Pomegranate Peel Prep tips.
and a beautiful poem by Caitlin Johnstone. *New graphics about Pom & spike, and the prep tips. **Update on 4/7/24
Update, 10/18/2024, new and improved Pomegranate Peel Prep graphic:
Ways pomegranate peel can help protect against or fight the chimeric spike or SARS-CoV-2 infection:

Pomegranate juice and peel are potent for protecting us from a wide variety of microbes, while also supporting beneficial species of our gut and mouth microbiome. Pomegranate juice has been tested and found about as effective as tooth brushing for reducing cavity causing species in the mouth.
The peel has two parts - the inner pith (white) and the outer rind (red). The concentration of diuretic tannins is greater in the outer rind. So I only use that in tea or extracts while the inner pith is rich in beneficial pectin and seems lower in tannin concentration. House mice have agreed with me - eating a hole in the rind, and then eating away the entire interior leaving a dried out shell for me to find later.
Tannins have healing properties in moderation and are an irritant in excess, in addition to too much diuretic power is TOO much. It can deplete you of other electrolyte minerals and that can cause muscle cramps and pain until you get replenished with sodium and potassium and magnesium.
Pomegranate is typically available as juice or seasonally as whole fruit, and is becoming more available as fresh or frozen seeds (which are called arils). Separating the arils from the surrounding white membrane and tough peel can be time consuming, and may be easier submerged in a sink or bowl of water.
With a sharp knife make shallow cuts through the peel about ¼ inch in a circle around the blossom and then vertically make six or eight cuts from the circle to the other side so the peel can be removed at the top and then the fruit can be separated into wedges. Be aware that pomegranate juice may stain clothing or some types of countertops or plasticware and use of an apron, gloves, and a cutting board may be helpful.
Separate the arils from the surrounding membrane and peel. Remove any seeds that are spoiled - become moldy and dark, or squishy and no longer a bright ruby color. Arils that are pale in color yet firm are still fresh and usable. This step may be easier in a bowl or sink of water. Any small pieces of white membrane and seeds that are spoiled tend to float to the top of the water and can be easily removed while the firm juicy seeds sink.
Rinse and drain the arils. They can be used immediately or stored in a refrigerator in a covered container for up to a week. They can also be stored in a freezer for six months to a year.
If planning to use the inner membrane for soup, salad or other uses it is easiest to remove the outer red part with a vegetable peeler before sectioning the fruit and separating the seeds.
Pomegranate Peel - the white/creamy yellow Inner Pith
High fiber, milder tannin level than the rind. Edible like minced garlic:
(1) Bitter accent raw in salads.
(2) Add at the end of cooking to preserve nutrients.
(3) Or dry & powder like pectin, acts as an antioxidant, preservative in breads or meats, or adds to other pectin to jam/jelly.
I use about 1-2 tablespoons dried or 1/8-1/4 cup raw, minced or powdered, per 2-qt batch of soup or 24 muffins. ~1/4 tsp per serving
Discard spoiled parts. Add a little vitamin C powder to reduce browning & use fresh or freeze, or dehydrate & powder.
*Stir with the powder from a high dose vitamin C capsule, or rinse in vitamin C water — add some powdered vitamin C to a small amount of water and soak or stir the pomegranate pith in it to prevent browning - oxidation. The antioxidants won’t work for health benefits if they are already oxidized. Or overheated in boiling soup. Baked goods seem to have retained the medical benefits, and a short simmer is okay. About 20-30 minutes of gentle heat at the most. Canning jam led to too long of a heating period. Making jam to freeze preserved the medicinal benefits.
Pomegranate Outer Rind - the red part which gets bark-like as it dries.
Can air dry fairly easily and use in tea or extracts. May be powdered & taken in capsules or other methods that I haven't tried - It would need a stronger grinder than a coffee grinder which handles the dried inner pith fairly well (then sift for a finer powder). The outer rind is higher in tannin content than the inner pith, making the medicinal dose needed fairly small before diuretic side effects are noticed. Instead of a 1/4 teaspoon of inner pith, it might be a capsule of finely powdered outer rind or dried extract.
->When using pomegranate peel in the diet or beverages, also Drink water too! And have the pomegranate peel products early in the day.
Caution with portions and dosing: Overlapping use in baked goods and entrees or salad and in medicinal teas can add up to too much. The diuretic potency becomes obvious. It is better to not add medicinal ingredients to something too easily overeaten like cookies - be aware of dosing is important. Tannins are healing in small amounts and are an irritant in larger amounts.
For 1-2 quart medicinal, strong tea:
Suntea - 8 hours in glass bottle, or simmer gently 20 minutes, or remove from heat after bringing to a boil:
4-6 1/2 inch pieces pom rind, 1/2-1 teaspoon thyme, 6-8 1 inch pieces of dried mango peel (milder, fruity, also anti-inflammatory), & dandelion root or leaves. Or 1 tsp Skullcap for baicalin, or Rooibus. Small pcs of Star Anise.
Many things can add to flavor & health benefits in a tea. The pomegranate peel alone is tangy but does not have much flavor.

Pomegranate Waldorf Salad, (yield about 10 cups, 10 servings)
7 cups peeled and chopped apple
1 cup finely chopped celery
1 cup finely chopped walnuts
1 cup fresh pomegranate seeds, about one large pomegranate
1/2 cup minced inner white membrane of the pomegranate
3 six ounce tubs or one 20 ounce tub of vanilla yogurt - the walnuts absorb some of the moisture by the second day.
This downloadable pdf includes more about prep and menu ideas - Pomegranate Benefits and Preparation, (pdf in my sync file).
I have some older recipes on effectivecare.info/G13.Pomegranate and G10. Nrf2 Promoting Foods.
I use dehydrated powdered pomegranate inner peel in one or two of the jam recipes in this long post - I just kept adding new batch trials to the same post: Citrus & Fig Marmalade Jam (Substack)
I added the new Pomegranate information to the Covid19 page on jenniferdepew.com. It now has a 2020 section - with pomegranate/citrus/mango peel tea information, and a 2021 section and now a 2022 section - early treatment starts as early as you start.
Beautiful poem: Planting Angel Eggs On A Dying World - by Caitlin Johnstone (substack.com)
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
Great info, I’ll have to start using pomegranate molasses in cooking more often
💗😁 Wow! Thanks! Can’t wait to try some of those suggestions and recipes! Going to check out the others now and that really was an awesome poem. I love Caitlin Johnstone’s word craft. So gutsy, earthy, alive and emotion wrenching.