Please folks, do some due diligence before recommending certain players:

"John Cullen" and "Crowd Source the Truth" have been sucking conspiracy "minded" people (with a little disposable income) into their vortex. along with characters like George Webber, Jason's former partner, snd a slew of other "pay up to play with us" types since the Route 91 Massacre in Las Vegas

E tu Jenn?


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I am becoming disenchanted with John. He doesn't care at all about the Crooks/Yearick mix up, and yes, their 'free' part video didn't say much it was just a lead in to buy our Patreon subscription.

John's work on the CoV/flu data seemed accurate to me, but his maps of this event do seem not quite right and then he labeled something as "Crooks" when I don't feel that ID is accurate - so why state the media's messaging?

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