Predictive programming, media manipulation and nocebo effect.
Setting up fear and confusion, increases dopamine, which increases susceptibility to placebo/nocebo or hypnotic effects
Repetitive messaging is used by the media and government that are consistent with cognitive reprogramming or hypnotic type therapy techniques per Tweeters in the field (earlier outbreak). The repetition sinks in even if you don’t believe it.
Hollywood movies set up a vision of reality that may be far from the truth or far from an average. Those themes become embedded in the public, normalizing extreme events or actions. Cataclysms happen and a lone hero will rise up from the rubble and save the day. Does that empower us to step up and be the lone hero? or disempower us to wait to be rescued?
An extremely excellent book on the theme of fighting zombies, written in an interviewing the survivors documentary journalist style, was bought and made into a Hollywood movie and it totally warped the book. (World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, by Max Brooks, Excellent book) (Bad movie)
The movie was bad and nothing like the book and there was a lone hero trying to save the day in the bad movie. What we saw in the excellent book was that the survivors worked together building a mini community somewhere, or surviving as a lone hero for a while until finding another lone survivor to work with. The book was about teamwork within a cataclysmic event and human ingenuity and horror and grief.
If we want a potential roadmap for surviving horrific events, then try READING the Excellent book, and ignoring the Hollywood movie industry. Whatever the cataclysmic event - it is teamwork that is likely to promote survival, not waiting for a heroic savior to step up and say, “Follow my lead and everything will be fine.” In this current staged/manipulated reality, that “lone hero” may be in on the plot and was set up to be the next puppet leader handling the public like a groomer manipulating children’s trust - “Yes, trust me, I will love and feed you and keep you warm and secure…right up to the point where I betray you and use you.”
The manipulation includes an insidious undermining of individual strength or hope - your natural immunity is worthless; vitamins are worthless; decades old reliable and inexpensive medications are dangerous/worthless only good for animals; sunshine and exercise and nature are dangerous and need to be avoided; families are dangerous; independent thought is dangerous; insidious messaging designed to disempower and promote learned helplessness - “Oh, no, I can’t do anything, I have to wait for help from the hero of the day.” (Fauci, the ‘sexiest’ man per media. Wait, wut? What kind of drugs are you taking media?)
The media darling of the day changes - click bait for a bored world with ads to sell. Anything emotionally charged, whether highly negative or highly positive - anything that gets clicks is okay if the party line isn’t rocked too badly - vak are good, transhumanism is good, billionaire oligarchy control of society is good. Naughty boys are good or at least acceptable when rich and understandable when poor. Marriage is sacred but not necessary if rich and male. Welfare is good if it is in the millions and billions in tax credits or other government hand-outs and leads to increased billionaire status - but is not good for individual families in need.
Rich people work hard for their money and deserve it and must be smart and trustworthy then. Capitalism is good, being a shark is good.
Cognitive dissonance is good for confusing people and leaving them susceptible to having change created in their values and beliefs without them even noticing.
Turn off the controlled media, the repetition has effect within the brain even if you don’t believe the messaging and think it won’t, it is still engraining the wrong message. The conflicting message sets up an uncomfortable feeling and to restore comfort one of the conflicting thoughts needs to be suppressed. What we have seen in society is that much of the public are willing to embrace a new thought and then defend it vigorously - Fabric masks save my life so you must be forced to wear one to save my life or else you are a murderer basically… - IRRATIONAL. The media has been setting up a belief in irrational and false information - and is still defending it.
They may not like the memes showing that media members were also held to account at the Nuremburg Trials after WWII. Political amnesty should not be given to a complicit group of mass murderers - was this all a silly mistake? (last post) The patent trail and leaked emails from Fauci and fraudulent journal articles and products made prior to the “epidemic”, all suggest this was carefully planned for a long time - not just a silly mistake.
The negative messaging is nocebo - voodoo - messaging, setting up belief that negative events will happen can help make them happen in a person. Higher levels of dopamine make a person more susceptible. An exciting rally or concert, or fear inducing media all would increase dopamine levels. The placebo/nocebo effect is discussed in a series of posts - this is the last in the series: Exosomes, Pheromones, and the Placebo or Nocebo Effect. (
As people break through their Shock, and Denial, and reach Anger or Depression, we are going to have an upset society. On the other side of that is Testing and Acceptance (Stages of Grief, post) and I have been working on the Testing pomegranate peel and fruit for a while - it is a path towards better health, (Pom Abstract post), (Pom prep tips post).
Insidious messaging of helpless leads to hopeless and is inflammatory. More herbs, spices, and produce, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, and avoid glyphosate grains, can help reduce inflammation. (Pom Abstract post)
Don’t let the world change your smile if possible and sometimes that might mean taking a moment to recognize that you aren’t smiling and to do so. Our mood and the muscular action are connected and the physical act of smiling can lift mood - science, I am not linking for the link though. Try it, it really kind of works. Connected pathways, like a teeter totter - one thing happens and the other follows.
If there is a spiritual battle being fought, an energy battle, then the helpless, hopeless depression may be a goal and win for the plotter’s side. So put on a courageous smile and be a local world hero. Networking locally is what worked in the Excellent book World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, by Max Brooks.
*Spoiler - best anti-zombie fighting tool - the garden spade - bullets don’t work.
Addition: Very related article by David Bell, Global Health and the Art of Really Big Lies. The Brownstone Institute, ( In a position of authority preposterous statements are not challenged by the majority - the authority alone makes it seem like it must be true and therefore their own belief on the topic must be wrong somehow.
Question authority - they have feet of mud too.
Be suspicious of the Bread and Circuses entertainment of the day - if it is in the media then it is part of the media’s allowed content and that in itself makes it suspicious.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Something to think about with regard to movies, too: You are sitting in a comfy seat, in the dark, with music playing. Your brain is already in alpha waves. You are prepared for hypnotic induction.