RAGE receptor activity & adrenalin > adrenochrome would be correlated with increased oxidative stress & lack of antioxidants - a Venn diagram or overlapping graph.
Health & sexual health, also correlated. A trip to the movies - Legally Blonde, with my mother, who is doing pretty good. She has graduated from Hospice, still among the living. Yippee!
The last two posts are related - oxidative stress - emotional or physically based, will increase adrenalin production, and inflammatory oxidizing chemicals, and those will lead to activation of RAGE receptors. Over activation of RAGE receptors is associated with chronic disease like diabetes, neurodegenerative and inflammatory conditions, and aging. (Ramasamy, et al., 2005)
Research into the role of adrenochrome in chronic degenerative disease or mental illness seems to have been suppressed.
This search result is both amusing and sad - scientific research has clearly been held back because adrenochrome is considered by gas-lit Brave AI to be both “a lab-created compound with no known biological function in the human body” and “a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine)… a distinct biological function.” (Brave AI summary/HMGB1 and Adrenochrome)
Stress, fear, anger, create an oxidizing environment, and adrenalin. Without adequate antioxidants, methylation and sulfation function, then adrenochrome may be created, (Hoffer and Osmond, 1967, previous post), and RAGE receptors would be activated by glycated or oxidized proteins and fats/lipids. (Ramasamy, et al., 2005)
»> »> »> In non-News/Good news, my mom is healthy enough to have been kicked off of Hospice! My mother still has turbocancer lumps but seems to not be in pain and is more functional on a low histamine diet plus some of my Cheerful Juice, and other improved foods and adequate protein.
She watched a movie with me last night, a guilty pleasure favorite movie of mine, Legally Blonde, 2001 (Trailer).
In the movie we learn that exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy, and happy people don’t shoot their husbands. We also learn that a very much younger wife can love an older man, but it helps if he packs a sizeable duck and knows how to use it. The young wife accused of murder tells the expensive lawyer to just show the jury a picture of her husband’s duck and then they would understand. The ex-wife corroborates in a later scene, saying her adult daughter who still lives with the father/dead person, said the two had “humped like gorillas.” (subtext…How gross!)
Longevity studies suggest males may live longer when they average about three or more times a week (~ humping like gorillas - worth noting: “Exercise creates endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t shoot their husbands.” - Legally Blonde). Sexual activity is a way that our bodies generate more aether energy and send it flowing throughout the body along with blood and lymphatic fluid - sending nutrients, oxygen and removing toxins. Exercise is good for us, and repetitive motions are what help build up or release aether energy.
“Endorphins are chemicals or hormones that your body releases when it feels pain or stress. Endorphins can be boosted by exercising, eating or having sex.” - Endorphins: What are they and how to boost them?, my.clevelandclinic.org
Exercise and Endorphin Link, Brave AI summary
Based on the available information, it is indeed true that exercise creates endorphins, and endorphins contribute to feelings of happiness. Here’s a breakdown of the key findings:
Endorphin release: Exercise, particularly intense or prolonged physical activity, stimulates the release of endorphins in response to physical stress. This is the body’s natural response to minimize discomfort and maximize performance (Exercise Endorphins: The Science on Why Exercise Makes You Happy, FitOnApp.com).
Endorphin effects: Endorphins have a range of effects on the brain, including reducing pain perception, triggering euphoria (runner’s high), and influencing emotions, (Why Endorphins and Exercise Make Us Happy, cnn.com).
Exercise intensity and duration: Research suggests that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) leads to a significant increase in endorphin release, particularly in areas of the brain associated with pain, reward, and emotion (Endorphin Release Differs by Exercise Intensity, Study Finds, medicalnewstoday.com).
Other factors influencing endorphin release: While exercise intensity and duration are important, other factors such as menstrual cycle, hormonal changes, and individual differences can also impact endorphin release (Why Endorphins and Exercise Make Us Happy, cnn.com).
Endorphins and happiness: The release of endorphins during exercise contributes to feelings of happiness and well-being, which can be sustained even after the exercise session has ended (Does Exercise Really Make You Happy?, athletico.com).
(Brave AI summary/Exercise creates endorphins and endorphins make us happy - is this true?)
Numerous studies have shown a correlation between an active sex life and a longer life. For example, regular sexual activity may reduce the risk of heart disease (2010, New England Research Institute).
Another study (2017) found a significant association between sexual activity and death, suggesting that frequent sex may prolong life. This could be due to the intimate relationship and social bonding associated with sex, which are known to enhance health and extend longevity.
Sexual health is an integral part of general health, influencing wellbeing and overall quality of life. Sex can release beneficial chemicals, strengthen relationships, and increase self-worth. However, women who remain sexually active before and after menopause may not experience the same decline in vaginal tissue vascularity as those who are inactive. (Brave AI summary)
*What is Reese Witherspoon up to more recently? Having photoshop issues in a 2018 Vanity Fair photo shoot with OprahWinfrey, Tom Hanks, and Nicole Kidman - team Hollyweird… Oprah was given a third hand in one image and Reese was given three legs in another. Leaving me wondering if there were any heads left rolling at Vanity Fair? ;-) (nymag.com/2018/01/oprah-winfrey-has-3-hands-in-vanity-fair-photo).
Endorphins and humping like gorillas can increase happiness and modern society/mainstream media has made sexuality into a negative joke, or just something that happens on one-night-stands. Married people don’t have sex…marriage is just a loser for both men and women. Women never want sex, and men only want to cheat…. or women only cheat and are users of men. Fathers don’t matter, mothers don’t matter, children don’t even really need parents…or a single parent is just fine. Negative stereotypes have been used in TV shows and songs and other media to make marriage seem like a bad thing, likely because stable families are a power structure that a dictator style government has less power over. The US government now seems to want to take children and indoctrinate them, like we see in North Korea or Chinese schools.
-> Healthy people have a sex drive. Unhealthy or non-typical development people don’t. Asexual is more of a condition than an identity, however, it is now being included as a sexual identity. Celibacy is a choice about what to do with natural urges - having no urges is a physical difference that might be correctable with improved diet or health. Lack of iodine and excess goitrogens is part of whether there is or isn’t standard sexual ‘urges’. But we aren’t supposed to talk about physical health.
There is now a push among the letter people (LGBTAIP???) to include asexuality as an “identity”, but it seems to have been appropriated by people who have had standard physical and sexual development. Someone with congenital hypothyroidism and an underlying lack of interest in romance or sex might also have less developed sexual traits and maybe be smaller and slender, maybe even a little elfin in appearance. It is gas-lighting young people to not be open about toxins in the environment and other dietary impacts on development. Being a teen is not really easy on anyone - the hormones are in an uproar, try to ride it out, like whitewater rafting. And note that brain structural improvements are continuing somewhat rapidly up through age 26 or so - let’s call it the Tweens.
As a health counselor who was unhealthy and got better (not on standard recommendations - those led to being unhealthy) - asexuality can definitely be a symptom of many things including: hypothyroidism, iodine deficiency, and/or SSRI medications. Improving iodine and thyroid function and stopping SSRI medications can restore healthy ‘mojo’ (sex drive) at least in my own case. Cannabinoids are involved in sexual health, and zinc is fairly critical. Good nutrition in general tends to promote good energy level, and maybe some leftover for funtime,
Part of the problem currently in the increase in ‘asexuality’ may be a big part of the problem, is that psychiatric SSRI medications are being prescribed to teens and even younger children, even to toddlers. Foster care kids are at big risk of being over-medicated. Being started on psychiatric medications early may negatively affect long term sexual development — and we just don’t know. These drugs were never tested for developmental effects on toddlers and probably not on children and teens either.
In my own case though, having previously had normal urges, and survived teen and tween years, I knew I had lost something. <Austin Power's Mojo clip> Stopping SSRIs helped but undiagnosed hypothyroidism was also causing low energy and inability to climb the mountain, so to speak. High dose iodine restored my energy level and libido. I also learned that iodine adequacy can do amazing things for glandular function. All of the glands of our body need iodine, not just the thyroid gland. Modern people are so unhealthy on average, that many people and scientists have forgotten, or never knew, what health can be like.
Improving iodine intake and reducing goitrogens would likely help overall health, and mood, and deserves to be discussed for general health purposes even if ‘asexual’ is a chosen identity or turns out to be a permanent developmental difference. Asexuality is seen in people who had congenital hypothyroidism present at birth. Congenital hypothyroidism tends to be missed — not diagnosed or if diagnosed, it is treated with Synthroid hormone typically instead of with iodine supplements too. Mothers who are low in iodine will have babies that are lower in iodine. The prenatal guidance is likely not generous enough, especially in a environment with a lot of goitrogens in food, water, and medications.
Iodine is about restoring energy level, and ‘mojo’ needs energy. Iodine also seems involved in the quantum/proton flowing energy of the body, improving our ability to have plenty instead of a stalled-out engine. “Sorry, too tired.”
Histamine excess, on the other hand, can put the sex drive into hyperdrive. “Three times a day!” was a recommendation I had been making early in my blogging — when I had undiagnosed histamine excess and hyperthyroidism which can also increase sex drive and recklessness. I then learned that 3 times a day was Jeffrey Epstein’s daily goal (with different young teens), and I had to pause and consider that maybe I was wrong, maybe 3 times a day was not a healthy norm.
Once, most days, seems like a reasonable amount. Excess friction combined with strenuous exertion can increase Monkey Pox risk…that is true.
Aromatase, an enzyme with a significant role in sex drive.
Aromatase is another enzyme that is more directly involved in sex drive and also has a role in cognitive health. Aromatase is used in the conversion of androgens to estrogen and is involved in sex drive for males. (medicalnewstoday.com/articles/scientists-discover-key-brain-enzyme-controlling-sexual-desire-in-males) Aromatase inhibiting medications used in breast cancer caused significant side effects in women, of anxiety and cognitive loss. (Gervais, et al., 2019) Aromatase inhibiting herbs are used traditionally for promoting sex drive — aphrodisiacs.
Phytonutrient aromatase inhibitor, Damiana and Yohimbe, traditionally used as aphrodisiacs.
Damiana is an herb that traditionally is known as an aphrodisiac for women. It can increase sex drive in females due to phytonutrients that act as aromatase inhibitors (other flavonoids can too). Aromatase inhibition reduces conversion of testosterone to estrogen and helps to balance estrogen levels.
Damiana is also being used or tested for ED in males. It affects Nitric Oxide levels which can help cardiovascular function — ED is a CVD issue. Damiana can have anti-anxiety effects. It can help lower elevated blood sugar, but doesn’t push normal levels into hypoglycemia, giving it benefits for diabetes treatment. (bensnaturalhealth.com/blog/sexual-health/benefits-of-damiana/)
Damiana has similar phytonutrients and effects as Yohimbe and Panex Ginseng is used traditionally for sexual function in males. It helps Nitric oxide levels too. (Kotta, et al., 2013) So would pomegranate peel.
MAO inhibitors can increase sex drive - but could also be increasing adrenochrome.
Providing males rats with an MAO B inhibitor, deprenyl, a medication used for Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and major depressive disorder, (Miklya, 2016), increased both the longevity and sex drive of the experimental group of animals compared to the control group. (Knoll, et al., 1989)
An MAO enzyme inhibitor would tend to be promoting conversion of adrenalin into adrenochrome, and adrenochrome has shown some anti-aging benefits due to reduced cell division, and/or by providing mitochondrial support. Like many things in life, moderation and balance may be the key point. Some adrenalin and challenge in life is good and some conversion to adrenochrome may be good too. We just don’t want adrenochrome to accumulate due to lack of antioxidants and poor methylation and sulfation function. Increased or decreased sex drive was not mentioned in the text by Hoffer and Osmond, 1967, however, it is an academic, chemistry textbook.
Chapter III. Adrenochrome and Some of Its Derivatives, The Hallucinogens, by A. Hoffer and H. Osmond, 1967, Academic Press, 181 pages, (pdf in my Dropbox)
This (last) post is about the book, with nutritional guidance based on it and previous research, which might help prevent excess production or accumulation of adrenochrome. It is also available as a document with a clickable Table of Contents: Adrenochrome & Schizophrenia, (sync/pdf).
In a person with schizophrenia, increases in adrenaline tend to get turned into adrenochrome instead of MOA enzyme turning it into » safer aldehydes or sulfates.
Adrenaline and adrenochrome are so oxidatively reactive that it is stored in red blood cells because RBCs are so different than other cells - they have no cell nucleus with DNA that the reactive adrenaline chemistry would endanger.
Repeat, from recent post, Adrenochrome & Schizophrenia, (denutrients.substack):
Someone with poor sulfur metabolism from genetics, or with an excess of sulfur chemicals from diet, supplements or Epsom salt baths, might be increasing adrenochrome production from metanephrine in Fig. 8 below, instead of it being converted into sulfates. That is a guess though, rather than from the text. (Hoffer & Osmond, 1967, pdf in my Dropbox)

People who are making and accumulating an excess of adrenochrome due to lack of function, would also be having the negative health effects of having poor methylation/sulfation and lack of antioxidants. Someone who was taking an external source of adrenochrome might otherwise still have good methylation and sulfation function and plenty of antioxidants to help detox from the adrenochrome use, and then the anti-aging effects of adrenochrome might be more noticeable for them. They aren’t overproducing the adrenochrome due to metabolic dysfunction. This makes two different groups of people - those naturally with an excess of adrenochrome and symptoms that might be called a psychiatric problem and treated with harsh drugs; and those consuming an illicit substance obtained through black market or child trafficking methods. Both groups, though, might have similar symptoms of recklessness and irritability/paranoia or depression that was observed with use of lab-sourced adrenochrome by Doctors Hoffer and Osmond.
Increased use of MAO inhibitor medications (MAOIs) in psychiatric or other patients may also be going too far with the inhibition and causing an excess of adrenochrome … and maybe leading to mood and behavior changes. An excess of serotonin is also a risk with MAO inhibitors. Neurotransmitters that MAO enzyme break down include: dopamine, serotonin, *noradrenaline and *adrenaline, *also called norepinephrine and epinephrine.
2. Monoamine neurotransmitters: MAO enzymes oxidize monoamine neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which are involved in regulating sexual behavior and desire. MAO-A oxidizes noradrenaline and serotonin, while MAO-B primarily oxidizes beta-phenylethylamine (2). Imbalances in these neurotransmitters and their metabolism by MAO enzymes may contribute to sexual dysfunction. (Brave AI summary/how are MOA enzymes related to sex drive? *Fact check - this result mixed effects of aromatase enzyme in with MOA - providing confusing information in “1.” of the answer.)
“MAO-B preferentially deaminates dopamine and phenethylamine. MAOIs block the monoamine oxidase enzymes leading to neurotransmitter accumulation. The older MAOIs such as phenelzine, tranylcypromine, and isocarboxazid were irreversible and nonselective.” (ScienceDirect/MOA)
Blocking neurotransmitter breakdown to promote a better mood is the theoretical goal - prevent loss of serotonin, and then the mood might be happier and less depressed. But the risk of excess MAO inhibitors can be Serotonin Syndrome, an excess of serotonin causing confusion, agitation and rapid heart rate. Also having inadequate niacin would increase risk of Serotonin Syndrome - more on that a little later.
MAO inhibitors could be increasing adrenochrome conversion from adrenaline - and some might have benefits for health - anti-aging?
Adrenochrome: Involved in the formation of neuromelanin, a pigment found in melanin-containing cells. It may also play a role in detoxification processes, particularly through glutathione-S-transferase. (Brave AI summary/S100A8/A9 and adrenochrome)
Symptoms or side effects seen with use of MAO inhibitor medications (Brave AI)
Common side effects of MAO inhibitor medications include:
Dry mouth
Serious side effects can occur when MAO inhibitors are combined with certain foods or medications, such as:
Hypertensive crisis: A potentially life-threatening condition characterized by high blood pressure, headache, and facial flushing, which can occur when MAO inhibitors are taken with tyramine-rich foods (e.g., aged cheese, fermented meats, and certain wines) or sympathomimetic drugs.
*MAO enzyme is needed to break down the amino acid tyramine. The newer MAO B inhibitors (like deprenyl) would be less likely to cause diet-related symptoms as it is MAO A that breaks down the tyramine in the gut. MAO B is more active in the brain. See: Making Sense of MAO Inhibitors, (poison.org).
Serotonin syndrome: A rare but potentially life-threatening condition characterized by agitation, confusion, rapid heartbeat, and high fever, which can occur when MAO inhibitors are taken with certain antidepressants [*SSRIs] or other medications. (Brave AI summary/side effects of excess MAO inhibitors)
*Niacin deficiency would increase risk of Serotonin Syndrome occurring. (Brave AI summary/niacin & Serotonin Syndrome)
Is lack of exercise, lack of endorphins, and/or lack of humping like gorillas, making modern people more unhappy? Or more murderous?
What we have learned in the last post is that having an excess of adrenochrome may make people more angry and potentially more dangerous from reckless/impulsive behavior. “Crimes of passion” - a murder done impulsively, might then involve an excess of adrenalin, with an excess of it converting to adrenochrome. (That males who had killed a woman in an intimate setting, tend to be let off, and women who kill a man out of self-defense, tend to be arrested, is a different topic.)
The aptly named RAGE receptors aren’t directly involved with mood, or adrenochrome, however oxidative stress and lack of antioxidants and magnesium, would increase both RAGE receptor activity and could increase conversion of adrenalin to adrenochrome. An excess influx of cannabinoids may also be involved as RAGE receptor activity triggers endocannabinoid release from membrane storage.
When science or society are limited in what can be discussed, then it is not an ‘informed consent’ situation. If the full information isn’t being included, then it is like lying by omission. Incomplete information may not be “false”, but it is not fully correct either.
Under activity of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) enzyme is associated with aggressive or criminal behavior. Lack of MAO enzyme activity would be adding to risk of adrenochrome being formed from adrenalin.
We learned from Dr. Hoffer and Osmund that adrenochrome use can lead to reckless behavior with disregard for consequences to self or others, and lack of recognition that the behavior or altered mood is unusual. Irritability and paranoia were also common reactions to adrenochrome use. . . . We may have a problem with covert harm to children and use of adrenochrome containing blood products by people in power — but we also have a problem with research into stress/fear/anger or chronic degenerative disease, not including adrenochrome within the design of clinical trials or other studies.
“A number of studies have found a robust association between low-activity MAOA variants (and particularly 2-repeat alleles) and psychopathy and criminal behavior (Guo et al., 2008; Beaver et al., 2009; Beaver et al., 2010; Beaver et al., 2013; Beaver et al., 2014; Armstrong et al., 2014; Stetler et al., 2014; Tiihonen et al., 2015). The link with psychopathy, which has garnered this allele the questionable moniker of “psycho gene”, is particularly surprising, given the consolidated link of this trait with proactive aggression and callous-unemotional traits, rather than reactive aggression (Raine et al., 2006; Nouvion et al., 2007).” (Godar, et al., 2016)
RAGE seems like a punny acronym - however the emotion, rage, and RAGE receptors are not directly related. Oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokine production with RAGE receptor activity might lead to feelings of depression and anxiety over time, but first a stimulatory effect might occur. Glutamate signaling release calcium within brain cells - excitatory. Longterm Alzheimer’s damage might be occurring too. (Kamynina, et al. 2021) Eating crispy fried or barbecue foods is delicious, and is … addictively stimulating with glycated proteins, AGEs, like acrylamide. Some AGEs, glycated proteins can have positive health effects, but in general are considered a health negative.
→ Pomegranate peel, niacin, and our other phytonutrient and antioxidant buddies would help keep oxidative chemicals in check and inhibit the inflammatory cytokines and TNF-α. Lack of these nutrients would allow these signaling chemicals to escalate the inflammatory response into a positive feedback hyperinflammation loop which includes more oxidative stress chemicals, which would be an oxidizing environment for promoting adrenalin to be converted into adrenochrome.
Adrenochrome excess can lead to irritability or rage and in natural occurrence, might be seen in people with MAO gene defects leading to chronically low activity of the enzyme and chronic increased production of adrenochrome whenever adrenalin is being generated. MAO gene defects are associated with increased violence or aggression (more in males) and increased anxiety (more in females).
These recent posts are related to each other by oxidative stress chemicals and lack of antioxidants - they promote both RAGE receptor activity and the oxidation of adrenalin into adrenochrome:
Advance glycation end products - glycated proteins, are created internally during stress - but they are also made during high heat cooking of foods that have sugar and protein content, like barbecued meats with a sweet glaze, or sugary cookies or a baked custard with a caramelized surface.
“The products of nonenzymatic glycation and oxidation of proteins and lipids, the advanced glycation end products (AGEs), accumulate in a wide variety of environments. AGEs may be generated rapidly or over long times stimulated by a range of distinct triggering mechanisms, thereby accounting for their roles in multiple settings and disease states. A critical property of AGEs is their ability to activate receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), a signal transduction receptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily. It is our hypothesis that due to such interaction, AGEs impart a potent impact in tissues, stimulating processes linked to inflammation and its consequences. We hypothesize that AGEs cause perturbation in a diverse group of diseases, such as diabetes, inflammation, neurodegeneration, and aging. Thus, we propose that targeting this pathway may represent a logical step in the prevention/treatment of the sequelae of these disorders.” (Ramasamy, et al., 2005)
Why is this important???? →
These biomarkers of RAGE receptor activity have been implicated in various diseases, including:
Cancer (e.g., pancreatic cancer, renal cancer)
*Chronic stress and elevated epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine can be cancer promoting due to causing DNA damage. (Flint, et al., 2013)
Chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., atherosclerosis, arthritis)
Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease)
Renal diseases (e.g., diabetic nephropathy)
Cardiovascular diseases, (Brave AI)
Note that adrenaline is also called epinephrine, and norepinephrine is also called noradrenaline.
»> We propose that stress induced NE release can induce both fear and anger. “Adrenaline rush or norepinephrine rush” and fear and anger emotion might act as biomarkers for mental disorders.” (Gu, et al., 2016)
-> Stress, fear, anger, create an oxidizing environment, and adrenaline. Without adequate antioxidants, methylation and sulfation function, then adrenochrome may be created, (Hoffer and Osmond, 1967, previous post), and RAGE receptors would be activated by glycated or oxidized proteins and fats/lipids. (Ramasamy, et al., 2005)
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Reference List
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Thank you for this article. It's given me a lot to think about.
I may be misunderstanding when you said too many sulfer compounds (you mention epsom salt) are not good. What are your thoughts (if any) of sulforaphane (fun fact- epsom salt increases sulphoraphane production in broccoli) in regards to metanephrine, since if is a sulfer compound which is supposed to help with autism and schizophrenia.
You're an amazing daughter. 💞
::Big hug for you and your mom::