Electrolytes, Pom paper, & other news.
Pomegranate paper, not quite done draft, link to a Word document. Gender dysphoria - real but being used to harm too often. & a Spartacus and ICENI Bulletin link.
Follow-up thoughts to Electrolyte imbalance associated with Eating Disorders. (substack.com)- the two obvious reasons for someone with an eating disorder to have such aberrant electrolyte and pH levels would be bulimic eaters who binge and then force themselves to throw up; and eating disordered people who chronically use laxatives or diuretics too much. Chronic use of Tums or Rolaids type of calcium ‘antiacids’ can also cause problems because the digestive system needs acidity in the stomach. Indigestion can be too little stomach acid rather than too much. Eating disordered people who binge but don’t purge are more likely to be overweight but with less wacky electrolytes. Severe anorexia can also affect electrolytes.
Using aberrant electrolytes as a cue that the person may have an eating disorder would miss some people with eating disorders and might label people with physiological problems as someone with an eating disorder. Caution is needed in being too quick to label a problem and with eating disorder as it is also easy to make it worse.
I have an overeating tendency and it is linked to my odd genetics. I have had to learn a lot about nutrient deficiencies, and about emotional connections to eating in order to improve. But - the tendency is still there and forgiving myself for backsliding was a huge part of getting better. Always having snacks available was also - deprivation feelings can lead to overeating. Always feeling that something is available can help me to only eat when I am hungry - nothing to worry about, food is handy whenever I want it. That may seem backwards but individually we have to work through our own quirks. I grew up with a very controlling food environment - being forced to finish food I didn’t want, and not being allowed treats usually but sometimes everyone binged - taught me worse binging behavior and hiding eating treats.
It helps children to let them eat a variety of healthy foods and to not worry about food jags too much but also not to cater to always providing that one thing that is wanted. Let them get a little hungry occasionally and everything will seem suddenly more appetizing. Ellyn Satter is the source to read on healthy child feeding. Nature counts, but nurture makes a huge difference too.
Pomegranate paper on Word, my live document, you may need Word to view it (I am not sure). https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aruv0yL6gT08h1xeHbr9Owx2jlLl?e=Ay3zT6 The Reference List needs to be double checked for anything missing and remove extra which I know there are possibly quite a few. I was adding to it during early stages but realized stuff was hard to find then. So, I started making my text and citations at the same time, then moving the citation to the list. Writing it was a challenge and it is the basis of a book or tiered website more than a standard research article - and I would add some pomegranate peel recipes and other food sections probably in a guide style book rather than an academic focus.
Publishing for free will be better for my budget and there may be a better journal fit for some parts of this at a later time that had to go into Tables, as I ended with 11,999 words for the article (12,000 limit) The document with the incomplete reference list currently has 63,944 words. (Just like magic - haha.)
*Addition - I had emailed a higher-level contact with questions and he replied this morning, (11-13), and I did submit!
“Dear Dr Depew
We are pleased to inform you that we have received the manuscript "Pomegranate products, (Punica granatum), for the pain of histamine excess; inhibits NF-κB and mast cells, promotes Nrf2 and butyrate-producing microbiome species." to be considered for publication in…”
*I keep mentioning that I am a Registered Dietitian, but the correspondence is always addressed with ‘Dr.’. Honorific - I do feel honored :-)
Modern life is making people sick, and solutions that are offered or are being used can make the malnutrition worse. Pomegranate and nutritious food can help, removing inflammatory triggers from lifestyle and diet can help even more - stop setting fires in ourselves and we have fewer inflammatory fires to extinguish. That is the focus of my pomegranate paper - it is not really pharmacology industry specific and contains instead the basis for a recovery clinic for ME/CFS, LongCovid, akathisia, autoimmune and vaccine injured.
Gender dysphoria has been politicized but is a real and growing problem due to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the food supply and environment. Pushback against the politicization, denies that gender dysphoria is real, which also doesn’t help the children and adults who have been affected.
More info: Dr. Miriam Grossman: How One Doctor’s Lies Built the Gender Industry | PART 1 (theepochtimes.com)
Spartacus also thinks a Nuremburg II is needed more than “a pandemic amnesty” and has linked my With the Atlantic article about amnesty, let's talk about the stages of grieving more. (substack.com) along with posts by a few other SubStack authors who wrote on the topic. Thanks ICENI Bulletins!
We need more independent clinics to help people. The solutions are possible but the lifestyle and diet changes that help can be difficult and a huge switch from average. That kind of change is easier with a 1-3 week live in facility providing meals and education. Longer may be needed for sicker people - the brain fog makes doing anything more difficult, let alone doing difficult changes.
Trying to force change and help in a rigged system doesn’t seem as helpful to me as building an alternative system, ASAP.
My two cents. And it is pomegranate season in the northern hemisphere. Yippee!
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use. It is not intended to provide individual guidance. Please seek a health care provider for individualized health care guidance.