Interesting. At this point, I'm of the opinion that most "green solutions" while having potentially good intentions, seem to either make the problem worse, or create a whole new set of problems. People don't seem able to consider their proposed solutions from multiple angles- they just consider 1 or 2 perspectives. That's part of why philosophy is important to society, and why it was specifically removed from society- because it teaches how to think holistically, and profoundly about a solution to a problem.😉

Leaves me with more questions-

What effects do the wind turbines (big or small) have on the earths natural wind cycles?🤔

Re the hemp fibreglass replacement- does the hemp breakdown as destructively as conventional? And does the production cause the same effects in the lungs when exposed to the hemp fibreglass fragments? 🤔 Are we creating more air pollution in our effort to make "cleaner" tech?🤔

#bringbackphilosophy #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Those are very good questions about philosophy and about hemp fiberglass. I don't really know enough about it as a building material or as a hazard.

I'm just doing the spit-balling part. Brave AI says yes hemp fiberglass is safer, low toxicity. I made a quick post https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/hemp-fiberglass-is-that-safe?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Yes I just read that piece. With much respect- Its not great. The trick with AI as a tool, it can be very effective but it also provides very knowledgeable sounding BS- much like our government officials.

Eg- in that piece it conflates hemp fibreglass with the hemp wool and hempcrete info, it even tells you that, "hemp fiberglass (or hemp insulation and hempcrete).

Then it phrases the collated info in the context thst it is programmed to do- your specific worded request. That primary function is programmed to be priority so muvh that it will even invent non exixtent "evidence, citations" to complete your request.

So you have to either phrase your request and specify the parameters similar to Boolean search in science literature, or you have to do a bit of pre-research first, get the overall gist of the pro/cons, and then phrase your request. Thst way you can tell when its conflating, or BSing.😉

So while I'm not against using AI, at this stage, it's a fancy calculator, thesaurus, editor, or inventor, nothing more, and STILL a tool. It's GIGO all the way down- garbage in = garbage out.😉So respectfully, as a writer, you want to be sure your stuff is accurate as possible, DONT rely on AI.💯

As for fiberglass conventional or other wise- I can tell you as a farmer, that the hemp/cannabis industry is horrendous for spraying ridiculously toxic substances on their crops. Roundup, Paraquat, chloriferous substances that conventional ag crops do to and even some of the stuff they are not allowed to!😐🙄

So combine that with the fiberglass manufacturing, you really DONT want to be inhaling those tiny fibres, unless you want a similar asbestos situation.😉

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I updated my post with a larger disclaimer and a joke. If wishes were windmills, we would all still want Tesla's free energy machine.

Thanks, Barefoot Healer. I'm tired.

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That's too bad about the poisonous chemicals. I didn't take the time to look at the links as I was in a hurry and I was interested in the fiberglass part, not the concrete.

What kind of glue is used to make the fiberglass. I would need to spend time reading about hemp fiberglass and in an ideal solution, the farmers wouldn't be adding pollutants to the 'green' crop. We are not in ideal and yes, I have found major errors and not correct citations with the Brave AI.

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I love the idea of renewable sources for windmills with much less destruction of wildlife. My hear hurts thinking of all the dead animals. My sister (she doesn't even recycle) told me the same yesterday out of the blue. I suspect the animal kingdom is in great distress and sending off telepathic signals to humans.

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My heart hurts too.

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Today is 12/5/24. I need to find 3 people willing to be interviewed ASAP. I have an assignment for my university class due this Sunday. I need to interview three people at different stages in their lives about a single event. I chose COVID: masks, lockdowns, and jabs. My job is to write a paper incorporating their different viewpoints and connecting it to their life stage. (I am a harmless veteran of J6!) Any takers? I live in rural MO so my neighbors stories were either sadly killed by the jab or not nearly as shocking as other areas.

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I'm willing to be interviewed about my CoV experiences.

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I can do anytime tomorrow, Saturday, or even Sunday before 3 p.m.

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I didn’t even dare consider you would have time.

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Vertical turbines could be used in subways too. I’ve seen examples of them incorporated into building design, such that the shape of the building helps funnel the wind to the turbine generator. So many possibilities! Great article Jennifer. 🙏

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