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School children are told prostitution is a 'rewarding job' by sex education providers who promote 'kinks' to pupils including flogging, beating and locking people up in a cage
Chris Matthews For Mail online • July 8, 2022 at 9:08 PM
Children were told prostitution is a 'rewarding job' by sex education providers
Organisations introduced children to hardcore kinks including being flogged
Kids were told to show where they liked to touch themselves by one organisation
School children were told prostitution is a 'rewarding job' by sex education providers who promoted wild kinks to pupils.
Organisations brought in to teach kids about sex have introduced children to hardcore kinks including being flogged, caned, locking people up in a cage and being slapped in the face, The Times reported.
Children were even told to show where they liked to touch themselves by one organisation.
Private contractor Bish (Best in Sexual Health) is written by Justin Hancock and charges £500 a day to deliver sex education sessions at secondary schools.
Private contractor Bish (Best in Sexual Health) is written by Justin Hancock (pictured) and charges £500 a day to deliver sex education sessions at secondary schools
His website advises a 14-year-old girl in a relationship with a 16-year-old boy that her 'risks of pregnancy are very, very low' even if her boyfriend relies on pulling out rather than using a condom.
Mr Hancock did not tell her the relationship was illegal but instead suggested using lube during anal sex.
The 'sex and relationships educator' also told someone on his site that prostitution could be 'rewarding'. He suggested if this was not the case for a sex worker, they could 'get better clients'.
Writing about masturbation Bish suggested children could practice on plasticine models of their genitals to understand how to touch themselves, a move the Safe Schools Alliance told The Times was 'sexual abuse'.
Bish suggested children could practice on plasticine models of their genitals to understand how to touch themselves (File image)
Although Hancock said the website should not be used in classrooms, Bish says more than 100,000 young people learn about sex from the site every month.
Meanwhile, LGBT youth charity the Proud Trust, asked children between the ages of seven to 11 whether they were 'planet boy, planet girl, planet binary'.
Although gender is a social construct and can be chosen, sex is a biological fact and cannot be changed.
Last night campaigners said that 'inclusiveness is overriding child safeguarding' and that the materials were 'bordering on illegal'.
Mr Hancock declined to comment when approached by MailOnline, while the Proud Trust did not respond. < page no longer available. *Actually it does show up. I don’t know why it didn’t when I checked initially.
Free ebook for teens, downloadable from the site of “Bish (Best in Sexual Health) is written by Justin Hancock” - (
Gender ‘identity’ seems to be instilling sexist stereotypes as norms. Choose your gender from these lists . . . ignoring that they may have gender associations.
Pretty sure I am a hermaphrodite based on these lists.

Things I learned in the teen guide - polyamory is a thing now, along with monogamy, non-monogamy, open relationships, hook-ups, friends with benefits, friendships, and relationship anarchy. No additional is provided about those terms.
The language has switched to using ‘sex’ and ‘sexing’ someone as action verbs - simply exchange use for ‘f___’ or ‘f______’. Making love is not a thing or phrase anymore, apparently. While it is included that some people may not be interested at all, in any gender/type/sexuality, the overarching theme is that teens do enjoy and participate in sexual activities of many types including anal. How to’s are not included but a dot-to-dot drawings are graphic and show us that sexual anatomy can be hermaphroditic.
The author felt that he had not received good sexual education as a youth and wants to prevent that from happening to other youths.
Communication is a good thing but I have learned that boundaries are too. This guide is promoting that sexual activity needs to be consensual but also has a page about society’s differences in power…
Why do we think differently about males and females having sex?
Because of a difference in sexual power as viewed or assigned by society. So, we need to be more careful about talking about consent and needs, when we are in a position of more power in a relationship - or it might get coercive.
That is somehow encouraging or promoting power differentials in society based on gender or sex. I thought the whole point of ‘feminism’ and ‘equality’ was to promote that we are equal and of equal value and have an equal right to try for a job or education spot.
The guidebook doesn’t really talk about how strong hormones can be or how pheromones and touch can lead to a ‘falling in love’ craziness that can mislead you about how great and awesome and safe the person truly is. The guidebook mentions some risks but with no detail - workbook, we are to fill in our own answers.
It is a very ‘inclusive’ workbook in the current trans/pride type of lingo.
At the end we learn of a version for adults we can purchase from another site: Threesome? Not quite, *Meg-John is one human who uses the pronouns they/them. Justin is Justin Hancock. **As nothing is very clear here.
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health care guidance.
The world is becoming a strange place now. When they teach that sex work is a rewarding job even though sexually transmitted diseases are really increasing in this country, it makes me wonder if the people teaching this stuff work for the health industry in pharmacological promotion. It does help increase profit the healthcare for profit system if people need meds and medical treatments. Now teaching this in the socialist healthcare systems would probably be shunned by their governments.
JD - There's a special place waiting for these reprobates.