Dec 7, 2022Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I heard Dr Ardis on Mike Adams show and was impressed by Adam’s openness and excellent exploration. Previously, I had seen seen Ardis present on Remdesivir to EU -- a great service. I did not follow the story after all the alt health folks piled on Ardis but it seemed unfair and silly to be afraid of being castigated by jab media advocates who would gleefully wipe out your bloodline. Also the interview that I heard involved Ardis proposing a number of literature based observations of similarities between this corona and snake venom (which you accurately characterize as phenotypical similarities). Ardis seemed to have some theoretical points BUT his communication was that even if his theories were not on target, then there was still enough similarity between the pathogen and venom to warrant close study because “we know how to treat snake bite”. It was an intellectually clean conversation and that owes to Mike Adams who is a clear minded and truly scientific guy. Mike actually made a number of very astute observations as Ardis talked related to the implications of what Ardis was saying -- in a clearly speculative mode. And, that’s the thing ... the alt space people need to reign in some of this censorship and juvenile people pleasing fear so that we can have speculative conversations in the public square about things that are not proven, but worthy of exploration. But, some how Ardis seemed to become radioactive in some leadership circles. I took away from the Ardis - Adams talk the importance of nicorette gum to put in my little kit for family -- and I eventually used it with good effect. BUT if I ever discuss the nicorette issue, I always include the warning that the gum can be deadly in small does to children. I think that’s the case from superficial online searches. 😇 Do you think that the vital issue you are raising valiantly has any problems because of concern for toxicity of the “medicine” (nicorette ) in the alt leadership or is it all this silly radioactivity shaming response where people just accept the stigmatizing of Ardis? There is such an overwhelming amount of data and speculation to follow, people probably can’t keep up and they pick their battles. I love you work and will like to see the pomegranate remedy compared to the nicorette (forgive me if I’m over simplifying). Pomegranate strikes me as a pretty safe vehicle for the implantation miracle if it’s adequate. Please keep posting or pin your pomegranate protocol if there is one. You will succeed because the need is deep and despair -- and you will be the lead. I was researching pomegranate last year for family that has Parkinson’s disease and ran across a product called Urothin. It’s intended to aid a number of conditions where the neuroprotective powers of pomegranate have been characterized. Is your pomegranate formula similar? Would the Urothin folks be allies even though they are commercial interests. Madam, I have great faith in you!! 🔥Keep the faith. Keep pounding on the door. Cover the toxicity questions if you haven’t already because that’s a barrier to buy in. 💜

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*Urolithin A and yes it is in my next post. I published the mitochondria part two post.

Regarding pomegranate and nicotine - I needed them both to resolve colitis for a month after passive exposure to busy medical office, and maybe it was my parents first or second shots and I didn't make that connection (until their third set made me really sick again. I had to avoid them. Was better after ~ 3 months post jabs. Ardis's video did make too many sweeping claims or assumptions for my comfort and he missed some obvious research that does exist. Yes, spike is in the water and has been and seems to be bad for tiny marine life. But fecal piping maps or apartments were connected to CoV outbreaks - stool is a worse risk. He didn't have enough facts and too much not really right info. // Sometimes an outrageous thing will be purposely made and pushed to discredit the real information - the nugget the outrageous tinfoil is built on. CIA does that on purpose. . the new post has lots of resources - My point about chimeric spike, is we need a dozen solutions, while pomegranate covers a lot, it doesn't cover everything spike does to us. It really is diabolical over-engineering. Lets throw in 50 pathogens, because 1 or 2 would be lame.

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Thanks for info on nicotine and pomegranate. I agree that the tactic of placing overwhelming numbers of pathogens was a diabolical strategy. I understand you are short of time and don’t ask more of you — appreciate your take on Ardis but remain concerned about the standards being applied to suppress speculative speech having seen 40 years of the beatings early explorers took in vaccine questioning and the errors our own alt side has made with respect to the bioweapon might be good for the vulnerable. Your criticism at least has some specifics re fecal piping.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022Author

I have no idea, he may be correct about the serial passaging through snakes. The pattern of make a huge stink about anyone who stands out is ongoing, very true, and happens to people who mean well. The pattern is also contrived with the truly odd being made a big example of.

There was serial passaging through ferrets and mice.

I make time when I can. I meant to share the link to the next post - lots of images but the text section is not that long. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/mitochondrial-dysfunction-continued

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soooo over my head… avoiding anything that causes harms i’m not smart enuf to fix .

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