Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Jennifer, I have also been chasing around invisible ill health in the form of fibromyalgia, which first took over my body at 13 years old. And I think I got it all wrong for all of those years and still have it all wrong. Amazing though it might sound, it is possible that, in my case, getting what was called covid and then long covid and metabolic syndrome, might have been a good thing because it has caused me to follow the same circle I have been caught in all my life, in a condensed time frame, with the added benefit of being able to see what messes up my blood sugar. I am now able to see the trap I have been caught in for what it is.

We are chasing biology rather than electricity. When I came out of hospital I followed the FLCCC protocols, and particularly my neuropathy and other nerve based issues continued to deteriorate. Simply because I don't have the funds to do it all, I eventually moved from apparently treating for the spike protein to attempting to treat and maybe protect my damaged nervous system, using supplements. This change brought about immediate although not substantial improvement. A successful move. But still not enough.

I recalled that when I was practicing Qi Gong, 10am, in a lovely cool park, every Saturday morning, my fibromyalgia disappeared and I was able to walk as far and as often as I wanted all weekend. By mid week the FMS had re-appeared and I was back to crying in the train on the way home from work every night. The Qi Gong was doing something that no amount of chasing body chemistry had done. It removed all symptoms for a few days. Now I have started doing some of the exercises of Jimmy Yen, https://www.youtube.com/@AchieveIntegrativeHealth/shorts . I realised that these exercises are what I am calling "Qi Gong on steroids". But they work, again like the Qi Gong, temporarily, after doing them.

To me they are a stop gap until I work out the best way to intervene with my own body electrics. I think the body chemistry, which is far far too complex for the human brain to understand, is reliant on the body electrics. All we actually have to do, to fix our health issues, is fix the misfiring of the body electrics and the body chemistry will largely fix itself. Which is much easier said than done, particularly with the increasing level of toxic EMFs around us.

All traditional medicinal systems, even when based on "taking stuff", still focused on triggering changes in the body electrics. Even traditional western herbalism was all about the energetic changes triggered by the herbs, if Culpeper (writing in the 1640's ) is to be believed. Even though we do pay lip service to body electrics, and we have modalities like homeopathy and electro medicine to use, we still use them, on the whole, to trigger changes in the body chemistry rather than the body electricity. We are still diagnosing what is wrong with us according to body chemistry, even where we apply some kind of energetic treatment, so we are still, in most cases, treating the wrong disease. We need to be treating the body electrics directly, not the body chemistry, so if the diagnosis does not credit some aspect of the nervous system as being the issue, the diagnosis is faulty or inaccurate.

For myself, I have diagnosed that some electrical setting in my body is wrong, and is giving the wrong commands to the rest of my body. It attests to the strength of my body, that it has valiantly obeyed those faulty messages for 60+ years, and "soldiered on". I now hope to identify how to fix those faulty messages.

I am not religious but I do believe, in "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you". When we ask the right questions, we get the right answers. When our questions are focused around body chemistry, the right answers can be, at best, oblique.

Currently I only have the questions, but am hopeful that, at last, I have the right questions.

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Agree, I haven't been exercising much lately. The gentle repetitive motion helps collect aether energy I think.

Structured water has also been helping me. - It has better energy than tap water.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I never drink tap water. I purchase quality spring water to drink cold and reverse osmosis water for the kettle, then restructure both using a Grander plate - not that I have any idea what that really means and have never noticed any particular difference. I have noticed that since I stopped the spring water (10 litre boxes now too heavy for me in my depleted state) and replaced it with the pure water (5 litre boxes that I can manage), I am not drinking as much, so back to the spring water for me and hang the consequences.

Clearly the water (with the right kind of salt) is essential for our electrical charge and easy to implement. But I have been looking for as many passive options as I can. I have air filters in each room, and am experimenting with stones and essential oils to protect from 5G. I have things plugged into power points that are supposed to protect from dirty electricity. None of these has so far reversed my ill health, but each maybe makes a few percentage points of improvement. Black volcanic lava strung around my neck really does make it possible for me to go to the local shops without collapsing.

Grounding is as obvious one but I have not resolved all the contradictory opinion on how to achieve that passively in an upstairs flat (ie not by walking barefoot somewhere like the beach which is often beyond me these days). Sitting on my balcony in the sun for a few minutes each day is another, and so I have reduced the plant life (none of it healthy) on my balcony to fit a lounger chair. That's my next passive option. Meanwhile I try to do this little routine, but often don't get to it and continue to take vast amounts of supplements which may or may not be doing any good.


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I love spinning. #1

I need to discard prejudicial society shaming from my mind. I loved dance and then it was made clear that 'dance is only to attract male attention'. Me - no, I need to move or I get creaky and crampy. Stop watching me you erks. But I got self conscious and stopped dancing.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

"Twxtter "

Heh. I like it.

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I deleted that line. Had second thoughts, but thanks. I thought it apt.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

JD - Good to hear your on the mend.

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I’m sorry you have so many issues 😕 Obviously you are very sensitive to all around you...I feel like a bull in a China shop sometimes because I have little sensitivity about myself. Luckily I have no issues so far but I’m super active...have been a powerlifter for most of my life. I do though learn a lot from what you have learned about yourself. My son has autism so I appreciate your thoughts on your possibly being on the spectrum. My son is pretty amazing.

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Many people do not respond well to plants. As you previously noted in your posts - the plant kingdom contains lots and lots of phytochemicals which serve to protect them from herbivores. Some people manage to detoxify these and can get away with plant food but too many people are unware of the side effects of eating certain plants (as plants are usually portrayed as the peak of healthy foods). See for example the story of Michaela Peterson - Only when she eliminated all plant foods did she manage to overcome her plethora of chronic problem. Reading this post I see that you also do not respond well to many plants and if I was you I would try to stay away from most plants(at least the more toxic ones like beans, grains, leaves and seeds), if not all of them for some period of time and see how you feel. There are so many reports of people who healed miraculously on a carnivore or "carnivorish" diet.

Why not try it?

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Thanks, BUT you missed a major point in my list of things my body can't handle anymore - "albumin" - causes molecular mimicry autoimmune antibodies against my own body albumin causing me to not be able to grow skin. I like having skin. That may be an odd quirk of mine, but no skin in high friction zones of the body is uncomfortable (armpits).

Albumin is in plasma and it is in fish, scallops and all animal-based foods. I have also found that it is why hemp kernels are complete protein because there is a plant version of albumin in hemp, and in ginger and wheat.

I am not 'vegan' by choice or officially as I do use fish oil for omega 3 fatty acids - being pure oil it seems to not contain albumin. I might be able to use a few other extract type products but I haven't experimented further. I tried scallops on the hope that I might be able to eat them but the rash returned.

It takes about six months for autoimmune antibody flare-ups to reside again so autoimmune disease is not something I feel like experimenting with. Again, I like being able to grow skin effectively. I enjoy having skin. I stopped eating eggs first, then realized chicken was likely adding to the problem, and then all meat. And it was a year or so later that I started eating enough hemp kernels consistently to have the "I can't grow skin" problem return. When I looked up protein content of hemp kernels it was a clincher for me that I have molecular mimicry antibodies against albumin as a for-life problem. Autoimmune memory cells don't just go away.

The plant chemicals that are troublesome are avoidable compared to albumin being in all mixed animal-based foods. Being forced to go mostly vegan did get me in trouble with the increase in oxalates and likely an increase in salicylates too.

Otherwise, I really am not a big fan of the carnivore diet as humans are omnivores. It might be particularly dangerous for pregnant women and a vegan diet is not recommended during pregnancy either. Wth WEF pushing veganism on the world is not okay or safe in my opinion.

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