Ototoxin kanamycin is in Pfizer CoV injection also ototoxic Sars-CoV2 chimeric spike effects; Vitamin B1 deficiency; Audio noise and Hearing Damage
Nutrient deficiency or excess physical stress (loud noise) or ototoxins might be tolerable separately, but put it all together and chronic damage can be the result.
Sars CoV2 or chimeric spike injections seem to be an ototoxins, directly harmful to the hair cells needed for our hearing and our sense of balance and ability to visually track, to focus on a bird flying by smoothly instead of the eyes jerkily trying to keep up and shift ahead along the flight path.

“Say what? SARS2 infection of the inner ear may cause hearing and balance issues. Human inner ear tissue expresses ACE2, TMPRSS2, and FURIN - all necessary for SARS2 virus entry. Microscopy confirms the infection of hair cells and Schwann cells by SARS2.” - David Lingenfelter, PhD, @dlingenfelter, (x.com/dlingenfelter)
Direct SARS-CoV-2 infection of the human inner ear may underlie COVID-19-associated audiovestibular dysfunction. (Jeong, et al., 2021)
The balance issues are from dysfunction in our vestibular system of the inner ear, which has motion detecting Hair Cells. Another example of vestibular dysfunction after CoV era: ‘Acute Bilateral Vestibulopathy Associated With COVID-19’, Lee, et al., 2022 - treatment was “vestibular rehabilitation at home”, and the patient was restored to function at a five month follow up. (Lee, et al., 2022)
Videos at Vestibular.org, Vestibular disorders have dizziness or loss of balance symptoms and it can become exhausting as the body is over working or over compensating trying to be steadier.
Dizziness was a frequent symptom of SARS-CoV-2 infections and vestibular dysfunction did occur in some people who were studied but it didn’t seem to be a widespread problem. (Zubitzer, et al., 2023)
Kanamycin in the injections may be adding a known ototoxin to the mix which may be an important factor because it tends to cause hearing loss and deafness while not affecting the vestibular balance symptoms much.
“Kanamycin: although less toxic than neomycin, kanamycin is quite ototoxic. Kanamycin has a propensity to cause profound cochlear hair cell damage, marked high-frequency hearing loss, and complete deafness. The damaging effect is primarily to the cochlea, while the vestibular system is usually spared injury. Kanamycin has limited clinical use today. As with neomycin, parenteral administration is generally not recommended.” (emedicine.medscape.com)
“And Kanamycin admitted to be present in "trace" amounts in vax pfizer at least.” (x.com/groovedodger1)

Symptoms of both dizziness and hearing changes have been linked to SARS-COV-2 though.
Vitamin B1 - thiamin: Inflammation leading to worsened vitamin B1 deficiency may be a factor adding risk for hearing. Inflammation greatly increases need for all of the B vitamins. Thiamin deficiency and hearing loss is discussed later in the post. Our need for vitamin B1, B3, and other Bs are increased by inflammation and it is wasted in greater amounts during inflammation. Providing high dose supplements can help reverse out of control worsening. Lack of B1 also adds to the hypoxia symptoms seen in severe “Covid19”. *Edited for major typo, I had B12 in there and do not know why. Tired? No final edit? **Additional edit - I think I meant to add that B12 is also important for nerve signaling and hearing, and then started with writing with the overview, but I typed it wrong, it had said B12 everywhere instead of B1 on my reread. I was tired, did most of this last night and went to bed. I think we all need to be concerned about cognitive health in chimeric spike era. It is endemic. How does it get around? Exosomes being shed by the injected is a real risk, and seems to have been planned, and more is being recommended. See this ‘Self-amplifying… post, it also has protective care tips.
Also, resistant starch from fresh produce and cooked chilled starches like potato or pasta salad, polenta, or puddings, is helping us form our ‘jelly’ lining, our cytoplasm matrix that is somewhat fluid and somewhat solid, protective for the fragile Hair Cells. (Resistant Starch/Butyrate, jenniferdepew.com) Bifidobacterium are being killed by chimeric spike; Sabine Hazin, post, Bubble Tea has large tapioca pearls. Vietnamese Salad Roll wrappers are also tapioca flour.
Ear Protection and Volume Control Counts: Hearing damage risks observed from video games or action movies is summarized at the end, Brave AI, and I add more self care protection nutrition info.
How Do We Hear?
Our hearing part of the ear has Hair Cells that are detecting the motion of sound waves being amplified and passed on by the movement of the drum like membrane of the eardrum ~ the tympanic membrane.
How does hearing work , video (x.com/CuriousX247)
How does loud earbuds music harm the hair cells? Video x.com/EMT_More
The Inner Ear:

We can’t regrow our Hair Cells, but treatment may have been discovered that helps us regrow them.
Genes involved in hair cell regeneration in chicks which can do that as a species. Humans can't, except that research may have led to figuring out how we can. (Ku, et al., 2014) Caspases as an enzyme therapy may prevent the loss of regenerative function.
2017 news about the discovery of hair cell regeneration treatment for humans “Researchers discover a treatment that can regenerate hair cells in the inner ear.” (x.com/MIT) ‘Drug treatment could combat hearing loss’ - “Researchers discover a drug combination that can regenerate hair cells in the inner ear.” 2017 (news.mit.edu)

TRPA1 channels are in play.
TRP channel ankyrin repeat domains are affected by the chimeric spike and it also can infect the cells by ACE2 or TRPMS receptors.
A primer on ankyrin repeat function in TRP channels and beyond. (Gaudet, 2008)

Aside/ Interesting but may not be relevant to chimeric spike risks, I didn't spend time on this yet. It suggests the Hair Cells have some antennae like aspects for our electrical network.
Melanin is made in inner ear hair cells, click through to read about it, the post is a mini-article by Dr. Jack Kruse: x.com/DrJackKruse.

3 bones of inner ear, image below x.com/Vilavaite

“til our hearing system basically functions like a little pond garden:
Sound waves ripple in the fluid-filled inner ear chamber. The hair cells, like water plants, sway in these waves, converting the motion to electrical signals for the brain.
The cute part is all this is housed in the cochlea, shaped like a snail shell.”
Kat, the Poet Engineer, https://x.com/poetengineer__/status/1852470466075877601?t=SIQ0Z8jZZzGO_pnj_4mInw&s=19

microscopic images., @microscopicture - sensory hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear magnified 1,000xHair cells different viewing style https://x.com/microscopicture/status/1676914227154386944?t=2QCerZJAhV-pQh-k5L4Qhg&s=19

Thiamin, vitamin B1 and Hearing Loss
Beriberi and Hearing Loss: Beriberi, a condition caused by severe thiamine deficiency, can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). This is because thiamine deficiency can damage the nerves in the inner ear, affecting the ability to hear. (Brave AI)
Nutritional yeast flakes are a good source, unfortified, naturally, or Baker’s Yeast. Pork, fish, flax seeds, beans, whole grains, nuts, vegetables. video and (DrAxe.com)
Nerve damage can be a symptom of thiamin deficiency or jitteriness with caffeine suggests a need for more vitamin B1.
Vitamin B1, (Thiamin deficiency): The ‘Great Imitator’ of Other Illnesses”
Risk of Hearing Damage from Action Media - Brave AI summary
Video Games: A systematic review of 14 studies totaling nearly 54,000 adults and children worldwide found that sound levels reported in studies often near or exceed permissible safe limits. Gamers who play regularly are more likely to experience tinnitus, measured high-frequency hearing loss, and self-perceived difficulties hearing. (Source: BMJ Public Health, January 2024)
Movie Theaters: Research suggests that moviegoers may be unknowingly putting their hearing at risk due to prolonged exposure to loud noises. The inner ear’s hair-like cells can be damaged by loud vibrations, leading to permanent hearing loss. (Sources: River ENT, March 2024; San Diego ENT, March 2024)
Home Entertainment Systems: The convenience of watching movies at home may inadvertently contribute to increased hearing risks, as individuals are exposed to cinematic audio intensity without regulatory measures in place.
Key Takeaways:
Prolonged exposure to loud sounds in video games and movie theaters can increase the risk of hearing damage.
Regular gamers and moviegoers may be more susceptible to tinnitus, high-frequency hearing loss, and self-perceived difficulties hearing.
Home entertainment systems, without proper volume control and hearing protection, can also pose a risk to hearing health.
Earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, and volume limiters can help mitigate these risks.
Take breaks during loud sequences to give your ears a chance to recover.
Limit exposure to loud environments, especially if you’ve recently experienced loud sounds.
Educate others about the potential risks of loud movie environments and encourage friends and family to adopt protective measures.
Schedule regular hearing checkups to monitor auditory health and address any concerns early on.
The Inner Ear:

Tips for protecting the inner ear hair cells:
Have adequate magnesium, and topical sources may be needed to bypass poor gut absorption.
Hydration is also important to protect the inner ear and proper hydration means a mixture of - water more than diuretic caffeinated beverages and a balanced intake of sodium and potassium, and not too much but enough calcium and limit phosphorus excess which tends to be found in modern diets whether from soda, or meats or vegan type protein and carb foods.
Salt was given a bad reputation by the health industry, but the health industry has chimeric spike coated egg on its face. The bigger issue that was found with a higher sodium intake was having a low potassium intake in combination with the generous salt. — The more we sweat, the more we need to replace lost minerals in our diet or in our beverages. I think we are getting less magnesium in our drinking and bathing water than humans evolved with or were used to for a real long time, whichever.
Use ear protection headphones on a consistent typical basis with loud gadgets around the house. The blender is quite loud. Why listen to it?
Vitamin B12 is also important, and Saffron is an herbal that may help the inner ear hair cells (look like hair but are not hair, are sensory cells with spring like protein sensors responsive to pressure changes - motion changes from sound waves in the ear or from position changes of the head within the vestibular system.)
It is worth looking at the structure of our Inner ear Hair Cells - they are nifty little pressure sensing devices with a very geometric structure. Something designed to pick up the tiniest whisper… might be toppled over and broken irreparably by very loud noises, or air pressure shifts. Anyone who has had a bad earache knows how painful it gets if pressure increases from swelling in the outer ear. For the hair cells within, there is more of a jelly goo issue - are the waving columns surrounded by some sound wave cushioning magnesium rich water-based cytoplasm/jelly? Are are they standing high and dry ready to be knocked down and broken by loud noises? Or sudden shifts of position in a whiplash accident for the vestibular hair cells.
Listening to a loud cell phone on one side of the head chronically may cause lopsided damage which increases risk for symptoms of tinnitus or balance and vision problems developing. Practicing a loud instrument regularly that is more on one side might also. It controls whether our eyes can follow a bird’s flight across the sky or a cursor across the laptop screen versus wiggling along in an effort to stabilize and focus on it. Protecting hair cells is important because they don’t really grow back, one and done. Your infancy hearing is your elderly person’s hearing’s savings account, deplete it at risk of your hearing, balance and vision stability.

“The caloric stimulation test is a common test used to evaluate the peripheral vestibular system. It was first described in 1906 by Róbert Bárány. As he was washing a patient’s ear to remove earwax, he noted that there was nystagmus of the eyes during a dizzy spell. He published his findings to establish a reflex pathway between the vestibular and oculomotor system. For his work on the discovery of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1914. According to this theory, when we irrigate the external auditory canal with cold or warm water, we may generate a convective current in the endolymph on the horizontal semicircular canal, which is located close to the eardrum. Using a syringe, when we inject cold (30 °C or below) or warm (44 °C or above) water into an ear, we can observe a pattern of horizontal nystagmus. If the brainstem is intact, people will make fast eye movement toward the ear if the water is warm or in the opposite direction if the water is cold. The convective current in the endolymph of the nearby horizontal semicircular canal is believed to produce a horizontal nystagmus.” (Chin, 2018)
Videos at Vestibular.org, Vestibular disorders have dizziness or loss of balance symptoms and it can become exhausting as the body is over working or over compensating trying to be steadier.
Dizziness was a frequent symptom of SARS-CoV-2 infections and vestibular dysfunction did occur in some people who were studied but it didn’t seem to be a widespread problem. (Zubitzer, et al., 2023)
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Reference List
(Chin, 2018) Seong Chin, Visual vertigo: Vertigo of oculomotor origin, Medical Hypotheses, Vol 116, 2018, pp 84-95, ISSN 0306-9877, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2018.04.025. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987718301324
(Gaudet, 2008) Gaudet R. A primer on ankyrin repeat function in TRP channels and beyond. Mol Biosyst. 2008 May;4(5):372-9. doi: 10.1039/b801481g. Epub 2008 Mar 26. PMID: 18414734; PMCID: PMC3006086. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3006086/
(Jeong, et al., 2021) Jeong, M., Ocwieja, K.E., Han, D. et al. Direct SARS-CoV-2 infection of the human inner ear may underlie COVID-19-associated audiovestibular dysfunction. Commun Med 1, 44 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43856-021-00044-w https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-021-00044-w
(Ku, et al., 2014) Ku YC, Renaud NA, Veile RA, Helms C, Voelker CC, Warchol ME, Lovett M. The transcriptome of utricle hair cell regeneration in the avian inner ear. J Neurosci. 2014 Mar 5;34(10):3523-35. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2606-13.2014. PMID: 24599453; PMCID: PMC3942572. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3942572/
(Lee, et al., 2022) Lee SU, Kim T, Lee ES. Acute Bilateral Vestibulopathy Associated With COVID-19. J Clin Neurol. 2022 Mar;18(2):247-249. doi: 10.3988/jcn.2022.18.2.247. PMID: 35274845; PMCID: PMC8926779. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8926779/
(MacPherson, 2018) Duane R McPherson, Sensory Hair Cells: An Introduction to Structure and Physiology, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2018, Aug;58(2):282-300, August 2018, https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/icy064 https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/58/2/282/5039866?login=false
(Zubitzer, et al., 2023) Zaubitzer, L., Ludwig, S., Berkemann, M., Walter, B., Jungbauer, F., Held, V., Hegemann, S.C.A., Rotter, N., Schell, A., The effects of COVID-19 on the vestibular system, Frontiers in Neurology, Vol 14, 2023, DOI=10.3389/fneur.2023.1134540, ISSN=1664-2295, https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/neurology/articles/10.3389/fneur.2023.1134540
absoluteaudio.info, How Movies Can Pose a Risk to Your Hearing | Absolute Audio
everydayhealth.com, Loud Video Games Tied to Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Over Time
who.int, Video gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus
openaccessgovernment.org, Does video gaming put our hearing at risk?
river-ent.com, Can Action Movies Cause Hearing Loss? | River ENT | Blog
sandiegoent.com, Can Action Movies Cause Hearing Loss? | San Diego ENT | Blog
Ototoxicity? »> *Scott Biao reading a list of names, caption says its the Diddy list. (Youtube short)
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
Wow! What a great piece of reporting. I have had the exact hearing loss you describe ever since I got Covid-19, and my doctor or specialists could not figure out the problem. Now at least I have some idea what it is and how to tackle it. Many thanks for your research. I don’t know why doctors and ear specialists don’t know this? God be with you. Virtue has its own reward.
If I may make one suggestion, could the author “dumb down” some of the medical language in order to have more people understand the dangers of loud music, noises, and ear buds that may injure the delicate hair and bone structure in the ear? This generation is going to all have hearing impairment issues as they age. Thank you again for the alert!