Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

The phytonutrient rich plant substances can help fight infection and reverse some types of DNA changes. Brain fog or clear-headedness? It can be hard to choose when suffering brain fog.

That's what happened to me, healthy food and autophagy cleaned the candida out, brain fog ended, and a productive lifestyle restarted.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Agree! Also I added enteric coated Serrepeptase and Natto to my regime. First thing in am 1/2 hour before eating.

Stomach acids are low, capsule enters the intestine and does its magic.

The Serra really kicked out the remaining Candida which was fighting and lingering. The probiotics and enzymes were good but I had hit a plateau of sorts.

The Natto enhanced the situation.

Since taking ( 4 weeks) People I have not seen in a while tell me I look fantastic.

They actually stare and comment.

Arthritic nodules shrunk, skin color/texture improved nutrient absorption increased.

I am Not sharing to brag...

Sharing this stuff works, as I have been following Dr. Jen’s suggestions to the letter!

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Glad to hear! I was using both for a while too, maybe I should do that again.

(Save money or improve health? a toss-up)

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I did it without pills, but good to know for people who can't grow their own healthy food.

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Fermented Natto beans would be the food source of nattokinase. Serrapeptase is an enzyme made by silkworms. I am not sure if eating silkworms would be an option. ;-)

Whatever we are fighting is bad, relapse symptoms may be the Herxheimer die off issue. Just need to pace myself with my antimicrobials maybe. The serrapeptase and nattokinase may help reduce the fibrous masses that are filling injected people's blood vessels. Our own enzymes can't, I have read, but I would need to look for the citation.

Supplements are also nice in worse inflammation as the body needs more of a few things than food can really provide. Luxury of modern life.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I am eating a variety of fermented foods everyday, including beans every few days, plus many other plants and such I grow/forage. The meat part is more difficult but am heading in a certain direction increasing wild food. There are some cultures that lived long healthy lives without knowing the details, think about how much time it took to get to these particular cultural habits (amazing to think about). I'm not into details and just wing it based on how I feel. But who knows, I might come with hat in hand one day!

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Intuitive eating can work! Carry on.

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That's great!

I am inconsistent in health habits too often and have to keep revisiting why I need to bother anyway. Pain hurts, health is better.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

When the addictions start to hurt is when its time to love pain.

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Or love health more than inconsistency and poor planning.

I have genetic differences so some of my health strategies are just to get me to a more normal metabolic baseline. Not addiction so much as time management and making the time I need for self-care amid caregiving and writing.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I was just wondering why I had gotten a yeast infection since I hadn't indulged in a slice of honey pie or anything that terrible. but I had stopped taking NAC ! Guess I better start it up again! thanks for sharing this.

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Very welcome!

I eat mushrooms and Nutritional Yeast Flakes regularly to help ward off fungal infections. Spike may block dectin-1 receptors which activate an immune response against fungus and bet-glucan, found in fungal cell walls, is an agonist. So it would be helping keep the dectin-1 receptors active against fungus instead of being disabled by spike lodging in it instead.

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so, even mushrooms from those little cans would be good? because I get those from Costco, So I can eat them everyday ( convenient and not pricey! ) but I wasn't sure if they were helpful or not.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Several times now you have mentioned black seed oil. Is there an advantage to using the oil form? I have a big bucket of raw nigella seeds which I steep in hot water to make tea (along with red pine needles). Perhaps hot water extraction is insufficient to extract all the goodness from the seeds, and oil extraction is therefore necessary? I've been searching online for months and cannot find a satisfactory answer. I bet the seeds are waaaay less expensive than the oil...

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Eat the seeds and the benefits would be the same or greater. In areas where they are commonly used mixing them with honey is traditional and raw honey is also an anti-cancer food.

Toasted tastes better per some comments.

Dose would be the same eating them - one teaspoon once or twice a day.

A water extract would likely lose some impact. Some is better than none though too.

The seed method to get some in an oil base is to grind the seeds and let them soak in another carrier oil, olive oil maybe, for a few weeks. Then strain.

I like the oil now for my gums, it seems to help keep gingivitis type inflammation in check.

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

We need a different designator as NAC is already taken - Perhaps NACh?

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Apr 19, 2023·edited Apr 19, 2023Author

No, I need to fix my typo is my guess. I meant to write N-acetylcysteine and bet I did it wrong/ or autoerror type of filled in word.

Thanks! I fixed it.

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