So I opened Sunday's SF Chronicle to find the top half of the editorial section devoted to the hypothesis that our species is full of intersex individuals ("as many as red-haired people"), and that the idea that there were biological determinants of male and female was invalid. This front page blather was written by a person who proclaimed to have a PhD in science, although they did not state their actual credentials. (When researched they turn out to have a short-lived PhD in Ecology, with several research projects on fungal impacts on insects that affect coffee crops.

Rather than taking up the task of discussing Walsh's excellent film (which I too appreciatively watched this weekend), the editors of what once was a fine newspaper decided to dumb down their leadership with more of this pathetic anti-scientific hogwash. It is alarming to me to see just how far this grasping will go in order to deny biological reality and basic respect for women.

I am not ant-human, I am concerned about the effect of plastics and chemicals on our unborn children and the outcomes to their sexual development, which needs to be addressed as a source problem. In light of that, I find the perversion of science for an agenda that supports taxpayer funded neutering, with no understanding of the long-term downside, to be an appalling affront, clothed in Drag as compassion and equality.

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Well said.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.


It’s another big pharma construct to make money from confused young people and children.

It’s the new hoax. It’s a trans-demic.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

There may well be influence from endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment in addition.

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Both factors. Real problem being normalized by media instead of investigated as an emergent health issue.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Great post.

"Can a neurologist tell whether a brain is male or female given some varied electrical activity screenings or other images? Probably."

I recall when, in the late 80s, the first study came out claiming that women had more fibers in the corpus callosum connecting the hemispheres, it was highly controversial. Many men wrote letters to journal editors critiquing the study design. It was ON. (Most women read it, shrugged, and said, well, it makes sense.)

Many studies later, there is still an argument raging. Male brains are larger, including the corpus callosum, but size does not always predict function. Normalizing corpus callosum volume for size of the whole brain does reveal that the corpus callosum is relatively larger in women. https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/staff/rwcox/ISMRM_2006/ISMRM%202006%20-%203340/files/01606.pdf

Now that there are more sophisticated MRI technologies, it does appear that there are fewer myelinated fibers (white matter) connecting some structures in men than in women.


As for opening jars, my dad's suggestion was a strap wrench. Works for me.


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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Just trying to get us ready to accept every type of transhuman modification to bodies, such as implants or nano structures or "making us smarter" by augmenting our brains, etc. After all, how will we keep up with AI and other types of robots? People including the US military forgot to read Asimov's Robot series which gives in-depth thought experiment to how robots should serve humans, not the other way around. US Military drone with onboard AI software killed it's own human operator.

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Wow, regarding the killer AI drone.

Yes, not good stuff.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I was incorrect. The "kill" was actually a simulation of the AI, so no humans were actually killed. Sorry for the misinformation.

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Thanks for the addition.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

hit the bottom of the jar with the butt of your hand--the part where the thumb meets the wrist and the palm, the part where you rest when you are doing pushups. If you can hit the bottom of the jar, quickly and as forcefully as you can without hurting yourself, this will often release the pressure enough to open the jar.

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