IPAK-EDU hosts a weekly science webinar and this week’s speaker was Dr. Mahin Khatami. James Lyons-Weiler of IPAK-EDU was host. SV-40 links were shared and a book by Dr Khatami. She is a biochemist with experience in eye health leading to more of a focus on inflammation and cancer (bio/intechopen).
Inflammation, Aging and Cancer; Biological Injustices to Molecular Village of Immunity that Guard Health. 2017, Springer, (book to purchase) Table of Contents of her book on mitochondria and cancer: (springer/pdf)
Arifa S Khan: FDA, 2/1/2018: Investigating viruses in cells used to make vaccines; and evaluating potential threat posed by transmission of viruses to humans https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/biologics-research-projects/investigating-viruses-cells-used-make-vaccines-and-evaluating-potential-threat-posed-transmission.
a retracted paper by Khatami M, Retracted: Deceptology in cancer and vaccine sciences: Seeds of immune destruction-mini electric shocks in mitochondria: Neuroplasticity-electrobiology of response profiles and increased induced diseases in four generations – A hypothesis, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ctm2.215
SV-40 Papers
Association Between Simian Virus 40 and Human Tumors, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2019.00670/full
Virus Linked to Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma; Could a contaminated polio vaccine be responsible for some cases of the cancer?, https://www.science.org/content/article/virus-linked-non-hodgkins-lymphoma
The second slide paraphrased.
Nutrients including vitamins, trace minerals and other antioxidants can promote to varying degrees, the integrity and the defense capacity of mitochondrial DNA. Including: vitamins C, D3, B complex, zinc, magnesium, glutathione or N-acetylcysteine (NAC).
There is a need for the ongoing production of antioxidants or natural regenerative or repair machinery (enzymes and pathways*) because it is expected to inhibit and protect against chemically induced mitochondrial DNA mutations. *Natural regenerative or mtDNA repair machinery: glutathione recycling, SODs, NAC, NADH/NAD+, ascorbate-semihydrogenase.
Additionally, James Lyons-Weiler has a Substack, Popular Rationalism, where he shares upcoming IPAK-EDU webinar and course topics.
Excerpt from his latest post: “A more recent report found that at least 10-20% of people injected with mRNA vaccines integrated the mRNA in whole or part into their genome. The study, mentioned in this review was published in September of 2021 in Virus Research:”
Read more:
Facts You Might Want to Have Known Before You Accepted COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Part 1 (substack.com)
Disclaimer: This information is being shared for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
Thank you for sharing and I am so glad another Dr is trying to point out the massively dark SNAFU that occurred decades earlier, beginning with Salk and his willful ineptitude- for anyone who wants the full account of what happened (how it was covered up), why they refuse to come clean about the dangers of vaccine programs, what the future ramifications are, I suggest reading judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively's book Plague about it, called "Plague",, as Judy first tried to bring it to light directly to Fauci and co.
Then I think you'll understand why the people were pushed to take the c19 shot, it's called covering tracks and cleaning up the mess, they made originally.