Peace may be an inside job, but there is a lot coming at us. Quick post - Q is for Quail and quick. I went from 81 draft posts to 111 somehow. Happy December!
HI Jennifer, There are only 4 ionospheric heater facilities in the world. Tromso(Norway), Haarp (Fairbanks Alaska), Sura (Russia), Arecibo - currently offline.
There are however many SuperDarn HF radar transmitters in various states of operation.
The HAARP energy can kind of push/repel a storm into being, or push it apart, to break it up. Warm and cold air masses can be manipulated to make a storm more or less likely. Very roughly.
HI Jennifer, There are only 4 ionospheric heater facilities in the world. Tromso(Norway), Haarp (Fairbanks Alaska), Sura (Russia), Arecibo - currently offline.
There are however many SuperDarn HF radar transmitters in various states of operation.
Thanks Eddy.
Thanks Phar and wow.,star-wars,elf-ulf-vlf,superdarn,digisonde,nexrad,sigmet,tdwr,jss
There are also frequency towers .
They spilt storms.
I know I watch what they do on the west coast.
How do you "split" a storm?
The HAARP energy can kind of push/repel a storm into being, or push it apart, to break it up. Warm and cold air masses can be manipulated to make a storm more or less likely. Very roughly.
The most obvious splitting of storms is in Eugene Organ when you look at a radar map.
Also storms are not dots.
They are solid.
... a 'solid' air mass that might be warmer or colder than surrounding air.
Do you know where the frequency towers are?
They also split storms.
I know there is one near Eugene and Shasta on the West Coast.