"Mpox clade" - our new disease X is still Monkeypox, but elevated IgG4 and VAIDS following CoV jabs may be the real cause of a pox 'epidemic'.
"Mpox clade" may have PCR testing & Trojan Horse jabs on the way . . . Do not comply. Clearly, preserving human health is not really the goal.
The Monkey Pox fear mongering is likely a cover story for CoV jab side effects. VAIDS - Vaccine Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a real risk if the mRNA CoV jabs and shingles has been a side effect. Elevated IgG4 antibodies could be a lab biomarker for ‘VAIDS’, (Kobbe, et al., 2024), if that was being looked for instead of PCR tests that are set to give “Mpox clade” as a result.
The post has two topics - IgG4 and what that is and what might help; and Monkeypox - pox symptoms, and risks and self-care strategies that might help.
IgG4 antibodies were found to be quite elevated one year after CoV injections, see Figure 1A below. (Kobbe, et al., 2024)

I have ten posts with IgG4 in the title or opening - VAIDS has been a topic since 2020/2021 (the research had been clear - coronavirus vaccines and mRNA trial vaccines tended to backfire and lead to non-neutralizing antibodies and eventual reinfection that was severe). I am going to link the rest at the end of this post. And a comment by
reminds us that elevated IgG4 conditions may lead to cancer too. IgG4 is elevated in autoimmune conditions and in Parkinson’s Disease.Glucocorticoids are typically given for IgG4 related digestive conditions. (Löhr, et al., 2020) That is just suppressing the immune response - which may leave someone susceptible to other infections and increases risk of edema and osteoporosis damage with chronic use.
This 2023 post has an overview about IgG4 and VAIDS, and a solution - polyphenols/flavonoids can help correct autoimmune conditions with microRNA modulation of protein production. Inflammatory signaling that leads to messenger RNA that is dismantled by flavonoid interactions is nature helping to put out the inflammation before it has a chance to set more fires.
What is not that common yet is “Monkeypox” or “Mpox”. The number of cases is still in the single or double digits. First case in Sweden announced - (bbc.com). Historically it has not been a significant problem of contagious spread.
2022 chat stream & news article re Monkey pox in Spain. There was a brief surge of news media at the time. https://defending-gibraltar.net/t/monkeypox-mpox/3410?u=persistent
CoV jabs were in 2021, and a booster late in the year for my parents. I didn’t get jabbed but I did get passive exposure illness and it would relapse with reexposure and seemed to get worse each time I relapsed.
Shingles was the year after that, summer sunshine and exercise were part of the onset factors. Myokines are like cytokines but are released from muscle tissue during exertion, so any strong workout, or intense weekend of exercise may lead to an immune response and infection-like symptoms.
My mother and I both had shingles a few times during the summer of 2022 - sunburn is a risk, but friction and sweat also increases the pox flair up . . . so sexual areas of the body might be more probe to the skin bumps - sweaty and tight clothing that may chaff.
“Pox” seems to be a symptom of a variety of inflammatory conditions
From my investigation of “pox” as a symptom, it can happen for a variety of bad Terrain reasons. Radiation treatments can lead to burns with blistering that is similar to chickenpox, shingles, or smallpox. Autoimmune conditions may add to risk for Shingles. It is more of a risk for people with Rheumatoid arthritis than the standard population as an example. (arthritis.org)
My previous post Monkey/shingles/chicken/smallpox, Aug. 27, 2022, (Substack); Solar Radiation pox & Histamine Food handout link, Sept. 2, 2022, (Substack), Solar radiation pox update - DDT may also be a cause of pox, Sept 3, 2022, (Substack) A Black seed oil brand that I use had a sale so I made a post with about its benefits and research support for use against CoV (which could also be considered ‘against bad/inflamed Terrain’), (Substack).
Inflammatory signaling has run amok - and there is also a toxin excess that the body needs to get rid of. When we exert ourselves, then waste products from energy production are also present in quantity.
Antioxidants are needed and microRNA regulating polyphenols
Polyphenols and vitamin C taken before a workout can help the body have less of a drop in immune function and a faster return to normal levels of inflammatory signaling chemicals.
Polyphenols: Polyphenols are in our colorful produce, herbal teas and Green tea and a strong dark coffee. Blueberries, broccoli, and banana peel would be sources of polyphenols (cook plantain with the skin left on the round slices). Pomegranate, mango, papaya and citrus peels are all very potent and the FDA cannot ban fruit peel. Dry some while the fruit is in season and use it in long-steep tea throughout the year.
Black seed oil: Black seed oil topically soothed the stinging itchy pain for me during a few shingles like flair ups post CoV jab season and cool compresses helped too (but not ice).
Polyphenols have antioxidant power and are antimicrobial but it helps if zinc is present too (zinc ionophores are a natural part of the plant’s biochemistry).
“Pomegranate peel has exhibited a high antioxidant potential. PPE and its bioactive ellagitannins (500-10,000 mg/L) have the ability to inhibit free radical generation in UVAand UVB-irradiated human skin, consequently protecting it from DNA damage [14]. PPE has been also demonstrated to inhibit inflammation and allergic reactions. The anti-inflammatory components of pomegranate, i.e., punicalagin and punicalin, significantly reduce production of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 [15,16].” (Darakhshan, et al., 2019)
From my own chicken pox experience, I will share that friction, muscular exertion and sweatiness also count as causal factors.
Shingles pox seemed more likely to emerge on me, after I had a really hard workout or a couple days in a row of strenuous overwork - a combination of physically exhausting work, plus the friction of clothing/sweat or sunshine exposed areas. Sweaty areas of the body that had clothes rubbing tightly may be more likely to get pox emerging. Skin-tight jeans led to pox on the outer sides of my knees after dancing strenuously at a summertime outdoor concert. At first, I thought it was mosquito bites except the pox spots lasted a week and didn't stop stinging. And my usual Anti-itch Cream 2% didn’t work on them while it does help with mosquito bites. (Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 2% & Zinc acetate 0.1% - TopCare brand)
Black seed oil topically took away the stinging pain and helped the pox flatten and go away instead of blistering and popping into an oozing pustule (gross sounding words because it is kind of gross. Typically it has been thought that it was the open pustules that were infectious. I think sick Terrain is a major part of the risk though. After strenuous work, we will have a reduction in immune function or following a CoV jab.
When we work out strenuously for a couple days in a row there will be a build up of myokines from the muscle activity and no rest time to clear them up. More exercise instead leads to more inflammatory myokines and that sets up an inflammatory reaction. Inflammatory outbreaks may be more likely to occur on any skin areas that had been exposed to sun/radiation/EMF or any where there was friction. That means the face may be an area where we see pox emerging, but areas with tight clothing constricting might also be a location for the bumps.
*******Don’t itch. Resist the urge, it only makes them worse and more likely to blister.
The Number One rule of pox (I had super bad chickenpox as a kid compared to my siblings) is DO NOT ITCH. Scratching the inflamed areas just makes the skin damage worse and the pain worse and the itchiness tends to increase after an initial soothing sensation. Endorphins are released which have a soothing effect, but once the endorphins fade, you have to itch again to make more endorphins, and that leads to more and more skin damage and a continuing cycle of itchiness, scratching, temporary relief, more itchiness, more scratching, temporary relief, then more pain and itchiness. As skin damage worsens other infections might also add other risks and general sepsis and then a gangrene type infection might lead to really big problems —→ DON’T ITCH.
Cool the inflamed tissue.
Cold water compresses help soothe the inflamed area. Treat pox like a really bad sunburn or radiation burn because that is what they are similar too. Keep freshening the cold-water compress as needed (wet a cloth in very cold water, wring it out a bit).
Black seed oil topically, a couple or a few times per day - but eventually it is just oily. Black seed oil is pain relieving due to being rich in salicylate. It is also a broad-spectrum antimicrobial.
The black seed oil topically is soothing up to a point, an excess becomes just oily. I would use the cool compresses as long as needed and rewet them occasionally. The blistered sunburn pox were painful and the cool compresses worked better than black seed oil alone. When we burn ourselves on something like a hot stove, it really does help to keep the burnt finger in a glass of ice water as long as necessary to make the burning feeling stop. Internally the inflamed tissue is still ‘burning’ as long as the area still has inflammatory signaling chemicals present. Keeping the area cool is physically helping to reduce inflammatory signaling and that is helping to reduce the amount of damage to other cells in the tissue region.
Rest: It does help to rest - more exertion, a busy schedule, is just going to be adding more muscle activity and myokines to an already inflamed body. Gentle motion and stretching to keep lymphatic fluid moving for detox purposes would be helpful, but if you feel like napping, then go for it. Try to take some time off from business to let your body remove the inflammation.
Niacin/butyrate: Adequate niacin of the flush type helps the body to remove inflammation as heat. The flushing reaction may be unpleasant, but it is only for 30-45 minutes typically, while the benefit against inflammation lasts much longer. Butyrate can be from good butter, but it is better to have healthy gut microbes making it for our colon where it also protects against inflammation and infection.
Antioxidants: Selenium and glutathione support would also likely help along with vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid. NAC/cysteine, glycine and manganese are glutathione support and Nrf2 (and BDNF) promoters also promote production of glutathione. Polyphenols/flavonoids are part of the antioxidant category and are Nrf2 promoters.


I am unsure about the medical accuracy of the following conversation, however, I will repeat - from my own pox locations - sweaty exertion and friction can lead to pox appearing in areas of ‘intense friction’. The myokines from a muscular workout adds to the risk and is part of the overall body risk of pox emerging anywhere. Gentler exercise with less of an intense physical workout would be producing a smaller amount of inflammatory myokines and other waste products of metabolism. And fewer inflammatory chemicals is a healthier Terrain and would be less likely to cause a ‘pox’/shingles/VAIDs flair up.
If sensitive, if you know you are sensitive to a VAIDS/pox flair, then wear a sunhat and/or stay out of intense sunshine for extended amounts of time. Sunshine is a factor. Strong EMF sources and spending all day with devices would be an additive factor too.
I am unsure about the medical accuracy of the following conversation:
Link to the first post of the Thread: https://x.com/TiffMoodNukes/status/1824502837650596206?t=9hFor2ILQMIddQxWDcd70w&s=19
I am not sure about the medical accuracy of this either though - Google AI:
The following is a good Thread about the mental health risks that the Lockdowns, masks, social distancing, etc., may have caused in our youth. Some news headlines about adolescent or teen murderers are the opening - the current problem being observed. Did two years of disrupted life lead to anti-social behavior in some youth? It seems probable to me.
Lengthy Thread with some resources/references. https://x.com/StephenPunwasi/status/1824483435538268440?t=vPzRDCYT3EHBwWXG7V5Uqw&s=19
I really dislike the giant images. We get two choices now on Substack editing - Full width, which is what is showing, and Wide Width, which is even more giant. Hello Substack - please restore the ability to pick whatever size we want for images.
PS - I also dislike my phone autocorrect. It changes accurately typed words into other words. ‘Myokines’ is changed into ‘moodiness’ automatically. Why Samsung? Why?
These and other questions will likely remain unanswered. Peace dudes and dudettes.
Pomegranate peel extract has been helpful on mouth cancer and ulcerous mouth conditions.
“Finding effective treatments for oral cancers, oral lichen planus and recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) are among the most important challenges of oral medicine [1-4]. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) [‘canker sores’] is one of the most frequent oral diseases, and affects almost 20% of the population [5], but incidence varies from 5% to 50% depending on the groups under investigation and populations [6]. The cause of RAS is still unknown, as a result, it has no definitive pharmacological cure.” (Darakhshan, et al., 2019)
Reference List and IgG4 archive posts
(Darakhshan, et al., 2019) Darakhshan, Sara, Malmir, Mohammad, Bagheri, Fereshteh, Safaei, Mohsen, Sharifi, Roohollah, Sadeghi, Masoud, Hatami, Masoud, Mozaffari, Hamid Reza and Tahvilian, Reza. "The effects of pomegranate peel extract on recurrent aphthous stomatitis" Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, vol.32, no.3, 2019, pp.115-120. https://doi.org/10.2478/cipms-2019-0021
(Kobbe, et al., 2024) Kobbe, R., Rau, C., Schulze-Sturm, U., Stahl, F., Fonseca-Brito, L., Diemert, A., Lütgehetmann, M., Addo, M., Arck, P., Weskamm, L., Delayed Induction of Noninflammatory SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Specific IgG4 Antibodies Detected 1 Year After BNT162b2 Vaccination in Children. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal ():10.1097/INF.0000000000004488, July 30, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000004488 https://journals.lww.com/pidj/fulltext/9900/delayed_induction_of_noninflammatory_sars_cov_2.959.aspx IgG4 antibodies were quite elevated one year after CoV injections (Kobbe, et al., 2024)
(Löhr, et al., 2020) Löhr JM, Beuers U, Vujasinovic M, Alvaro D, Frøkjær JB, Buttgereit F, et al.,; UEG guideline working group. European Guideline on IgG4-related digestive disease - UEG and SGF evidence-based recommendations. United European Gastroenterol J. 2020 Jul;8(6):637-666. doi: 10.1177/2050640620934911. Epub 2020 Jun 18. PMID: 32552502; PMCID: PMC7437085. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7437085/
Elevated IgG4 ~> VAIDS/ a preprint; Flavonoids -> let nature do the microbiology. Short story - the wrong type of antibodies are being made in greater amounts than the type that would fight infection. Instead, the spike is tolerated, ignored, by immune cells. March 29, 2023, (Substack)
Galectin-3, IgG4 and LPS endotoxin in the chimeric spike protein. This is all like an unpleasant game of Clue. Nov. 4, 2023, (Substack)
Both Human Galectin-3 and bacterial endotoxin LPS sequences are in the chimeric spike. Answer to a question/comment. and poetry and photos *trauma alert, bats, newts, owlets, and a dog. Nov. 5, 2023, (Substack)
Part 4. modRNA, pseudouridine, snoRNA; Cancer, CoV, microRNA, mRNA
CoV jabs are bad, um kay! May 2, 2023, (Substack)
Autoimmune Mysthenia gravis and choline transport across nerve synapses; my current structured water hot beverage recipe. Pomegranate peel might help as a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Adequate choline and cholesterol may also be helpful. Also likely helpful, not getting CoV injections or infections. Oct. 08, 2023, (Substack)
“IgG4 Muscle specific kinase (MuSK) antibodies interfere with nerve signaling leaving weakness in the muscle in Mysthenia gravis (MG). (Huijbers, et al., 2013)”
An older comment "You wasted your time." My today reply - everyone's time is being wasted. Fortunately, my time is my own to invest and my life is my own to protect. This post has a link to a CoV Ig4 post, by Igor Chudov, & a foot acupressure map. Jan. 13, 2023, (Substack)
Pomegranate helps PCOS or CoV issues - win/win (and many other things) and is in season in Northern Hemisphere. / & #Index of recent Posts. Dehydrate or freeze the peel for later, the seeds freeze well too - simply freeze them. The texture changes, but still yummy and medicinal. Dec. 30, 2022, (Substack) *Links to a previous post about IgG4 antibodies, but goes into more detail about pomegranate peel as a treatment.
IgG4 antibodies - the autoimmune kind we don't want, are elevated by increasing # of CoV jabs. Passive exposure is likely similar. My comment regarding a post by Arkmedic, with resources for self-care. We need to be treating more, the sooner the better, and stick with it. Autoimmune disease is not fun. Dec. 27, 2022, (Substack)
'Shedding' yes, very big deal per Dr's Ana Mihalcea and Michael Roth; in an EDTA chelation video. No words can really describe how bad this is. Shed some tears, try to be brave - courage is facing fear and acting anyway. Dec. 29, 2022, (Substack) *This post is only related because it linked to the Dec 27, 2022 title - the more often we are exposed to a booster or to exosomes from someone else, the more often the IgG4 autoimmune like antibodies may be formed:
“This post is also related - non-neutralizing antibodies are formed instead of effective ones as more and more spike boosters are received. IgG4 antibodies - the autoimmune kind we don't want, are elevated by increasing # of CoV jabs. Passive exposure is likely similar. (substack.com) Repeated episodes of passive exposure flair-ups is likely very similar to having received a ‘booster vak’ except it would be fewer exosomes than the jab’s Lipid Nanoparticles and it wouldn’t contain other jab adjuvants or mystery ingredients.”
Castor Oil for skin, hair, and odd lumpy things. So versatile, so potent, some caution is needed with this ancient but now trendy oil made from castor plant seeds. (Substack) *This post is not about IgG4 except it has a subsection that is about IgG4 - I copied a comment by Doorless Carp. - recopied below:
Addition: Doorless Carp is reminding us that chimeric spike jab effects on Ig4 immunity throws a wrench in the works and comorbid autoimmune and cancer or comorbid Parkinson’s Disease and cancer do happen. Comment:
“I know from my IgG4 work that the jabs can lead to double jeopardy...
The risk of malignancy in patients with IgG4-related disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis, https://arthritis-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13075-021-02652-2
The risks of cancer development in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6282326/
Skin cancer and Parkinson's disease, Joaquim J Ferreira et al. Mov Disord. 2010. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20063399/
Interestingly some anticancer drugs can also reduce amyloid beta:
Inhibitory Mechanism of An Anticancer Drug, Bexarotene Against Amyloid β Peptide Aggregation: Repurposing Via Neuroinformatics Approach, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31368868/” - Doorless Carp
Elevated IgG4 levels are seen in the following conditions (Brave AI summary)
Based on the search results, elevated IgG4 levels are seen in the following conditions:
IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD): Markedly elevated serum IgG4 (>5 g/L) is approximately 90% specific for IgG4-RD. However, mildly elevated serum IgG4 can be seen in many conditions.
Multicentric Castleman disease: This condition shows considerable overlap with IgG4-RD, with high frequency of lymphadenopathy, IgG4 plasma cell-enriched tissue infiltrates, and elevated serum IgG4 levels.
Vasculitis: Some cases of vasculitis may exhibit increased numbers of IgG4 plasma cells.
Inflammatory bowel disease: Elevated IgG4 levels have been reported in some cases of inflammatory bowel disease.
Lymphoma: Certain types of lymphoma may show increased IgG4 plasma cells.
Chronic allergic conditions: Mild serum IgG4 elevation (<2 times the upper limit of normal) is a frequent finding in chronic allergic conditions.
Sjögren syndrome: Although not specific, elevated IgG4 levels have been reported in some cases of Sjögren syndrome.
Sarcoidosis: Elevated IgG4 levels have been reported in some cases of sarcoidosis.
IgG4 myeloma: Patients with IgG4 myeloma may have markedly elevated serum IgG4 levels, but they do not develop features of IgG4-RD.
Key Takeaways
Elevated IgG4 levels are not specific to IgG4-RD and can be seen in various conditions.
Markedly elevated serum IgG4 (>5 g/L) is highly specific for IgG4-RD, while mildly elevated levels can be seen in many conditions.
A serum IgG4 level of ≥2.8 g/L may be useful in distinguishing between IgG4-RD and non-IgG4-RD diagnoses.
Follow up
What are the characteristic tissue features associated with IgG4-RD, aside from elevated IgG4 levels? *Click through for additional references for the following answer:
Aside from elevated IgG4 levels, the characteristic tissue features of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) include:
Lymphoplasmacytic infiltration: Dense infiltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells, often accompanied by lymphocytes, in affected tissues. «< invasion of tissue by other cells leads to swelling, pressure and pain, and tissue damage leads to fibrotic build-up.
Fibrosis: Scarring or fibrotic changes, which can be storiform (a characteristic pattern of swirling fibrosis) or non-storiform.
Obliterative phlebitis: Inflammation and fibrosis of blood vessels, often resulting in obliteration of the lumen. «< the opening of a blood vessel may become so clogged with swelling and fibrosis that it becomes closed - impassible as a tube.
Eosinophilia: Increased numbers of eosinophils in affected tissues. «< this is seen in sarcoidosis and in autoimmune conditions. Too many white blood cells are invading the tissue - to ‘fight’ something is the immune response that the IgG4 is calling for
Tissue damage: Chronic inflammation and fibrosis can lead to tissue damage, organ dysfunction, and potentially life-threatening complications.
These tissue features are essential for diagnosing IgG4-RD and distinguishing it from other conditions. Histopathological examination of affected tissues, often with immunohistochemical staining for IgG4, is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
Additional Findings
Increased numbers of IgG4-positive plasma cells: Typically exceeding 10 IgG4-positive plasma cells per high-power field (HPF).
Lymphoid follicles: Presence of lymphoid follicles with germinal centers, which can be a distinguishing feature from other conditions.
Fibroblastic proliferation: Increased proliferation of fibroblasts, contributing to the development of fibrosis.
These characteristic tissue features, along with elevated IgG4 levels, are essential for diagnosing IgG4-RD and guiding treatment decisions.
haematologica.org, IgG4-related disease: what a hematologist needs to know | Haematologica
merckmanuals.com, IgG4-Related Disease - IgG4-Related Disease - Merck Manual Consumer Version
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, Elevated Serum IgG4 Levels in Diagnosis, Treatment Response, Organ Involvement, and Relapse in a Prospective IgG4-Related Disease UK Cohort - PubMed
Disclaimer This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Great review.👍👍👍
A significant proportion of these “MPox” lesions strongly resemble Kaposi’s Sarcoma, a hallmark presentation of late-stage AIDS.