Air flow, aether, and Van Gogh's Starry Night, Chapter Four continued; & Lion’s Mane mushroom and Avocado seed flour - two super foods. / Link to Vejon Covid-19 Review, re autoimmune risk.
Lion's Mane mushrooms - brain nerve regeneration; Avocado Seed Cake Recipe - anti-cancer and liver protecting. Autoimmune health tips/discussion. Chi/aether is part of health too. Gentle exercise.
Post too long for email - this is three articles in one maybe - Super foods, aether flow in cosmic space, and in our bodies, and autoimmune risks of CoV and tips for preventing autoimmune reactions (vitamin D! magnesium! adequate protein!).
Super food one - anti-cancer and liver protecting - avocado seeds:
Avocado seeds can be ground to make a high protein ‘flour’ that is high in carbohydrates, except it turns orange with oxidation/air exposure and looks like carrot cake. Avocado seeds/pits have similar phytonutrients as pomegranate peel, catechins, quercetin, and also apigenin. Catechins can have color changing effects. The avocado seeds have many other beneficial anti-cancer phytonutrients and extracts have been found helpful against prostate and other cancers in human and animal research. Polyphenols may be preventing cancer cells to divide by inducing “G0/G1 cell cycle arrest via downregulating cyclin D1 and E2 expression in prostate cancer cells.” (Bangar, et al., 2022)

The ground seeds are also a good source of carotenoids which might explain the carrot-cake like appearance of my pan of avocado seed ‘cake’.
“Avocado seeds contain several-fold phenolics compared to popular antioxidant sources such as raw blueberry (Wang, Bostic, & Gu, 2010). It constitutes phenolics from five groups viz., procyanidins, catechins, flavonols, hydroxycinnamic, and hydroxybenzoic acids (Rodríguez-Carpena, Morcuende, Andrade, Kylli, & Estévez, 2011).” (Bangar, et al., 2022) ← Great paper alert.
Avocado seed powder is also beneficial for liver, kidney, and meat quality in quails. (Tugiyanti, Iriyanti, Apriyanto, 2019) AKA - good chicken feed too, probably.
“Flavonoids display a multitude of activities; therefore, these compounds have been upgraded from antioxidant to bioactive compounds [37]. Some flavonoids, such as catechin, apigenin, and quercetin exhibit hepatoprotective activity and antihepatotoxic properties because the compounds inhibit lipid peroxide in the cell membrane. Quercetin exhibits antioxidant activity by inhibiting inflammation enzyme activities or by increasing glutathione synthesis [38]. Flavonoids are reported to stimulate the activity of RNA polymerase 1 DNA-dependent and biosynthesis of RNA and protein, resulting in DNA biosynthesis and cell proliferation, which lead to regeneration in the damaged part of the liver [23].” (Tugiyanti, Iriyanti, Apriyanto, 2019)
Most people throw away avocado pits, and the industry mostly does too, per the linked paper, (Tugiyanti, Iriyanti, Apriyanto, 2019), so it is a free food basically for people who buy avocados whole - and can be used for humans or chickens. The catch is the grinding. I used the fine grating side of a Box Grater and got a cup of powder with 4-5 seeds. There will be a little nub left to throw away to protect your fingertips.

Avocado Seed Cake - recipe and directions, document, or pdf in my Dropbox.
*So far I have not had retinoid toxicity symptoms from the carotenoid content. I made the pomegranate peel content in this batch generous enough that over-eating the avocado seed cake is a bad idea. When more peel is used, there is a stronger bitter tart mouth taste, so I can tell when I made a batch stronger than usual. Do not overeat or the diuretic effect increases to too much.
Super food two - Lion’s Mane mushrooms - may be easier to find powdered - potentially regenerative for the brain.
Lion's Mane mushrooms, Hericium erinaceus, are good fresh if you can get them. They don't transport well but can be grown from kits. Researchers have found another phytonutrient in the medicinal mushroom that helps memory and may be promoting nerve regrowth. Pre-clinical mouse study.
The medicinal mushrooms were known to promote peripheral nerve regeneration by promoting Nerve Growth Factor. The new compounds were isolated based on their ability to promote neurite outgrowth.
Lion's Mane and the brain: Study identifies new compounds in ‘smart mushroom’, by Asia Sherman, 17 Feb 2023, NutraIngredients, USA. (Sherman, 2023)
N-dephenylethyl isohericerin (NDPIH) was isolated and its derivative hericene A. They were found to stimulate connections between brain cells, called neuron projections. The research took place at University of Queensland with collaborative work from researchers at Gachon University and Chungbuk National University in Korea.
Cooking/serving ideas: I eat Lion's Mane powder in soup or with tofu, fairly often. It is strongly flavored, about 1/4-1/2 teaspoon would be plenty of flavor for a single serving of soup. I add a rounded tablespoon to a pot of soup - but first make a slurry with it in cold water with in a glass that you stir vigorously - or I sprinkle it on the cold tofu and stir thoroughly, that dissolves most of it. The Lion’s Mane powder has a tendency to form hard little chunks if put into hot liquid in a lump.
I bought a fairly big bag and it is lasting me forever - probably you don’t need a half of a kilogram bag: Lion's Mane Powder - PureBulk, Inc. However, spending the money on capsules when it is flavorful in soup doesn’t make $cents either.
Returning to aether flow, continuing this post series:
The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, a book summary (series), Part 1. / Regreening of Israel by Cloud Buster & Iranian clouds? (
The speed of light is variable - news to know, from the 1800s. Chapter 2 & 3 / Bonus link: "skepsis" via Hopeful Grump/Substack. (
Ether flows and everything flows along with it. Where is it flowing? -> Chapter Four. (
Air flow, aether, and Van Gogh's Starry Night, Chapter Four continued; & Lion’s Mane mushroom helps nerve regeneration in the brain; & Avocado seed flour/extract fights cancer, protects the liver.. (This post)

Van Gogh’s Starry Night shows air flow in a visual way that resembles how water flows around rocks in a river and forms swirls as you dip your canoe paddle in and out of the water.
Aether flows like water and is attracted to water or magnetic attracting metals. The early theorists expected it to collect around the astral bodies and move slower around the planets or stars than it would likely be flowing in outer space / the Heavens.
Chapter Four and Five introduce James DeMeo’s visualization of ether flow and discusses the direction of flow, towards Vega and whatever is beyond. The direction of flow is very similar to the axis of planet Earth. Our rotation may be in response to the flow of the aether is suggested by his graphics and text.

According to James DeMeo’s understanding of the various research, the flow of ether, and path of our planet is a large spiral rather than a straight line. See the book cover above. And based on the work of 17 different research teams, we are all spiraling towards the star Vega (and beyond). What is after Vega, probably more stars. That is not something I worry about.

Above, from the back cover: 17 Independent Vectors of Cosmic Motion.
Below, James DeMeo's graphic shows how aether would be flowing unequally around the planet because one side is more fully in the force of the aether ‘wind’ and one side of the (rotating) planet is more protected. He also points out that the 17 hour sidereal direction is a similar axis as the tilt of the planet - as if a beach ball is spinning along the top of a windy lake (my visual metaphor).

The data gathered by Dayton Miller of ether motion moving from 5 hours sidereal towards 17 hours sidereal, taken in consideration with the spiraling effect of the planet's path through space, provides the graphic on the book cover.

I am overlong for the email and will make a post with more detail from Chapter Five this post gets into it only visually, while having been introduced in the Chapter Four post.
Fron a health perspective- visualize your body as a river with rocks here and there disrupting flow. Regular exercise with gentle small motions at the joints can help flow, improve mobility and reduce pain and stiffness of the area.
I discussed this in the Heart Revolution series. New beginnings for heart health education (
The human body is not designed to just sit. The lungs and heart circulation works better with rhythmic motion like walking or jogging. We used to be a bipedal species because we had to walk everywhere. Now we are becoming a quadrapedal society - car or wheelchair-bound.
The old exercise saying is not wrong:
“If you don't use it, you lose it.”
Within four days of inactivity, we start losing muscle strength.
Autoimmunity needs to be prevented ideally with adequate vitamin D in advance, which needs adequate magnesium and protein. I keep talking about the Basic Stack and Extended Stack - special aids that are spike specific - because autoimmunity is bad and may be occurring in twenty percent of people who were CoV vaccinated and an unknown number of people who were passively exposed to the CoV jabbed people. Autoimmunity is not easy to cope with and mainstream medical just takes a “fight cancer” type approach - wait until it is bad enough that last resort corticosteroids start to seem like any help is better than none. Don’t let it get that bad! Give the body extra support and work on reducing fear and worry or other emotional pain as it does add to hyperinflammation.
To fight inflammation, we need to put out internal fires, and also stop lighting them. To reduce autoimmune antibodies, once they have have formed, we need to avoid the antigen - the protein - the chimeric spike in the case of CoV jabbed, but also some people may have formed phospholipid auto-antibodies to the LNP carrier phospholipid, which means eating more phospholipid foods would help replace what is being attacked. If the toxin is hard to avoid reducing other inflammatory triggers and providing support nutrients and immunomodulating polyphenols might help.
*I will make a Chapter 4/5 post that is more focused on the book. This post is the fourth in a series regarding the book: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, – September 18, 2019, by James DeMeo, (
It is also correcting a major error in life sciences - aether flow is part of health. Wilhelm Reich discovered the energy first in measurements from human activity.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Reference List
(Sherman, 2023) Sherman, A., Lion's Mane and the brain: Study identifies new compounds in ‘smart mushroom’, 17 Feb 2023, NutraIngredients, USA.
(Bangar, et al., 2022) Bangar SP, Dunno K, Dhull SB, Kumar Siroha A, Changan S, Maqsood S, Rusu AV. Avocado seed discoveries: Chemical composition, biological properties, and industrial food applications. Food Chem X. 2022 Nov 11;16:100507. doi: 10.1016/j.fochx.2022.100507. PMID: 36573158; PMCID: PMC9789361.!po=28.3898
(Tugiyanti, Iriyanti, Apriyanto, 2019) Tugiyanti E, Iriyanti N, Apriyanto YS. The effect of avocado seed powder (Persea americana Mill.) on the liver and kidney functions and meat quality of culled female quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Vet World. 2019 Oct;12(10):1608-1615. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2019.1608-1615. Epub 2019 Oct 24. PMID: 31849423; PMCID: PMC6868263.,The%20avocado%20seed%20has%20been%20reported%20to%20be%20rich%20in,70%25%20phenolic%20%5B17%5D.
Good post. How long do you dry the avocado seeds before turning to flour?
This is a scary time to be dealing with autoimmunity, or trying to prevent it, considering how dioxins build up in the food chain / in animal fat. And it seems like with autoimmune, if also accounting for histamine and Epstein Barr, there's nothing to eat besides meat and some vegetables ... I was fine eating meat a few times a month, even less, but now I've eliminated almost everything I used to think was relatively healthy. (Rice, beans, goat dairy).
Autoimmunity can come from the covid infectinon, even unjabbed. I had elevated speckled ANA two months after covid, despite early treatment, but not as fully aggressive as should have been. (No "vaccines" (and got covid from another un-"vaccinated" person, it wasn't shedding).
The minute details needed to not trigger autoimmunity are painfully specific. Helpful things like chaga, microingredients in supplements supposedly can void the AIP diet. : (
But I know autoimmunity can be horrible, and I don't want to be dependent on toxic immune suppressants from pharma.
Thanks so much for all the information you freely share with love!