A big part of the problem: There have always been 2 recognized overall categories, in Psychology, of men or people who like to dress up as the opposite sex. That is until now. It was always recognized until recently that there were Transexuals, people who actually have gender dysphoria, and Transvestites, usually biological men who get an actual sexual charge, or experience arousal out of dressing up. The people behind this agenda no longer recognize this distinction and are actively trying to make it disappear, like it never existed. The actual Transvestites now make up a large and growing portion of the so called "Trans Community" but no distinction is being made any more. Transvestitism used to be considered a mental disorder but now these people have cart blanc to parade around in public, even in schools, in a constant state of arousal. What could go wrong????????

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Yes, a trans teen in a discussion panel of teens about social media mentioned defending trans online against someone who said the RuPaul show was about trans people. The teen adamantly said that was a Drag Queen show. Not trans. It does need more words not fewer. 'Woman'

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Revolting side of society, in the right times 100 years back they would have been straightjacketed.

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I can’t figure out which sex each of them is so I don’t even know how to judge the spin of what they’re saying.

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Transwomen I believe, transwomen activist, educators, or writers.

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That is INSANE! These people absolutely do seem dangerous. I still am not sure what to think of this.

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I just added a link - follow the money history by Jennifer Bilek, from 2018, Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?


FEBRUARY 20, 2018 https://thefederalist.com/2018/02/20/rich-white-men-institutionalizing-transgender-ideology/ this is an agenda. People are being manipulated and hurt for money and probably other reasons of social control.

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Thank you Jennifer. Checking out link now.

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This has all happened before!

If the elite pedos stopped censoring high school history,( or just removing history courses or changing history on Wikipedia) kids would be armed with defensive knowledge!



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Excellent discussion.

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Much appreciated 🙏

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"From 1917, Germany had descended into hell. The Weimar Republic was doomed from the outset, as forces from within Germany worked to destroy it. When the Nazis took over in 1933, the Weimar Republic had fallen to tyranny. The Nazis immediately set about transforming the nation into a Greco-Uranian hell hole. Families were torn apart, children were sexualized and having babies, and Nazi leaders were indulging themselves in pederasty for the purposes of building a militant super-state.

It was complete madness, and many people from around the world were noticing something had gone very wrong in Germany. However, for those inside the Third Reich, the madness seemed completely normal. Not only that, many believed that they were the chosen ones for the new Aryan world that awaited them. Put simply, they were hypnotized, going about their days as if they were in a dream. In reality, it was not a dream, but a nightmare."


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Misinfo was spread. I am not sure what to believe about pre WWII Germany.

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