Tilting at windmills with "Green Energy" and hemp fiberglass air filter funnels.
Natural Disaster guide link, Trauma recovery, and a poem.
Wind may be free, but it isn't free or energy efficient to build the giant metal windmills of modern times.

It takes 300 tons of iron ore and 170 tons of coking coal to produce 260 tons of steel to produce one modern “green energy” windmill. (x.com/its_The_Dr)
Which is why I have suggested using hemp fiberglass instead of metal. Strong, and hemp fiberglass is a renewable and biodegradable resource. We can produce more of it and disposal won’t add to an overloaded garbage dump.
An advantage of an easily molded, pourable material, is in changing the shape and adding function. Windmill structure could be modified from spinning blades into a spinning funnel shape which could also be filtering the air as it passes through. With a plastic type material, odd shapes could be made in one piece in molds.
Pomegranate peel has chelating phytonutrients that clump with nanoparticles which can then be removed as a larger clump.
Nanoparticles can be a risk to human and marine life especially at lower concentrations, larger concentrations have a tendency to clump together and the body’s toxin removal systems are more likely to be able to remove the clumps while a few small nanoparticles tend to be absorbed deeper into the body from the lungs or digestive system. An air filter might include something that encourages the clumping of nanoparticles, or be made of fiber that contains chelating phytonutrients like pomegranate peel.
Pomegranate peel extract is being investigated for various health and industrial uses. It contains strong antioxidants and other chemicals that seem effective at adsorbing - clinging to the surface of - other chemicals and that feature has been used to form nanoparticles with gold or silver for antimicrobial use. Phytonutrients in pomegranate has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic, and anti-worm (antihelmintic) properties and has proven effective as a food preservative. So, air or water filters that incorporate some pomegranate peel fiber or extract may help collect nanoparticles from smog or maybe even microparticles of plastic while also reducing oxidative chemicals and reducing or killing infectious microbes.
People picture the giant windmills, but small wind turbines are being used economically along highways or in smaller wind farms.
Smaller wind turbines are powering highway lights from the wind created by the passing cars. “Renewable resources” are in more locations than we might see at first glance.
Make those spinning turbines outfitted with air filters and they would also be cleaning the urban air - funded by the power of the passing traffic. That won’t work in a traffic jam though.
Filter type wind funnels could be attached to the roof level of skyscrapers and clean the urban air with wind power. Attaching the filter wind turbine to a power generating unit of some sort would be a bonus - a renewable energy source.

Wind power generated by highway traffic
Small vertical wind turbines have been used to generate power from the wind created by highway traffic. The turbines are located near the roadway in rows on divided highways, or in clusters between opposing lanes, Traffic Powered Wind Turbines, altenergymag.com; or singly: Power Generation of electricity on highways by VAWT (vertical axis wind turbine) (ijcrt.org/pdf). Enough energy to run many homes can be produced - steadily, dependent on the traffic more than the weather.
Small wind turbines have also been attached to light poles and are being used increasingly in green energy design. They can be attached near or on buildings as they are small in diameter. See: Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbines for Energy Efficiency of Buildings, by Marco Casini, Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016, (researchgate).
Vertical Wind Turbines & air ripples aka turbulence
Vertically spinning wind mills have been created that may be more cost effective than the three blade style windmills. The vertical wind turbines can capture the wind from various directions and that maximizes the potential of the wind power. When grouped together the vertical wind turbines can reuse the turbulence created by the other turbines.
Imagine a giant room full of oscillating house-fans, the breeze created by some of the fans would be blowing on some of the others at various times. The breeze would ripple outward from each fan in airwaves of wind pulsing with the spin of the fan-blades. The streaming airflow within the area of the fans might be ricocheted back and forth between many of the fans, like a pool ball or pin ball that keeps bouncing off the walls or pinball paddles.
The other advantage besides maximizing capture and reuse of the of the wind and turbine airflow is the size of the vertical wind turbines - they are smaller in size than the three blade windmills, and each take up a smaller square footage of space and more of them can be placed closer together. (image of the spacing and size) The vertical wind turbines may also be safer for wild bird populations.
For video and more information see: Small Turbines can Outperform Conventional Wind Farms, Stanford Prof Says, With No Bird Kill. (forbes.com).
Dabiri Lab of Stanford University (John Dabiri, Ph.D. and team) has an experimental vertical turbine windfarm project in Igiugig Alaska. (dabirilab.com)
Natural Disasters Guide and Resources, and a guidance article about Trauma and the Brain
A link for Natural Disasters Guide and Resources, a recovery/planning guide was shared with me to add to my earth-ocean.info site. It is a nice guide with infographic summaries of more detailed sections. (wizcase.com/blog/natural-disasters-guide-and-resources/) I am unaffiliated.
A link for an overview about types of trauma from anxiety and depression to more severe PTSD, which can follow an accident, illness, or disaster, is available at How Trauma Affects the Brain - The Lanier Law Firm, lanierlawfirm.com. General wellness advice for coping after trauma is included, such as yoga.
Exercise helps the body to clear out toxins. Going for a walk and getting some sunshine can be good therapy. Talking to a friend or counselor may also be a need. Writing, journaling, art or music may all help work through strong emotions that may seem overwhelming yet wordless.
Poetry can Flow
Poetry can be simple prose, Or rhyming lines.
Poetry can convey a message
…in brief,
Or emote a feeling
During a time of need.
Socializing is innate.
We need to communicate,
to vent our thoughts,
free our mind,
let out our fears,
just unwind,
and feel heard,
even if
…’twas only the paper’s ears.
Be free, let yourself wander.
Only the paper can hear.
…Don Quixote had a sidekick, Sancho Panza who had a donkey, with ears. It is nice to share even if only the paper hears.
Disclaimer This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Interesting. At this point, I'm of the opinion that most "green solutions" while having potentially good intentions, seem to either make the problem worse, or create a whole new set of problems. People don't seem able to consider their proposed solutions from multiple angles- they just consider 1 or 2 perspectives. That's part of why philosophy is important to society, and why it was specifically removed from society- because it teaches how to think holistically, and profoundly about a solution to a problem.😉
Leaves me with more questions-
What effects do the wind turbines (big or small) have on the earths natural wind cycles?🤔
Re the hemp fibreglass replacement- does the hemp breakdown as destructively as conventional? And does the production cause the same effects in the lungs when exposed to the hemp fibreglass fragments? 🤔 Are we creating more air pollution in our effort to make "cleaner" tech?🤔
#bringbackphilosophy #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
I love the idea of renewable sources for windmills with much less destruction of wildlife. My hear hurts thinking of all the dead animals. My sister (she doesn't even recycle) told me the same yesterday out of the blue. I suspect the animal kingdom is in great distress and sending off telepathic signals to humans.