Tibetan singing bowls and church bells - healing frequencies
Kitchen bowls may have bell like tones and repel Reptilian alien shape changers too - I have no proof of that. ;-) However large community bells were removed from society around the time of WWII.
Frequencies can be healing, and the right tone can even break up the membranes of infectious pathogens (Rife machines). Solfeggio frequencies are known for healing different areas of the body. Chakras and energy and heart vortex flow is included with some other selfcare strategies for supporting our energy fields and their alignment or synchrony. The post gets lengthy but images are a big part of that. Some audio resource links and a video link are included along with a Disney clip from Fantasia embedded in the post. Predictive programming showing children that demons don’t like the sound of church bells.
Bells can be soothing and help your energy align with the calming pattern.
One bad day, I tested my mom's nested kitchen bowls and four had bell-like tones. It isn't a perfect scale but helped soothe my nerves one no good, very bad mood day. A wooden knife handle works as a drumstick.
After discovering that four of my mother’s old stainless steel nested mixing bowls have bell-like tones, I have been playing them occasionally like Buddhist or Tibetan style singing bowls. I should make it a daily routine - dispel bad moods.
The origin of singing bowls is unknown but it is thought to have grown out of the sound that the family cooking bowls made. Which is believable – four of mine sounded great and another three were duds. The lip of the bowl needs to be fluted instead of crimped. More info about Buddhist or Tibetan singing bowls: (Brave) The vibrational frequencies of bells and similar tones can be healing. (Brave)
The bowls with a nice ringing tone have a fluted edge, like a bell.
The bowls that didn’t work, “thud, thud”, had a crimped edge, instead of the unrolled edge of the bell-like bowls.
Traditional Tibetan singing bowls don't have a fluted lip. The flat edge may be rubbed instead of tapping on the side to make a tone.

Tibetan singing bowls, a set of seven, is on sale for $139.99, down from $199. I am unaffiliated. The little mats, to make the bowls not skitter around when tapped, are a good idea. (etsy.com) A video with Tibetan singing bowls is embedded in this post:
I made a few graphics about Tibetan medicine and personality, which are in this post:
I recorded one session of my playing, but a better microphone is needed than my cellphone.
Another way healing frequencies may help is by protecting us from negative energy alien beings. It has been claimed that the alleged reptilian shape changing aliens who can disguise themselves as humans hate bells and bell like music because it makes them unable to maintain the shape change. There was a point in history where enormous numbers of bells were all melted down allegedly for war time needs for the metal.

“The reptilian despises the sound of bells. The moment the ringing begins, it reacts instinctively, running from the source as fast as it can. The sound is more than just a painful noise to its sensitive ears; it’s a torment that cuts deep, each bell’s unique frequency gnawing at its mind. The variations in pitch and tone drive the reptilian to the brink of insanity, triggering an obsessive response that it cannot control.
In the presence of bells, the creature becomes powerless, unable to maintain its human disguise. The energy required to shape-shift slips away with every chime, leaving it vulnerable and exposed. The ringing not only strips away its power but also its sanity, reducing the once formidable being to a state of helplessness. The bells, harmless to others, are a devastating weapon against the reptilian, rendering it unable to function or maintain its facade in the world of humans.” - SiriusB (x.com/SiriusBShaman)
The loss of pianos in public settings and restaurants may also be a move to reduce frequencies that reptilians don’t like.

Solfeggio Frequencies
Solfeggio Frequencies are tones known for healing or other benefits; 528 Hz may benefit DNA repair. “The fluid properties of water make it especially responsive to sound.” (Youtube) We are 60-70% water, held together with our skin and provided structure with bones, muscles and ligaments.
These tones were used in Gregorian chants and other historical places of worship. Play the recorded tones as background sound during meditation, yoga, or rest.
BrianEsty.com has a post with audio tones available for: “174 Hz - Foundation; 396 Hz - Liberate guilt & fear; 417 Hz - Facilitate change and expand consciousness; 528 Hz - DNA repair, Initiate transformation and miracles; 639 Hz - Enable connections and relationships; 741 Hz - Awaken intuition; 852 Hz - Return to spiritual order; 1122 Hz - Master frequency;” brianesty.com.
“The sounds can be generated on an auto tuner, click through: “Before WWI, all bells were using 432 Hz tuning, and were all over the place, after WWII, a lot of bells were destroyed. There are medicinal effects. They also are painful to parasites. You can simulate them on a PC with speakers or a phone and headphones.”

Rife frequencies are chosen to match what will shatter the pathogen’s membrane, like a crystal goblet and opera singer - the note, the frequency that she sings, has to match what vibrates the glass, or it won’t shatter. Can she hit the high note?
Combining the healing frequencies with what is believed about our chakra energy centers of the body suggests our energy fields vary in different parts of the body.

Watch the effect of frequencies on water and sand in a video with a history of bells

“To banish their healing and positive qualities from society. Bells were still a way to send healing frequencies through the whole city. [Imagine a world without the sound of traffic.] Each sound creates a frequency. Each frequency interacts with us humans in a psychological and non-physical way. Some of them can heal you, motivate you, make you feel good while others destroy you from the inside, let you live in fear and worry and affect your consciousness. Frequencies create this in our light matrix. PDF and book: revivalofwisdom.com” - Biofeedback369, (x.com/IsaInsane1)

“In the Emerald Tablets they talk about reptilians that ruled in the shadows that could only be exposed by magic and sound… what if the real reason why bells were taken down around the world because the sound produces a frequency that exposes the true form of an entity on Earth?” - Mrs. Godrich (x.com/AliciaPride)
“Hear ye now of the mystery of nature, the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells. Know ye, ye are threefold in nature, physical, astral and mental in one. Three are the qualities of each of the natures; nine in all, as above, so below. In the physical are these channels, the blood which moves in vortical motion, reacting on the heart to continue its beating. Magnetism which moves through the nerve paths, carrier of energies to all cells and tissues. Akasa which flows through channels, subtle yet physical, completing the channels.” - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Read more: (cyrstalinks.com)
It was known in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, that the heart is a vortex and adds vortical motion to blood flow. Akasa may be aether energy which is attracted to water and magnetic metal and likes tubes … blood has magnetic attracting iron and flowing water-based plasma. *Excerpt from this post - One Idea to Rule Them All - reverse Engineering American Propaganda, by Michele Stiles, a book summary/review post.
See this post for links to my series on the heart and it being a vortex producing organ rather than being a pump. This post also has a video allegedly with a demon possessed person - it does seem odd.
A watery vortex is helping to organize energy into a cohesive spiraling flow.
“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word which translates as vortex, spinning wheel, circle or cycle of movement; Chakras are vortexes or energetic centres in the subtle body, located at the physical counterparts of the major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves. They are the major centres of spiritual power in the human body which balance, store and distribute the energies of life all through our physical and subtle bodies. Each chakra is associated with an organ system, an element, colour, sound, emotional state and purpose. Example: 396hz and the Root Chakra. - (animamusic.uk//solfeggio-frequencies)

More about Chakras is in this post - New beginnings for heart health education:
Reveal the method / Predictive programming
“Disney told us.” - Maggie on X. In the 1940 musical cartoon for children called Fantasia, in the section called Night on Bald Mountain (2/2). Via (x.com/Maggie82616346)
“That is why the global elite Mafia has destroyed all the ancient Bells. They weren’t just to call the People to Church or let the people know what time it was, …. they were to expose the evil and drive the evil away. The Nazi’s took and melted down or destroyed 175,000 of them! Of course, they say it was for the war effort, …. and it might only have been for that. But maybe it was also to destroy people’s spirits.” - Defender of Freedom (GrandSolarMini on X)

Bring back bells to help clear our airway of negative frequencies and maybe some negative beings too.
If you visit my house, you can ring the doorbell and help repel demons and reptilians or just for fun.
Or is it a door bull?
Spoiler - It's a dinner bell. Call the farmhands in for lunch or dinner.
Whether Tibetan singing bowls or ragtime piano music upsets Reptilian aliens is hard to know or prove but having become aware of Tibetan singing bowl music in videos, one very bad, no-good day, where I was stressed over the bizarre stuff going on, I was simply moved to start tapping on all the nested kitchen bowls - testing their sounds. I started playing the four that sounded like bells and it really helped restore me to a better mood. I have continued to play them occasionally - the set now lives together instead of with the other bowls. Daily practice may improve my rhythm and mood.
Earth Frequencies are healing too - Grounding helps absorb negative ions which are anti-inflammatory.
Grounding – sitting or standing on the ground barefoot/no plastic shoe soles, also helps restore a healthy frequency matching the Earth’s slow and low vibration and it provides negative ions which are healing.
The Book of Wisdom demonstrates leaning against a tree for grounding our energy.

“How To Have a Strong Field
Live from the heart, not the mind;
Positive thinking;
Positive feeling;
Electric diet (fresh fruit and veg) - Polyphenol rich produce helps stabilize our electrical fields and support the shape of proteins within the watery environment of our cells. Fresh produce is more electrically active and has active enzymes which help us digest our food;
Being around positive people;
Balance chakras;
Meditating under trees;
Grounding daily;
Meditating under trees allows you to absorb the electromagnetic energy emitted by the tree.”
PDF and book: revivalofwisdom.com” - Biofeedback369, (x.com/IsaInsane1)
We can add Listen to healing frequencies and birdsong to the list.
Natural fabrics can help repel positive ions which are inflammatory.
Too many positive ions are inflammatory for our health and those can be accumulated on artificial fabrics like polyester which attract and collect positive ions excited by EMF - or positively charged chimeric spike. Cotton, silk, rayon and bamboo are natural fibers which are less itchy due to their not being magnets for positive ions. It is like sitting next to the tree all day - instead of wearing a plastic wrapper.
Disclosure: Author bias - I had bad eczema as a child and ever since, off and on, and I almost always wear natural fibers.
So, I will also add Wear natural fibers to the list.
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Wetting a finger and lightly rubbing it around the lip of crystal wine glasses can produce different tones. Depending upon the amount of liquid they contain, one can even "play" songs.
Ever try that Jennifer? (I have.) Works with plain glass as well.
PS: I've done the singing bowls too.
Rife frequencies are electromagnetic, not sound?
Anyhow - this mimics bells, but is still pretty awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjVb9H9Mi5E
This is also interesting: https://www.bells.org/historic-american-bells