Jun 4, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

There'd have to be substantial renal and lung damage before this stopped working: CO2 + H2O <-> H2Co3 <-> H+ + HCO3


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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Author

acid base buffer stuff always confused me

"With larger acid loads (or base losses; for example, through severe diarrhea), the kidneys cannot keep up (i.e., cannot excrete sufficient acid into the urine), and metabolic acidosis ensues." *from the link you shared - great article thanks.

The problem is the chronically sick can be intermittently really messed up. I had diarrhea daily for a month and lost 30 pounds before figuring out about nicotine for jab spike. Electrolytes get messed up, muscle cramps, dizzy. It ain't pretty.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

not arguing. I'd be a little loathe to just replete with sodium bicarb in all situations due to the resultant sodium load. That's why we measure electrolytes to know where we are in situations like this.

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I have been cautious with it. A dash, not a spoon in water can help leg cramps for me sometimes. Epsom salt baths are a need too.

I am not arguing. I am discussing. I skimmed the article and found thst quote which seemed pertinent to LongCovid/hyperinflammation patients. I'm tired and have caregiver duties that are not going well today. But bedtime finally arrived. 😴 sleep well 🙏

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