>>Sunshine heals for free

The temperature is abnormally warm here, and I am about to don shorts and get 15 minutes of vitamin D!

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It is super warm here too. I was outside grounding in the sun, socks on barefoot.

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So, socks don’t hinder the grounding effect?

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organic material I think, shouldn't interfere -leather soled moccasins are recommended for being able to walk around, grounding the whole time.

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How long do you ground for in a session?

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Until I get cold, or about 20 minutes or so typically.

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Think grounding while seated would be as good, or is activity a main component?

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??If it ain't "Broke", don't FIX IT.??

In my opinion, Modern Medicine is the ultimate 'Cop-out' and denial of Reality.

Yes! Medicine can do wonderful things (In the right hands). But, it usually does nothing to treat the underlying causes?

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sadly, yes, too often missing or covering up the underlying causes. Glyphosate and other chemicals are not the problem....

or are they? part of the problems at least.

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Yes, encryption. Documents in Dropbox are not private/secure. So, unless you are prepared to encrypt before loading docs to Dropbox, then Sync dot com may be a better mouse trap.

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I did look at the site briefly (moved on to something else) and see your point. If I was working with clients, than the HIPAA approved sync.com site would be better and rather than organizing my messy Dropbox, moving the material into better organization that is encrypted and client ready would make more sense. Thanks for sharing the tip.

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Hi Jennifer, I want to pass along a tip since you are currently a Dropbox user: sync dot com is an encrypted alternative you may want to look into-- I've appreciated the nutritional info you've shared via Dropbox, but Dropbox itself, well, not so much.

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Great, thanks. I am not that good at using Dropbox anyway. Is the encryption your main concern with Dropbox or is there other issues?

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JD - 11K for an ER visit & CT scan, what a sham, along with banking needs to be nationalized. Channeling Mr. Mackey Jr. gotta love it. https://youtu.be/ORKCR3sZ9EQ?t=29

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Natter: Our world is built on scams...I'm sure you have heard the one about 'needing a $1 million retirement fund'. Just so that you can afford to pay $75,000/year to live out your last days eating mashed peas in Luxury???

I agree with Jennifer, 'The value of Life is having Purpose.'

As a Canadian, I can say the "Nationalizing Medicine" is not a complete solution.

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I agree with JD too.

"Nationalizing Medicine is not a complete solution."

It's better than what we have.

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Nationalizing medicine would be good if it took away the for-profit illness as a widgit motive. That is a big problem in addition to not understanding energy and mood effects on health

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JD - Indeed. In general, where there is nationalized medicine and the system has not been captured, the profit motive is tempered viz "alternative" medicine is rather than discouraged, to keep big pharma profits up, it is encouraged to provide better healthcare and reduce costs to the taxpayer. For profit "greed" can render common sense blind.

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A blend of care would be great.

I've recently been doing a tapping EFT course and it has been very helpful at getting at the buried issues that can still be affecting current life behavior or pain. tapping acupressure point along a Meridian channel is combined with verbalizing love and self acceptance in combination with body feelings associated with a trauma memory or other problem. The vibrations of rhythmic tapping are energizing the Meridian channel and helping to defuse the strong feelings associated with the issue that is being focused on.

Emotional issues making chronic health issues is needed and part of TCM. Western medicine is mostly still focused on 'killing' disease..

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The 'medicine' itself, the industry needs an overhaul and all the textbooks. Western medicine is doing it wrong. Nationalizing wrong, just spreads it farther and faster.

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JD - "Nationalizing wrong, just spreads it farther and faster." Agreed with the caveat that the song remains the same: If the $ is in treatment rather than cures, like a cancer. What part of "for profit" does one forget? Consider a different song if you will, nationalize banks and the public enjoys the benefits of a free lunch rather than a few insiders controlling the system while raping the public. A fraction of that profit would pay for HEW & HUD including nationalized medicine several times over. Now imagine if you will, a state of the art system, free of cost for all (including the Doctors educations & research sans big pharma grants.) With the profit motive neutralized, and only the Hippocratic Oath to uphold, that's an overhaul with unlimited possibilities and less possibility of capture, such as the systems we have today.

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That would likely help the health practitioners too - they go into healthcare altruistically wanting to help people and the current hospital admin system takes advantage of the altruistic ones, overworking them until they burn out and maybe leave the industry that didn't turn out to be letting them help people as much as they maybe imagined.

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It offers a more skillful way of handling sensitive documents of all sorts, e.g., financial info, estate matters, real estate transactions, etc. (Many people are not aware that Dropbox is not private or secure, yet it is in wide use.)

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