an actual threat to agriculture production was spotted in a Delaware soybean farm in 2000. Since then, the problem has spread to almost uncontrollable levels with superweeds infesting more than seven million of the 170 million acres planted with corn, soybean, and cotton in the U.S. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), there are 383 known weed varieties that have the genetic defenses to tolerate one or more herbicides.”
Plants can be used to express the chimeric spike protein too - it was suggested as a more cost effective screening test in low resource areas in this research article from 2021. ‘SARS-CoV-2 Antigens Expressed in Plants Detect Antibody Responses in COVID-19 Patients,’
The chimeric spike exists and has been patented in the US since Feb. 6, 2018.
CRISPR gene editing exists.
“CRISPR (short for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats”) is a technology that research scientists use to selectively modify the DNA of living organisms. CRISPR was adapted for use in the laboratory from naturally occurring genome editing systems found in bacteria.” (
CRISPR existed in the X-files script, circa, a while ago
Predictive Programming - Revealing The Method - The X-Files, LEBOBSKI25, (Youtube), via Nattering Naybob “Now closely watch this "predictive programming" from 2016 for the next 4.5 minutes...”
“One might ask: what business are they in?”
**For the Nerdstalgics in the crowd - The REAL Reason Fox Mulder Disappeared on The X-Files, Nerdstalgic, (Youtube) ***an intriguing look into the online fan feud between the Nomos and the Shippers — ‘no romance’ vs ‘relationshippers’ Some liked the undertones of romantic tension between the leads others wanted it left it out leading to databases of looks and brief moments vs collections of monsters or speculation about the smoking man - would he ever put his cigarette out? *I added that last part.
Intermission over - back to the chimeric spike or whatever it is.
Learning about various predicted pathogenic bits of the chimeric spike sequence, as it has been described, has led to health improvements for me as I added functional foods or other substances to my selfcare routine. Why would nicotine lozenges make colitis symptoms improve unless something had changed within me that was causing cholinergic inhibition?
A gene sequence was given to all of the CoV jab companies to use by the US, NIH. The jab chimeric sequence was modified with pseudouridylation which makes it exist longer than normal mRNA within the body. That sequence is real, patented, published, and double checked by others. It exists. It makes people and tadpoles unhealthy. Note that human fetuses are very similar to tadpoles during early development. (Ives, et al., 2021)
In other CoV news
Dr. Ryan Cole got pretty verbal about not finding graphene oxide in CoV jab vials at an international academic event (Telegram: Dr_Astrid_Stuckelberger/7306)- but unless he tested every single vial that was produced, then he has only quicksand on which to stand. The jab vials have been shown to be very inconsistent. What is or isn’t in one vial or batch in no way suggests that the same findings would be seen with other vials. There seems to be roughly a 33% split of less dangerous, more dangerous, and saline placebo based on some reports. Multiple contaminants have been found and also DNA that should have been removed after the production of mRNA.
Disclaimer This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
References or links
A police statement made by Prof. Burkhardt (1944 - 2023) regarding his autopsy findings and the need to end approval for CoV jabs:,
2021. ‘SARS-CoV-2 Antigens Expressed in Plants Detect Antibody Responses in COVID-19 Patients,’
2015, Ralph Baric, University of North Carolina
(Ives, et al., 2021) Ives, C.-S., Araújo, A., Guimarães, A., Veras, F., Bezerra Braz, H.L., Pontes, L., et al., (2021). Toxicological insights of Spike fragments SARS-CoV-2 by exposure environment: A threat to aquatic health?. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 419. 126463. 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126463.
Predictive Programming - Revealing The Method - The X-Files, LEBOBSKI25, (Youtube),
The REAL Reason Fox Mulder Disappeared on The X-Files, Nerdstalgic, (Youtube)
(Bailey, 2022) A Farewell to Virology, (Expert Edition, English) via (Substack)
(Burkhardt, 2021) Burkhardt, A., WITNESS STATEMENT OF PROFESSOR. DR. ARNE BURKHARDT, Dec 14, 2021, via
(Leung, et al., 2019) Leung, Ada & Amador, Carolyn & Wang, Lin & Mody, Urmi & Bally, Marcel. (2019). What Drives Innovation: The Canadian Touch on Liposomal Therapeutics. Pharmaceutics. 11. 124. 10.3390/pharmaceutics11030124.
(Makatsa, et al., 2021) Makatsa, M.S., Tincho, M.B., Wendoh, J.M., Ismail, S.D., Nesamari, R., Pera, F., et al., SARS-CoV-2 Antigens Expressed in Plants Detect Antibody Responses in COVID-19 Patients, Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol 12, 2021, DOI=10.3389/fpls.2021.589940, ISSN=1664-462X
(Quake 2021) Quake, S.R., The Cell as a bag of RNA, Trends in Genetics, August 27, 2021, DOI:,
“Sorry…” Graphic source:
Virus-like Nanoparticle Production,,
(Yang, 2015) Yang, Amber, The Darwinian Evolution of Superweeds, Sept. 8, 2015,,
Yep. I feel like this is a continuation of the current societal drift of changing the meaning of words. You can call it an exosome or a virus... it's still something doing damage. And virology labs around the world manipulate these things all the time for years and years. "It" does exist and "It" does make people sick and yes, there is contagion.
Science is -- hypothesize, test, observe, replicate....hypothesize, test, observe, replicate. And so it goes, which is why we know more now than we did 100 yrs ago.... and will know more in another 100 yrs... if we survive this. If the "no virus" group would offer up an alternative that could be tested, observed and replicated then I would be more apt to listen to them. But so far it's just criticisms.
Kevin McKernan has a good article on one of the latest discoveries that he says does prove the existence of viruses... or whatever you'd like to call them. I'd post it for you but I've made a terrible mess of my files :((((.
Love your final salutation ---"Peace"... always a good reminder to be still and let the chaos flow somewhere else.
"Something exists." Thank you!