May 16, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank you for sharing and I am so glad another Dr is trying to point out the massively dark SNAFU that occurred decades earlier, beginning with Salk and his willful ineptitude- for anyone who wants the full account of what happened (how it was covered up), why they refuse to come clean about the dangers of vaccine programs, what the future ramifications are, I suggest reading judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively's book Plague about it, called "Plague",, as Judy first tried to bring it to light directly to Fauci and co.

Then I think you'll understand why the people were pushed to take the c19 shot, it's called covering tracks and cleaning up the mess, they made originally.

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Very welcome and thanks for the recommendation. I need to do a little more editing on that post and could add it.

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