Actually a lot of heavy water is tritiated water which is not just heavy but radioactive. They swear that dumping tritiated Fukushima water into the ocean is harmless, that the decay energy is too low, but I’m not buying it. Suppose one of the hydrogens on a methyl group over an oncogene decays and causes it to become demethylated (could also be due to the carbon in the methyl group being carbon-14). Then the oncogene will be un-silenced and the DNA repair mechanisms may not even detect it.

Corn and other C4 photosynthesizers have a higher level of carbon-13 and carbon-14 than other crops. The Mayans ate a lot of corn and also I believe amaranth is a C4 photosynthesizer so my crackpot theory is that the excess mutations caused by eating food that doesn’t select against heavy isotopes as well, especially after a supernova or whatever event it was that raised global carbon-14 levels for a while, is what caused the Mayan civilization to collapse.

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Very interesting, thanks.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thanks for mentioning this Moon. Rather a totally different subject, except that it talks about a Hydrogen isotope with yet 1 more additional proton. AND that tritium is not natural but almost totally due to the human invention of atomic fission and the misuse of that process to generate energy and explosives. Tritiated water like all other water gets distributed around the globe by the regular water cycle of evaporation, rain, soil absorption, etc. The only way to avoid it is if you happen to get water from a well that is Primary Water: generated within the Earth, and NOT part of the water cycle until it finally reaches the surface, either via a spring, or a well drilled upon a fissure. There are actually lots of these wells, and in fact most "spring" water comes from these wells which tend to keep producing because the Earth is continually producing Primary water from the condensation of H2O that was formed in a vaporous state at high temperatures from emitted Oxygen and Hydrogen into a multitude of fissures.


I'm not sure that Primary Water has a different level of Deuterium from the oceans, but it certainly has no Tritium.

More here on one of the best known well drillers into Primary Water sources who was still drilling after dozens of years of success:


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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Heavy water with deuterium is known to be poisonous at a certain level. Maybe it does imbalance the body more subtly at sub-toxic high levels. But I think the radioactive theory is more substantive and should be examined first.

You know water that has been evaporated in the sun has a higher heavy water concentration because it takes more energy to evaporate a heavy water molecule. I wonder also about the effects of higher oxygen isotopes in water. Oxygen-17 and oxygen-18 are also stable. Also about the effects of odd numbered isotopes which have more of a magnetic moment in nuclear magnetic resonance.

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My impression is that radiation would affect deterium concentration. Chicken or egg question. Anything inflammatory is going to add to the problems. Many causes.

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Only if it’s neutron radiation which only happens in a nuclear reactor or a nuke explosion. Maybe some small level in a nuclear waste dump.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

important piece, will let it soak in :)

thanks Jennifer

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Very welcome. Twitter has disabled likes on a Tweet with the link.

New Twitter is still old Twitter in many ways. Just has a Doge now.

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Amazing piece...at this point sounds like we all need to crowdfund a piece of property and drill an aquifer for our water.

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Thanks and yes, we need to start over as a society with many new strategies, or modify traditional strategies.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

A fantastic article, Jennifer! One of the best yet I have read from you! This is a subject that I have been exposed to for a few years, thanks to Jack Kruse, MD. His followers talk on the damaging effects of Deuterium a lot on his Forum, but most others are unaware of the effect of Deuterium on our health and energy.

Your material today though brings this issue so well up to date that the discussions on the Jack Kruse forum are immediately now obviously in need of an update. For example, there is little connection there between Deuterium and cancer, and certainly not an inference of a direct cause of cancer for this isotope. Yet what you have for us today is quite convincing. At least as THE channel for further research.

Remarkable that you were able to put this together from these materials including the fresh article from Townsend I am still finishing the video by Davelaar, and find it so well done with careful presentation of details on both the history of Cancer theories, and the recent research on the effect of Deuterium within the mitochondria.

I thank you for your great effort on this!

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I watched the video several times and read the transcript which I prefer in some ways, my learning style. It fit so neatly with what I have been working on and I fug a little more to better understand deuterium.

Kruse does have good info. I read some of his work.

Much appreciated and very welcome!

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Excellent read and many good solutions.

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Thanks Samantha!

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