"What is a Woman?" - Matt Walsh; trans topics, trauma alert - graphic image of transmale 'bottom' surgery.
Comedic genius or concerned journalist? What is Matt Walsh? *Post too long for email.
Whatever else Matt Walsh is, he is philanthropic and released his documentary on Twitter for free viewing yesterday, so I did. The video was initially censored on the platform and then Elon Musk boosted it - allowed it. Free speech won yesterday. *a couple days ago, I have been working on this post a bit.
I thought the documentary excellent and laughed aloud a few times. It is priceless how he showed the circular logic that is being allowed or promoted regarding the question “What is a woman?”. When the answer wasn’t uncomfortable silence or a sudden end to an interview, it tended to be “A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman”. Matt Walsh would come back immediately with “But what is a woman?” and tend to get “whatever that person chooses to portray as a woman” - roughly paraphrased.
You cannot define a word with the word and have a ‘meaning’.
Matt Walsh finished the movie with a bang, spoiler, (it is no longer a new release). He was told to go ask his wife “What is a woman?” by an interviewee and he did. She got the punchline to the movie and a counterpoint at the same time… A woman is “an adult human female, …and would you open this jar for me?”
Why is that ending so powerful? and doubly powerful? Because it isn’t a circular definition and it is directly tying ‘womanhood’ to subtext ‘female DNA’.
In our new bizzarro 1984 world lexicon/dictionary, words keep having definitions changed and in the new lingo so much focus has been on the gender of ‘woman’ as being a social construct and dismissive of the DNA of ‘female’ or ‘male’.
YET, throughout the movie, over and over again, it seems very clear that the unspoken definition of ‘woman’ or ‘man’ to the trans community or supporters is that a person with a vagina or a manufactured expensive poor functioning facsimile or a pre-surgery penis is a woman or a person with a penis or a manufactured expensive poor functioning facsimile or a pre-surgery vagina is a man.
PSA - based only on photos of the surgeries versus photos of strap on substitutes - just buy a strap on.
Example of the problems with a circular definition:
“Word” - a small word that is used as a group label for all other words.
With that definition maybe ‘Bird is the word,’ (Family Guy cartoon song *warning - severe earworm, do not click) and a ‘word’ is a small type of bird among a group of varied size word-birds.
Major life rule - do not define words using the word.
My first word-bird spotted online: The “Freedom” word-bird, by Ekaterina, (stock.adobe.com).
An anonymous trans-male after “bottom” surgery - a euphemism to make disabling a leg and sterilizing a DNA female sound benign. I have added some blue shading for privacy, but the outline still shows an enormous flesh thing was made out of thigh muscle. That surgical experiment is not going to be able to do anything like a penis functions. Other DNA females have loss part of their arm muscle for making a flesh thing and then lose mobility in the hand of the affected arm - see activist Scott Newgent, @NotScottNewgent on Twitter, a DNA female who got full transition surgery as an older business women, leading to her/him losing his insurance and the surgeries tend to cause ongoing problems needing more surgery to repair. Scott has kept the male identity but is now outspoken against allowing this to happen to more young people. Those promoting it are overconfident and under informative of the risks of major surgery or hormones or hormone blockers.
DNA male boys given puberty blockers early never grow enough tissue in their penis to perform a “bottom” surgery that turns the penis inside out to form an internal flesh tube that would never, ever function the way a muscular, self-lubricating vagina can.
If this seems too far from your own life realize that taxpayer dollars may be funding some of these horrific experiments on young adults and children. Why should public school guidance counselors be encouraging experimental medical treatments? Since when were schools centers for medical experiments?
Even without surgeries the puberty blocking hormones are leaving adolescents with underdeveloped bodies, skeletons and probably their brains too.
Excerpt about an Epoch Times documentary that will be showed at a New York film festival.
“In 2021 alone, more than 42,000 children were diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria, a shocking 70% increase from the previous year, according to Reuters. Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities is a revealing docudrama exploring the complex issues surrounding transgenderism and youth. Help us share this new Epoch Original docudrama with family and friends and help save our children.”
“We are pleased to announce that our upcoming Epoch Original docudrama Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities has been selected by the Manhattan Film Festival.” (Buy Tickets) *The showing will be on June 16th and tickets are available. June 19th is the premier release date.
Watch the first ten minutes in a Tweet by Epoch Times (Twitter)
Males and females have physical differences in body strength, leverage, and also differences on average within the brain. Can a neurologist tell whether a brain is male or female given some varied electrical activity screenings or other images? Probably. The difference is more in brain function than obvious structural differences like seeing developed breasts versus a penis, so you might hear activists say there is no difference between male and female brains and that is more about the larger physical structure being similar rather than all functions being the same.
Can you open a jar with a tight seal?
The second whammy in the ending scene was the “and would you open this jar?” - women are adult human females - who tend to be smaller and weaker than males and benefit from having a partner’s help.
It was a wonderful way to close the movie.
I listened to a video by a trans woman who had gotten the vagina facsimile and was very disappointed with it. Previous sexual sensation was ruined, and “men don’t know how anyway, right ladies?”, so it wasn't worth it she said and she lost her previous sensation, and now she had to do dilation procedures daily or the opening would grow shut. She got caught in a trap of overconfident systems saying it would all be great, “become a woman”! Like magic! Over confident surgeons are not like magic - they are like Dr. Mengele experimenting on humans.
We are not really Transformer bots in a cartoon world even though it seems like a cartoon world now.
God doesn’t put people in the wrong bodies, man-made chemicals are likely putting mismatched instinctual behavior patterns in developing brains. Social contagion/peer pressure and school and therapist messaging is promoting this too but please remember that there really are a lot of toxic chemicals in our food, water, and air supply - and our medications. There really are children with true gender dysphoria and they need to be accepted and encouraged to accept their body and brain as is - let it grow for a while and wait and see how their feelings grow over time too.
Love is about trust - not cleavage, fingernails, or a Bigus Dickus (*Monty Python character name). Old people don't stay together because their wrinkly parts are super sexy. Love works in the dark → clue.
(Spoiler - I am in agreement with the transwoman that men don’t know what they are doing - many men, not all - and it tends to be the Bigus Dickus’s who really don’t know much. Goal is not to pretend to be a jackhammer - clues over).
$70,000 or more spent on surgery and it sounds like a series of surgeries, each which can have complications and leave internal scar tissue that might cause nerve pain or other dysfunction.
“What is a woman” is politics is what it is.
Gender dysphoria is real and there are real children involved. I saw a video of a half hour discussion panel with teens who were either for or against social media use for teens/children. One of those on the “For it” side was a transmale young teen who appreciated finding community online but also saw how social media can be harmful too. He shared an example of defending trans online when someone said the Rupaul show was about trans people ~ “No, no, they are drag queens.” There is a difference, and that teen knew there was a difference even though young and likely not sexually experienced.
The Library Story hours and other prominent placement of Drag Queens as ‘trans appreciation’ is politics. A lengthy Tweet points out that having a spokesmodel in ads who looks like an adolescent girl is a problem because viewing audience males are more likely to encounter adolescent girls than 28 year old transwoman actors who appear like a pre-pubescent teen girl. (twitter.com/anti_commie32)
That is worth thinking about.
Some opening jar tips for those without a stronger person around to help - of any gender or word of the day thing.
It is a vacuum pressure being fought, so tap firmly around the outer edge of the lid with the handle of a large knife, heavy, or gently with a hammer or something more obviously designed for tapping. That may release the vaccum enough for you to be able to open it. This tapping method seems to help with stubborn plastic lids.
And/or use one of those flimsy silicon jar openers to give yourself extra grip on the lid.
If all else fails, use the large heavy not flimsy knife to stab a small hole in the top of the lid. The jar should then open quite easily and just stick some scotch tape over the hole for an air seal while you are using up the food. *Tip from my dad. It works, I use the butcher knife that he suggested. An ice pick might work similarly. *caution do not try this at home ;-)
For a metal lid, if those other tips don’t work or appeal, run the water really hot and hold the metal lid under the hot water for a while. It might expand the metal slightly or loosen the vacuum pressure. I use the other methods.
Another social media Thread or comment I saw on the topic of trans people calling lesbians or others transphobe if they don’t want to date a transperson - was a perfect point to make like women are adult human females is a good definition.
»Just say that you don’t date entire groups of people and that you personally are not interested in that person personally. Period. Case closed.
Forcing sex is called rape whatever your gender/sex/word of the day thing is. Lesbians or men should not be forced to date transwomen because of political correctness. Love is about love, and trust. Trying to pass and reveal later is starting every relationship from a position of breaking trust. Seems like a flawed plan to me.
What I do think we need more of is acceptance that we are a binary species with a few quirky genetic differences in some people, but mostly binary XX female and XY male. Jargon wise, typical usage is the genetic ‘sex’ is female or male and the gender is woman or man.
Good background explainer in this article about our X and Y chromosomes with new research about the second (or third or more) X chromosome in DNA females. It or they are inactive, not expressed as much as the first, but the inactive X chromosome seems to have modulatory control over which genes are expressed on the active X chromosome, up or down regulating by as much as 38%.
See: “Inactive” X Chromosome Plays Bigger Role in Sex Differences Than Once Thought, by Katie Brighton, June 3, 2023, (technologynetworks.com)
With the reality of endocrine disrupting chemicals in our food supply, air, water, and mother’s bodies, we need to accept that we now have a lot more non-traditional people growing up. The percentage of younger adults and teens identifying as something other than heterosexual is above 20%, I think - not a single digit 1-2% issue anymore. How much of that is peer pressure/social contagion/school counselors, is hard to know. Various chemicals or medical treatments might be having an additive effect and I think low iodine may be involved in the increase in autism. Many of the younger people identifying as trans are also on the autism spectrum suggesting the ‘dysphoria’ may have other things involved or maybe the mother also had the opposite gender hormones in abundance during the pregnancy.
Changes in gender behavior related to prenatal hormones will show up as a toddler playing more like the other gender toddlers - not a toddler suddenly demanding to dance drag queen style for adults. When very young children seem overly interested in sexual body parts, it is considered a sign to investigate for sexual abuse of some sort.
Kids will enjoy attention and it is up to adults to not encourage them in things that are too early for natural development. The current trend seems to be pushing the wrong idea promoted by Kinsey’s fraudulent research using data collected by a pedophile that children are sexual from birth even. The pedophile was noting babies and young children as having reached an orgasm for such and such a length of seconds - but he was calling seizures and trauma reactions to his stimulation ‘orgasm’. Definitions really do matter.
We all love touch and need it and very young children can be very curious about their body parts and what they can do. Shaming isn’t helpful as much as just teaching that those feelings are nice and part of life but not for right now, only private time and more for when you are older. Don’t worry about it, it will make more sense later…
Too early sexual exposure or trauma can cause gender dysphoria or bisexual confusion over typical gender norms. The current trend also seems to be promoting that children can consent - but again, they won’t understand that temporarily feeling good, or maybe a little unpleasantness but then there will be an ice cream cone treat after - is manipulation of someone who isn’t capable of understanding long-term consequences. Child sex trauma tends to lead to an adult who is either sexually inhibited or sexually overactive - and ~ 96% of sex workers had a history of child sex abuse in a survey. Simply having all the overtly sexy ads and TV from early childhood may be enough to be confusing development and increasing bisexuality and confusion about gender behavior.
An open letter by a concerned pediatrician included statistics suggesting that as many as 85% of youth with gender dysphoria grow to accept the gender matching their body parts - if they weren’t being pressured one way or the other. Pressure can backfire and cause people to be more resistant to the strong arm campaign.
I have spent time reading research on the topic of gender roles, gender dysphoria and homosexuality from management perspectives - how to write better policy? Don’t try to make people go against innate instincts. And from interpersonal relationship aspects. See page/chapter 7 and 11 (effectivecare.info).
Another Thread I saw brought up why the idea that just changing appearance can ‘make you the opposite sex’ is uncomfortable to so many people. Changing clothes or getting a breast implant surgery does not change how you smell at a pheromone HLA level or change an instinctual sense in many females that males can be dangerous - which is true, whether or not some females are also dangerous*. It sets off our spidey senses of danger to see a ‘man’ trying to look like a ‘woman’.
*There is always someone who has to defend men → yes women can abuse too, and homosexual relationships have domestic violence issues too, however the statistics show more physical harm is caused by male perpetrators and the pattern emerging for transwomen and violence is closer to that of males than to the lower rate of female violence. Trans-males fall in the middle too, more violence than females I believe. I would need to rummage for that research article. A detransitioner female from trans-male said there was little to no guidance about what a sudden load of testosterone would do to your mood. She ended up getting a psych diagnosis and put on psych meds too and got sicker.
Bring back androgyny and minding our own business.
It would likely be more comfortable for people if trans people just looked however they want and didn’t try to ‘pass’ as a gender stereotype. If we can have metrosexual fashion for men, then why can’t we just have metrosexual acceptance for anyone?
The politicization of this seems to be increasing gender stereotypes rather than breaking them - you can only be a woman if you wear
a pound of makeup,
a pushup bra and falsies if you don’t have money for fake implants,
fake toxic fingernails and
clothes that don’t protect against weather and reveal how many workouts you had that week or how many burritos last night.
A blow-up doll is not a woman and transpeople who want to look like blow up dolls as their idea of ‘feminine’ and ‘what a woman is’ probably do not have true gender dysphoria from prenatal exposure to the opposite sex hormones or endocrine disrupting chemicals. They are more likely to have autogynophilia - feel sexually stimulated by dressing as a female.
It is very male behavior though to be competitive and it seems there are a lot of DNA males who seem to want to be ‘sexy’ and compete for attention from males or females whether hetero or lesbian - or compete for the spokesmodel jobs?
Something odd is going on politically and it is hurting children. The drugs stopping puberty are affecting bone development and early osteoporosis is being seen with the hormone use.
It is curious also, that suddenly ‘sex type’ and ‘gender type’ are now all about sexiness and overt sexual behavior in public settings. Someone does have to change diapers, wash dishes, laundry, and even the windows occasionally. Who should do that? Robots? Who is going to pay for the robots? Traditional partnerships work in many ways and it is worth repairing rather than throwing out the model. Whoever is home with the kids is likely to have more time for the household chores but taking care of the kids is work too. Traditionally some extra family members might also be part of the family and help too.
“What is a woman?” - not just a spokesmodel or singing/dancing popstar - not just sexual eye-candy for men and yet it seems that many ‘transwomen’ are competing for pop starlet as their definition of ‘woman’ rather than learning how to burp a fussy baby or cook a balanced lunch that appeals to varied appetites and eating abilities. As our population ages and gets sicker (happening already) we will have a shortage of caregivers and robots will just not be the same as a nurturing person of any gender/sex/word of the day thing.
To me, with some bias as a prenatal and lactation educator, while not all women can have children, the quintessential essence of what a woman is - is that of caregiver and giver of life. Females tend to have less colorblindness possibly because it helps with survival of infants and caregiving needs. There are other differences that make females more natural caregivers. Across era’s traditional partnerships had the male doing outside the house-work and the female did the near the home work. Some cultures boys join the men and start helping and learning their jobs and girls stay and help the women. In the documentary What is a Woman? by Matt Walsh, he visits a tribe in Nairobi and they have very clear ideas of what a woman and man are and aren’t confused at all -except by the question.
In my journey through gender research I learned there are differences between the sexes and in skill set, on average. Individuals might vary. my site effectivecare.info has tht series in a chapter book format. See webpage 7 and 11 in particular.
I also learned that instinctually it seems, females are protected somewhat by a guy code of honor - don’t poach another man’s female and most men are honorable. Other men poach and push and seduce and don’t take no for an answer - but not all, a small percent are the offenders in my own bad experience history. Other cultures have higher percentages of males who take sex forcibly and view that as some sort of right even - especially if a female dresses in modern fashions. In Germany there has been political moves towards stating that males have a right to have sex. Rape prisoners are being allowed to visit sex workers (it is legal there). If a government wants to pay for sex workers for males, then shouldn’t they pay for sex workers for females who want the service too?
Dictator transitions tend to include increased exploitation of women and breakdown of traditional family structure - let the state teach and raise the child.
Interestingly, the Talmud lists eight genders, via (twitter.com/jabbadaclotshot)
The Eight Genders of the Talmud
Zachar, male.
Nekevah, female.
Androgynes, having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
Saris adam, identified male at birth but later developing female characteristics through human intervention. [Original source unknown.]
That might seem a little excessive but also seems accurate to me. We need more words rather than trying to change the meaning of really basic long-used words like woman and man, female and male. #4 lacking sexual characteristics is likely with congenital iodine deficiency - asexual desire may be likely. #5 and 7, babies identified by body parts at birth but later naturally displaying the other gender characteristics would likely be true prenatal gender dysphoria. #6 and 8, babies identified one gender at birth and then having it changed later by human intervention - is a choice, their own or someone else’s - that is more like a cross-dresser, Drag Queen, or movie characters Yentyl or Victor/Victoria, and might be called autogynophilia. (Lawrence, 2011) Taking on an identity is not the same thing as being that thing.
More circular word play - if the logic is sound for “Anyone identifying as a woman is a woman,” then Rachel Dolezel should not have been canceled for identifying as a black person and assuming characteristics of black culture - she grew up in a family of black brothers and could be said to have assimilated the cultural preferences rather than ‘appropriating’ them for career advancement or something. She lived and studied a culture, but was not genetically the same as a black person. In the Talmud system she would fall into the #6 and 8 grouping - born one way but later developed other characteristics through her own interests and family upbringing.
The political nonsense is going so far that I heard (not verified) that school children identifying as animals are being allowed to meow or something. Hopefully that is an internet rumor. I don’t know. Things have gotten so odd that it is often hard to tell parody from reality.
The Inuit are said to have 40 or so words describing different types of snow. There are variations in snow from fluffy flakes to icy hail or sleet.
When people are trying to dictate the behavior of other people, than consider that we are on a slippery slope to dictatorship.
Division among the public is also a standard part of dictatorship takeover. A divided public cannot work together against the government takeover. Racial division has been being promoted in media and violent conflict and very violent threats and imagery being used by trans advocates against women or men trying to defend women’s rights to private spaces or fair competition.
Medical records, words, and grief.
What is a word? A way to communicate a shared understanding. Medical records are now being marked in some areas with the preferred gender identity and no indication of trans. Then the person gets automated mailings for sex specific health care for opposite gender body parts.
A natural part of grieving is recognition that something happened, something is different or a loss. Denial is also a natural stage. Trying to transformer-bot bodies into a facsimile that doesn’t function is DENIAL that this person is a bit of both - something new, not just male or just female. And why can’t that be okay?
I would say it needs to be okay for the individuals currently but that we also really need to address the endocrine disrupting chemicals that are causing the real increase in rate of gender dysphoria - it is affecting many other species too. Humans are doing this to all of nature - not just to mixed up human kids.
We do need parents and schools and peers to accept that people are a lot more varied now, but we also need to screen these young people for iodine deficiency and other physical needs. If mental health is upset - then that needs to be addressed first, as a whole body, whole being issue, not compartmentalizing problems to gender/sex when there is still rapidly changing body parts and extreme moodiness. Teens have it rough and need help and boundaries to wait it out. Parents need to remember that teens are in a state of rapid brain growth and can tend towards reckless decisions.
My recommendation - keep reading the children’s book The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Anderson long enough to find your own inner swan or for your youngster to find theirs. (gutenburg.ca)
As a village of women, men and others, raising our future generation - we need to help them be self-accepting and physically healthy. Someone with a large body may be helpful for opening jars for people with smaller bodies. We need to take the politics out of childcare.
We can be more than one thing too.
Matt Walsh may be both a comedic genius and an investigative journalist.
What is a woman? A woman is an adult human female who may or may not have fertile ovum but who has the basic parts involved and who identifies with the gender characteristics of females. Talmud category #2.
A transwoman is a biological male who identifies with the gender characteristics of a female but still has masculine traits too (based on the difference in violence statistics being more similar to males than females). A transman is a biological female who identifies with the gender characteristics of a male but still has feminine traits too. They might be gender dysphoric from birth and fall into the Talmud categories of #3, 5 or 7; or have changed later in life with social pressure or other economic reasons - Talmud categories #6 or 8.
We may need eight or more words. The young teen transmale talking about social media in a panel with other teens adamantly stated that RuPaul was a Drag Queen and Drag Queens are not the same as a trans youth. Out of the mouths of babes - we need to listen to these youngsters. This is real, not just politics.
Gender behavior patterns are a spectrum - I am a biological female who identifies as female but I was always a little more tomboy than my sisters and school friends. I have very long arms and broad shoulders for a female and clothes tend to not fit me right. But I am fortunate to not be part of the current generation of school children. My parts are intact and I greatly enjoyed motherhood and lactation. Female bodies are magnificent and so are male bodies. We need to see us as a team.
Collectively, women are the givers of life and specialize in nurturing, educating, and caregiving for the next generation. Men also are givers of life and specialize in protecting and providing and educating the next generation. Across time males and females tended to divide for daily work. Boys and girls old enough to help would be cared for and taught the daily chores by going along with the males or the females on their chores. Schools were a newer phenomenon and hard battles were fought in prior centuries to reduce child labor as it often caused physical developmental problems for kids to be performing the same task over and over again for hours. It also often exposed them to toxins and crowded conditions with bad air.
What is a woman?
I am woman. Hear me roar! - Helen Reddy
We are woman, we are man, we are human. Let’s remember that we are more alike than different.
»And that it seems like civil war is being stoked by a covert group with a lot of money and reach.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Reference List
(Lawrence, 2011) Lawrence AA. Autogynephilia: an underappreciated paraphilia. Adv Psychosom Med. 2011;31:135-48. doi: 10.1159/000328921. Epub 2011 Oct 10. PMID: 22005209. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22005209/
So I opened Sunday's SF Chronicle to find the top half of the editorial section devoted to the hypothesis that our species is full of intersex individuals ("as many as red-haired people"), and that the idea that there were biological determinants of male and female was invalid. This front page blather was written by a person who proclaimed to have a PhD in science, although they did not state their actual credentials. (When researched they turn out to have a short-lived PhD in Ecology, with several research projects on fungal impacts on insects that affect coffee crops.
Rather than taking up the task of discussing Walsh's excellent film (which I too appreciatively watched this weekend), the editors of what once was a fine newspaper decided to dumb down their leadership with more of this pathetic anti-scientific hogwash. It is alarming to me to see just how far this grasping will go in order to deny biological reality and basic respect for women.
I am not ant-human, I am concerned about the effect of plastics and chemicals on our unborn children and the outcomes to their sexual development, which needs to be addressed as a source problem. In light of that, I find the perversion of science for an agenda that supports taxpayer funded neutering, with no understanding of the long-term downside, to be an appalling affront, clothed in Drag as compassion and equality.
Great post.
"Can a neurologist tell whether a brain is male or female given some varied electrical activity screenings or other images? Probably."
I recall when, in the late 80s, the first study came out claiming that women had more fibers in the corpus callosum connecting the hemispheres, it was highly controversial. Many men wrote letters to journal editors critiquing the study design. It was ON. (Most women read it, shrugged, and said, well, it makes sense.)
Many studies later, there is still an argument raging. Male brains are larger, including the corpus callosum, but size does not always predict function. Normalizing corpus callosum volume for size of the whole brain does reveal that the corpus callosum is relatively larger in women. https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/staff/rwcox/ISMRM_2006/ISMRM%202006%20-%203340/files/01606.pdf
Now that there are more sophisticated MRI technologies, it does appear that there are fewer myelinated fibers (white matter) connecting some structures in men than in women.
As for opening jars, my dad's suggestion was a strap wrench. Works for me.