Testimony by Funeral Director & embalmer Laura Jeffery; Dr Ryan Cole with Dr Drew and Dr Kelly Victory; nutrients for immune support.
What are in the fibrous clots being removed by embalmers? Dr Cole has an answer. More investigation is needed but not being done by official channels.
I already wrote a post including this video but it got long, and I just rewatched the testimony by Laura Jeffery in a post by Jimy Changa. Her eye for detail and understanding of humans is astounding. Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI, NationalCitizensInquiry.ca https://rumble.com/v2fuj08-licensed-funeral-director-laura-jeffery-on-post-vaccine-embalming-nci.html
*post too long for email.
The big take home point is that the weird fibrous clots took months to get large - but could cause sudden death sooner too. She and other embalmers noticed sludgier, darker, gooier blood first, early 2021 or earlier, then she mentioned white dots, like the blood looked polka dotted. Then the first 3-4 inch long stringy clot like things were seen around May/spring 2021. It was an anomaly but she and other embalmers didn’t start documenting it at that stage. By autumn 2021 the larger clots filling all the vessels, large and small were the common problem and embalming took double the time because the fibrous stretchy masses had to be pulled out of all the vessels possible, for the embalming fluid to circulate.
Patterns are science. Ms Jeffery repeats a few times that she is just an embalmer, coroners or pathologists should have been speaking up about the weird fibrous masses in blood vessels of the CoV injected who died. https://rumble.com/v2fnr48-to-all-funeral-directors-and-embalmers-worldwide-.html
Seeing the patterns is what science is about - then testing to see if the pattern is repeated. Or how it changes when modifications are made.
Clinical trials are testing to see if a treatment would be a beneficial modification.
Ms Jeffery recommended looking up the work by Dr Ryan Cole, a pathologist in the US who has investigated what the fibrous masses are made of.
I think the nutshell story is, not normal human fibrotic tissue, not fibrotic tissue that our own enzymes can break apart. I will have to look for more info though.
She started an email account for funeral directors to contact: ‘concernedfuneral directors’ concernedfds@gmail.com.
The section from my previous post which goes more into the nAChR issue.
Laura Jeffery is an embalmer whistleblower who saw the fibrous clots become a more and more obvious problem as the jab season progressed from spring 2021 to later in the year. It took time for the clot things to become really large - those were late in the year. The first one she saw was only 3-4 inches long. Images shared by another embalmer are included in the video. The problem is not unique to her work, another funeral embalmer has spoken out about the odd fibrous masses. The fibrous masses have to be physically pulled out throughout the whole body for embalming fluid to be used. Their work started taking twice as long. She also noticed an increase in sudden deaths and a lack of autopsies being performed. Normally any unusual death will lead to an autopsy. There was also a change in the number of deaths of babies from about 2-5 per month, varied stages of gestation and then no babies after ~ February 2021, and ongoing, ever since. Other funeral directors at small communities saw an increase in baby losses. Small hospitals versus large ones instruct patients who lost a baby with differing guidance - use of a funeral home or the hospital morgue.
[*NaChRs are involved in implantation and fetal development, so early miscarriages are likely related, more later in the post. Cholinergic blocking would then prevent a fertilized ovum from implanting properly in the uterus.]
Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI, NationalCitizensInquiry.ca https://rumble.com/v2fuj08-licensed-funeral-director-laura-jeffery-on-post-vaccine-embalming-nci.html
Fibrotic inflammation takes time to build up and it takes time to prevent it from building up.
Dr. Ryan Cole (rcolemd.com) in an interview with Dr. Drew shares what the fibrous masses are made of, and the amyloid within it is difficult for the body to break down [and is in tighter formation than what has been seen in Alzheimer’s and other pre-CoV conditions - some prior post].
Scleroproteins (Fibers, identified by histology)
Collagen, rich in hydroxyproline
Reticulin, closely related to collagen
Elastic lamellae - central core, pearlike tubular microfibrils
glycine, proline, alanin, tyrosine, desmosine, isodesmosine, lysine, leucine, dityrosine
Abbau: Elastase
-(Amyloid) (image below) (Youtube)
In part two Dr. Victory makes the point that the amyloid content in the fibrous masses is unique. Dr. Cole answers that the proteinaceous material is not normal either. Some of the clots include spike protein. Images are shown, part two ~ 28 minutes. A simple stain, thioflavin, can show microclot clumps and could be a screening tool to examine patients before they reach an autopsy or embalming table. Vitamin B2, riboflavin, is an effective antiviral against spike issues.

What might help? A combination of nattokinase and serrapeptase or either might help more than not using them. Slowing the clotting process, getting rid of spike in the first place or the LNPs is a priority. Spike causes too much damage.
Detox strategies can help which include more fluid, and less calories - intermittent fasting to promote autophagy and mitophagy of damaged material. Zeolite, humic or fulvic acid, hydrolyzable tannins in pomegranate peel, are internal cleansers for minerals or positively charged particles. Bentonite clay, deactivated charcoal or diatomaceous earth are detox aids for the digestive tract.
Extra nutrients are needed to combat inflammation and replace what is used up by inflammation. Some key nutrients are discussed in a paper by Gasmi, et al., 2020, “Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, [methyl or hydroxy please!] B12, and folate, and the trace elements Zn, Fe, Cu, Se, as well as the mineral Mg”. (Gasmi, et al., 2020) I would add thiamine, B1, and riboflavin, B2, and niacin, B3, and choline and betaine (trimethyl-glycine, TMG; boron, manganese, iodine - a mixed trace mineral supplement maybe.)
Why are my lists of recommendations long? because the need is that great. Vitamin A is generally needed for immune support - it is only in the case of something having changed significantly possibly by the pathogen, or liver injury, or alcohol use, that too much active Retinoic Acid becomes a problem.
“Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12, and folate, and the trace elements Zn, Fe, Cu, Se, as well as the mineral Mg comprise a group of nutrients that support the entire continuum of virus-host immune responses. Their contributions range from the regulation of number and function of innate immune cells such as neutrophils, natural killer cells, monocytes, and macrophages [36,37,45,54,[61], [62], [63], [64], [65], [66], [67], [68], [69], [70], [71], [72], [73]], the production of pro-, and anti-inflammatory cytokines, the responses to inflammation, the oxidative burst function, the reductive-oxidative hemodynamics [36,37,45,[61], [62], [63], [64],71,72,[74], [75], [76], [77], [78], [79], [80], [81], [82], [83], [84], [85]], to the responses of adaptive immunity, including differentiation, proliferation, and functions of T-cells [32,36,37,45,54,71,77,84,[86], [87], [88], [89], [90], [91], [92], [93], [94], [95]], the interactions with the presenting viral antigens [37,54,71,73,96], and the production and development of virus-specific antibodies [36,37,45,71,73,97,98].” (Gasmi, et al., 2020)
Foot-Long Blood Clots" From mRNA, Says Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole w/ Dr Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew, (Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/live/2SLp6B_kkRI?feature=share *the blood clot discussion and slides are ~ 20/22 minutes in when Dr. Kelly Victory joins the interview with Dr. Drew and Dr. Cole. He describes it as like a rubber band. Laura Jeffery had made the point also that they had to be cut and could not be broken up by hand. Normal blood clots are jelly like, soft and will break apart.
and in the comments: Pinned by Dr. Drew
Dr. Ryan Cole is returning soon to continue his analysis of this important topic. Watch Part 2 here [LINKS FROM EPISODE: https://drdrew.com/212023]:
Dr. Cole talks about observing patterns as science in part two, near the beginning. The patterns shown in the part one included the spike stained with antibodies carrying brown dye. The Lipid Nanoparticles go throughout the body and makes lots of spike in some people, and for an unknown number of months. The spleen is one of the targeted organs and a slide is shown of a badly infiltrated spleen tissue. The antibody-stained spike is seen lining blood vessels and surrounding them and also is shown dotted throughout a brain tissue sample too. In part two, ~ 40 minutes, the adrenal gland is shown with brown-stained spike filling it and in the surrounding brain tissue. Dr. Cole mentions Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) being seen post CoV injection and that adrenal dysfunction is involved in the condition.
This is not a pleasant video to watch, but important.
Near the end of part one the topic of malformed placentas is briefly discussed, without including example images. Dr. Cole has a biodiagnostics laboratory and a new pattern is placentas being mailed to him to examine.
Summary point mentioned in both parts - Covid is an endothelial clotting disease - endothelialitis, among other issues it causes. Why aren’t more professionals talking about this? Some don’t care or don’t see it, others are scared for their jobs but are seeing it and are concerned.
Dr. Kelly Victory asks in part two about how to treat the damage and how to remove the spike. Dr. Cole mentions autophagy recommended by FLCCC - cut calories a few times a week, or skip eating for more hours between dinner and breakfast/brunch/lunch. ~48 minutes, she asks about brain fog in patients and what that might be at the cellular level. Dr. Cole shows a slide of spongiform encephalopathy (prion disease) prepared by Luc Montagnier. Myelin destruction and infiltration by the spike into the brain from vessels with areas of damage. Autoimmune removal of spike encrusted cells causes ruptures in blood vessels - even the aorta, slide in part 1.
“Live with courageous courage.” - Dr Ryan Cole, at the end of part two.
There was an emailed comment about whether this is a spiritual battle, or for the soul. I think it may be. There is some tinfoil suggesting that the battle is not for the planet, instead it is about shifting more souls to the dark side, and trapping those who are not susceptible to shifting to self-serving values in the transhumanist changes/trapped soul?/no idea personally. This does seem to be a spiritual battle and giving in to despair, fear, or anger is not winning - taking the high road may be the only way to win in a rigged battle.
Peace be with you. See some beauty in everyday life - it is there, and it is healing.
Healing strategies by Dr. Henry Ealey are very thorough, next post though. This one got long. I also listened to a presentation with slides from his clinic work. He is part of an organization that offers free clinic services virtually. Team Page - Energetic Health Institute.
“Dr. Henry Ealy (Dr. H) is the Founder of, & Executive Community Director for, the Energetic Health Institute. He holds a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from SCNM, a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA, is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition by the NANP and a proud Jackie Robinson Scholarship Alumnus.” (Team Page - Energetic Health Institute.)
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
(Gasmi, et al., 2020) Gasmi A, Tippairote T, Mujawdiya PK, Peana M, Menzel A, Dadar M, Gasmi Benahmed A, Bjørklund G. Micronutrients as immunomodulatory tools for COVID-19 management. Clin Immunol. 2020 Nov;220:108545. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2020.108545. Epub 2020 Jul 22. PMID: 32710937; PMCID: PMC7833875. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7833875/
SC - Spike has perverted, inverted and subverted the system. Objective: spike detox, flush, reset and rebuild system. Would you fast 1st or bomb 1st (natto, etc), or concomitant?