The world is becoming a strange place now. When they teach that sex work is a rewarding job even though sexually transmitted diseases are really increasing in this country, it makes me wonder if the people teaching this stuff work for the health industry in pharmacological promotion. It does help increase profit the healthcare for profit system if people need meds and medical treatments. Now teaching this in the socialist healthcare systems would probably be shunned by their governments.
Teachers need to keep their sexual fantasies to themselves and get back to teaching reading, writing and arithmetic or look for a different line of work, perhaps prostitution! I noticed one thing about some modern day educators, they are more immature then the students!
The world is becoming a strange place now. When they teach that sex work is a rewarding job even though sexually transmitted diseases are really increasing in this country, it makes me wonder if the people teaching this stuff work for the health industry in pharmacological promotion. It does help increase profit the healthcare for profit system if people need meds and medical treatments. Now teaching this in the socialist healthcare systems would probably be shunned by their governments.
Break down of traditional family structure to destabilize society for dictator takeover seems to be the writing on the wall.
>> I hope you all doing well. 🙏
JD - There's a special place waiting for these reprobates.
They are or may be brain washed/groomed too Nn, but yes. 🙏
I think I'm going to be sick....
Sorry, I will hold your hair back for you.
thank you!
Creating the next addicted cult
Or future young adults whose abusive sexual encounters while they are yet teens later create a lifelong aversion to love-making.
This feels like a disgusting form of sterilization. God have mercy.
Teachers need to keep their sexual fantasies to themselves and get back to teaching reading, writing and arithmetic or look for a different line of work, perhaps prostitution! I noticed one thing about some modern day educators, they are more immature then the students!