Quantal perception by intergalatic archea - say what? I will need to read more on that. Diet tips included though for reducing overgrowth of archea/archions.
Jennifer, ages ago a wonderful dental hygienist inquired if I was on any medications. At that time was taking pain killers and anti-depressants. She looked up the meds and presented me with an article how some may be causing gum disease. She then proceeded to explain the H2O2 combo gave me a little syringe and explained to squirt this along the gum-line where the teeth meet the gums, being sure to get under those gums. One can also do similar with a Water-Pik machine, or swish the mouth.
Dr. Weston Price found that deficiencies of what he called Activator X caused all manner of western dental disease. We now call Activator X vitamin K2. You can get all of his books from the Weston A. Price Foundation at westonaprice.org
Could also be of autoimmune origin viz. primary biliary cirrhosis or sclerosing cholangitis
Bile one off?
2. AST, ALP, ALT liver panels could be abnormalities of the thyroid or GI tract, such as celiac disease or gallstones. Bile two, a coincidence?
3. MCH, MCV macrocytosis - hypothyroidism? gastritis? celiac? IBD? Crohn's? Alcoholism? Folate excretion via bile. I'll see your two pairs of thyroids and GI tracts, and raise you Bile trips, three's a charm, it's a trend.
4. Amylase, Lipase both pancreatic enzymes - bromelain much? diabetic ketoacidosis? gastroenteritis? Again biliary pancreatitis? GI trips, but four Bile's, it's a pattern.
Correlating the above, it's not degenerative mitral valve disease, your not a toy poodle. It's not FelV, your not a feline. It's not alcoholic hepatitis, your not a drinker. The GI tract, you got that licked. Sphincter of Oddi? Nah. Gallstones? Gallstones might stick in the common bile duct leading to either cholangitis or pancreatitis. Could mimic liver cancer & hep. Ultrasound?
Ultrasound had showed liver cysts. I may have bile issues, but I can tolerate some dietary fat okay.
I had been overeating, gaining some weight since my dad's funeral. Binge eating is bad for the liver, and the big increase in fish and oysters and mussels and mercury laced tuna (had some left from making meals for my parents.)
Thanks, I will look more into bile health info. Addition - the SMA was 1:20
Oxalates, yes, that makes sense. I have been excess oxalate for a few years. Gut dysbiosis may add to the risk I learned recently. Good species would digest it for me.
& No, the ultrasound likely focused on the liver but I don't know. It was done at the family doctor office.
For the liver cysts - Fumaria indica (Fumitory) check it out. If your excess oxalate, then you may suffer a form of hyperuricemia for which most people are asymptomatic (85% to 90%).
Inflammatory responses, accompanied by swelling, myalgia and intestinal disorders, salicylate allergy, aspirin is the worst thing for the G word as is a purine-rich diet = fish fest. Low in B9? It inactivates the enzyme responsible for xanthine & uric acid.
Most of your symptoms fit, and if the shoe fits, wear it. Hit the xanthine oxidase where it hurts: flaxseed oil (XO inhibitor) AND
Asplenium Ceterach is full of things that whack XO, uric acid & calcium oxalate: mangiferin, naringen, quercetin, chlorogenic acid AND
COFFEE TIME... Yes, the latter being the main constituent of coffee, helps with hyperuricemia, renal inflammation, and modulation of intestinal homeostasis.
I do miss coffee. Love it. The buplureum looked good or snake gourd,
Dr appt yesterday clarified some things - gallstones were not observed in the CT scan and he wants an MRI because what was seen was not that clear but was an inch long area. Maybe a fluid filled cyst? He said salicylate excess/aspirin poisoning would be unlikely to cause a mass.
Salicylate excess is a methylation inhibitor though and if my genetics leaves me with methylation cycle issues, then maybe cancer isn't out of the question. But I am feeling better with stopping the fish and taking my other supplements better. Also self treating the gum issue with essential oils ahas made that a lot better too. I will persevere. Thanks for your help and interest. I will reread your comment and look at the link yet.
I have gotten better with consistent essential oil use. I'm going to mix up some coconut oil with the essential oil added to make it quicker for daily use.
I can't wait til you sort out how our neanderthal genes are related to the extinction of albino (?) homo sapiens. I know you can't resist a challenge; well there's one for you !! Thanks for staying curious.
Rinse one's mouth with 75% water and 25% H2O2...
This cleans UNDER the gums, heals the gums, kills the bacteria that moved from the gums directly to the heart and arteries.
The "Plaque" lining of the blood vessels is the same CRAP plaque from the gums and mouth...
Simple fixes
Natural fixes
Major benefits
Jennifer, ages ago a wonderful dental hygienist inquired if I was on any medications. At that time was taking pain killers and anti-depressants. She looked up the meds and presented me with an article how some may be causing gum disease. She then proceeded to explain the H2O2 combo gave me a little syringe and explained to squirt this along the gum-line where the teeth meet the gums, being sure to get under those gums. One can also do similar with a Water-Pik machine, or swish the mouth.
Dr. Weston Price found that deficiencies of what he called Activator X caused all manner of western dental disease. We now call Activator X vitamin K2. You can get all of his books from the Weston A. Price Foundation at westonaprice.org
Nothing penetrates better than essential oils.
Cardiovascular plague is rancid cholesterol anchored by calcium deposits.
If you leave oral plague alone, you might find, as I have, that it is protective and only cosmetically annoying.
JD - Elevated test results as read by Gregory House...
1. Positive AMSA results are > or = dilution of 1:40. Infectious mononucleosis? Lupus? No it's never lupus.
Could also be of autoimmune origin viz. primary biliary cirrhosis or sclerosing cholangitis
Bile one off?
2. AST, ALP, ALT liver panels could be abnormalities of the thyroid or GI tract, such as celiac disease or gallstones. Bile two, a coincidence?
3. MCH, MCV macrocytosis - hypothyroidism? gastritis? celiac? IBD? Crohn's? Alcoholism? Folate excretion via bile. I'll see your two pairs of thyroids and GI tracts, and raise you Bile trips, three's a charm, it's a trend.
4. Amylase, Lipase both pancreatic enzymes - bromelain much? diabetic ketoacidosis? gastroenteritis? Again biliary pancreatitis? GI trips, but four Bile's, it's a pattern.
Correlating the above, it's not degenerative mitral valve disease, your not a toy poodle. It's not FelV, your not a feline. It's not alcoholic hepatitis, your not a drinker. The GI tract, you got that licked. Sphincter of Oddi? Nah. Gallstones? Gallstones might stick in the common bile duct leading to either cholangitis or pancreatitis. Could mimic liver cancer & hep. Ultrasound?
Ultrasound had showed liver cysts. I may have bile issues, but I can tolerate some dietary fat okay.
I had been overeating, gaining some weight since my dad's funeral. Binge eating is bad for the liver, and the big increase in fish and oysters and mussels and mercury laced tuna (had some left from making meals for my parents.)
Thanks, I will look more into bile health info. Addition - the SMA was 1:20
Were they looking for gallstones? Re: gallbladder - stones - there's a theme here - again... https://denutrients.substack.com/p/structured-water-benefits-and-recipes/comment/47572115
Oxalates, yes, that makes sense. I have been excess oxalate for a few years. Gut dysbiosis may add to the risk I learned recently. Good species would digest it for me.
& No, the ultrasound likely focused on the liver but I don't know. It was done at the family doctor office.
For the liver cysts - Fumaria indica (Fumitory) check it out. If your excess oxalate, then you may suffer a form of hyperuricemia for which most people are asymptomatic (85% to 90%).
Inflammatory responses, accompanied by swelling, myalgia and intestinal disorders, salicylate allergy, aspirin is the worst thing for the G word as is a purine-rich diet = fish fest. Low in B9? It inactivates the enzyme responsible for xanthine & uric acid.
Most of your symptoms fit, and if the shoe fits, wear it. Hit the xanthine oxidase where it hurts: flaxseed oil (XO inhibitor) AND
TEA TIME as I previously hinted: https://denutrients.substack.com/p/tcm-patterns-of-illness-rebalancing/comment/47506419
Asplenium Ceterach is full of things that whack XO, uric acid & calcium oxalate: mangiferin, naringen, quercetin, chlorogenic acid AND
COFFEE TIME... Yes, the latter being the main constituent of coffee, helps with hyperuricemia, renal inflammation, and modulation of intestinal homeostasis.
I do miss coffee. Love it. The buplureum looked good or snake gourd,
Dr appt yesterday clarified some things - gallstones were not observed in the CT scan and he wants an MRI because what was seen was not that clear but was an inch long area. Maybe a fluid filled cyst? He said salicylate excess/aspirin poisoning would be unlikely to cause a mass.
Salicylate excess is a methylation inhibitor though and if my genetics leaves me with methylation cycle issues, then maybe cancer isn't out of the question. But I am feeling better with stopping the fish and taking my other supplements better. Also self treating the gum issue with essential oils ahas made that a lot better too. I will persevere. Thanks for your help and interest. I will reread your comment and look at the link yet.
The best kept secret in the West!!! https://youtu.be/OZWgadswjmk?
Selenium and better vitamin C intake and pomegranate peel should all help clear out heavy metals I accrued during my fish-fest.
I stopped having my teeth cleaned when it always relaunched a nascent gingivitis infection.
Having an exam where pain is inflicted does the same thing.
I keep the gingivitis in remission by brushing with peppermint, thieves, and clove oils mixed into MCT oil.
I have gotten better with consistent essential oil use. I'm going to mix up some coconut oil with the essential oil added to make it quicker for daily use.
I can't wait til you sort out how our neanderthal genes are related to the extinction of albino (?) homo sapiens. I know you can't resist a challenge; well there's one for you !! Thanks for staying curious.
Albino is caused by recessive genes, which are self-limiting.
Jennifer, this article arrived in mail this am...hope I can forward the PDF:
"as a result of global warming"
I wondered.
Human inflicted environmental change has happened/is happening. We just don't hear about that very real problem.
Humans constitute too tiny a part of the environment to cause global climate change, which is entirely driven by solar weather.
If a butterfly can do it then so can we.
Albeit I'm not a great believer in CO2 as the agent of any warming.
Oxygen is 20% of the atmosphere and carbon dioxide is .04%, far too small to encourage photosynthesis.
Chewing my fingernails does not improve my health. So not sure about that idea. ;-)