Strontium, an mineral sold OTC as a nutritional supplement, appears to be beneficial in excitotoxicity. I

believe that it could be added to the list of recommendations for mitochondria health.

Strontium (Sr) can replace calcium (Ca) in cell signaling. However, Sr tends to be less active than Ca. So, it tends to reduce excess Ca activity.

Sr slows excess Ca influxes into the mitochondria and Sr also reduces ER stress. Sr has been shown to prevent apoptosis, reduce mitochondria swelling from toxins, reduce mitochondria swelling in rats subjected to extreme exercise, and reduce mitochondria and liver damage from in 6 patients admitted to the emergency room from excess alcohol intake.

Sr also replaces Ca in nerve cells and modifies synapses, limits neurotransmitter release and reduces the pain message sent to the brain. It also reduces the "danger" messages sent to other cells (from the TLRs and other mechanisms.) Sr reduces neuroinflammation, cytokine storms, and negative sensations such as pain and itch. In 1924, Dr Alwens found that he could eliminate the need for morphine with a few weeks of Sr injections. His successes include bone diseases, Parkinson's, phantom limb pain, various inflammatory diseases, and much more. A recent study shows that Sr prevents brain damage associated with NAFLD in mice.

Sr has also been shown to prevent sepsis, help diabetes, reverse cachexia and a lots more.

Sr is very safe, and has been used in medicine since the mid 1800s.

Some of my research has been posted on my Substack page. My email address can be found on my articles if anybody has questions.




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That is fascinating. I have only seen strontium recommended for osteoporosis. Amazing how the best old school stuff is 'forgotten'. How did you come across this?

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you had me at "cell danger response" thanks to A Midwestern Doctor schooling us on that whole concept.

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Also I am trying to find some smart people to help me solve the puzzle of iodine for horses. Honestly I know there is a huge opportunity here but i don't have enough brain cells left to do the work. Mostly I just repost Jennifer's brilliant work, but she is not specific to horses. Have cured sarcoid skin cancers on 3 out of 3 horses with iodine, but need to get more people interested to try it for other things as well, or as a preventative.... Any help appreciated!


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Have you tried strontium iodide? From about 1897, it was a very popular form of iodide, especially in France. I threw together a few key partial quotes and some references.

Strontium had been used to treat tapeworms (taenia) in horses and humans. https://archive.org/details/manualofveterina00duch_0/page/32/mode/2up

Iodism: A mostly indirect toxic reaction (herxheimer) to Iodine. Symptoms include anaemia, emaciation and mental depression, frontal headache, ptyalism, a saline taste in the mouth, dysphagia, temporary impotence, and acne. Iodine causes the body to release stored toxins, especially recently acquired toxins from a sickness or drugs used to treat the sickness such as mercury. Historically, common toxins released by iodine include potassium, lead, mercury, and the products of the syphilitic disease. (Handbook of materia medica, pharmacy, and therapeutics, 1897) https://archive.org/details/cu31924104224708/page/316/mode/2up


Our conclusions upon these and other observations show that Iodide of Strontium by its favorable and rapid action in morbid cardiac and cardio-pulmonary troubles, are that this salt is superior and preferable to Iodide of Potassium, for in no case has any symptom of intolerance such as cephalalgia, coryza, with nasal and hypersecretion, cutaneous eruptions, etc., been noticed. ...



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THANK YOU SO MUCH this is exactly the kind of thing I am looking for.

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"In 1974, it was estimated that 32.0% of the children under the age of 5 showed signs of rickets in region of Turkey that a high levels of naturally occurring Sr in the soil, drinking water, and food." - this sounds kind of familiar, I wonder if there was also a high level of FLOURIDE in that area....

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank you for this post! Filled with useful information.

I wonder if anyone could comment on NAC as a prophylactic for Glutamate toxicity?

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Yes, I think glutathione support does help and was discussed. NAC wasn't mentioned though, 🤔 will need to rewatch.

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Super, thank you!

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I just listened to his episode of The Higher Side Chats yesterday! Great advice and very illuminating. https://www.thehighersidechats.com/dr-russell-blaylock-excitotoxins-food-industry-corruption-keeping-us-sick/

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