With the Atlantic article about amnesty, let's talk about the stages of grieving more.
1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
The article: Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty, Emily Oster, 31, Oct 2022, The Atlantic, (theatlantic.com).
Denial: Denying there is a problem may be more comfortable than facing that a huge grievous error or malign plot occurred.
Anger: Being angry that such an event did take place would be moving along the path of grieving. But might become self-destructive or dangerous to others. Calm wisdom and rational thinking are needed and is difficult during strong emotions. Caution against blaming - focusing on blame takes away self-power to do anything about your circumstances. There is always some control over your own reactions at least - less stress on the body is healthier. And in an interconnected society, we are all somewhat involved with supporting the current times. We buy stuff and go places and get services from government and corporate people. What next?
Bargaining: Bargaining - trying to somehow negotiate a way out of seeing the problem for what it is, a US patented chimeric spike protein with many pathogenic sequences and many patents which is a toxin and can spread passively by exosome from injected people through the air or by touch/bodily fluids, is a stalling tactic on the path. Asking for amnesty… regarding pandemic policies, turning family and friends against each other, loss of jobs, deaths/LockDown/economic crash, …seems like a negotiation. (Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty, Emily Oster, 31, Oct 2022, The Atlantic, theatlantic.com)
Depression: Grief is physically real, and depression is too. Both are inflammatory and can cause the symptoms of my Graphical Abstract (post). Strong emotions are excitatory and lead to oxidative stress chemicals collecting from the over-activity. It is natural to go through sadness during grief and feel depressed to learn disturbing and sad news (our government paid to harm people and still is) but dwelling in it is sickening. Taking an Epsom salt bath would be stress relieving physically for the mitochondria and muscles and mood.
Acceptance: Acceptance does not mean agreeing that everything is fine - it means accepting that everything is what it is - not fine, really bad, quite horrible. It means facing reality with the calmness to rationally move forward with: What next? That happened, what next? What action to take, or to not take?
A modified version of the Kubler-Ross Model of the stages of grief adds Shock - initial paralysis at hearing the bad news - prior to Denial, and Testing - seeking realistic solutions - prior to Acceptance. When something abruptly changes, or gradually changes and you finally notice, then knowing What next? might not be standard methods. It is a new situation - new methods of coping may need to be learned, by trial and error.
Trying to reconnect with friends and family that were estranged over the Covid policies would be a reasonable place to use some amnesty. Build friendships.
The official definition of the word casts a different light on who would be getting amnesty from the public:
am·nes·ty, [ˈamnəstē]
an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses:
"an amnesty for political prisoners" · [more]
pardon · pardoning · reprieve · release · discharge · liberty · freedom · absolution · forgiveness · dispensation · remission · indulgence · clemency · mercy
grant an official pardon to:
"the guerrillas would be amnestied and allowed to return to civilian life"
pardon · grant an amnesty to · reprieve · release · discharge · liberate · [more]
(Oxford Languages / https://languages.oup.com/)
The media leads the public - normalizing human experimentation and violation of Informed Consent and corporate profit and billionaires getting richer during a pandemic - is not okay. The public deserve and need real trials and convictions and not just pharma fines and no jail terms. There is a patent trail, with names.
The Department of Defense is involved, Trump seems involved yet is the bad guy, yet is the hero. We are told this is a stage show, then the players are likely staged. Elon Musk is also connected/funded in part by US government dollars. What is the goal? Getting everyone chipped it seems, and consequences are no problem because culling, reducing population, and making medical industry profits also seems a goal. If there are two factions fighting each other, then both groups seem to be supporting the injections with the seeming self-assembling nanotech - and that is not good for our health or our liberty.
Addition: related and great post by Caitlin Johnstone - trying to silence us into compliance is a goal, trying to fracture and divide and disempower us individually and collectively is a goal.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.