Zeta potential and colloidal suspension versus structured water and emulsification.
These are similar topics, related topics that use jargon from different industries or coined by individual researchers.
“You say potato, I say potahto.” A Midwestern Doctor wrote a lengthy post about Zeta potential - an electrical measurement of the difference in electric potential at the edge of structured water that occurs around proteins within a cell or watery environment and the surrounding unstructured/bulk water. A Midwestern Doctor shares from research a colloidal suspension scientist figured out about his own health issues using what he knew about colloids.
What is a colloidal suspension? Milk. Clouds - if raining or snowing - that is the colloidal suspension losing its form, as particles join together. Air. Sea water. A dust cloud, *which can be explosive. Our cell fluid and plasma. Salad dressing. Pudding. Creamy soup broth.
A colloidal mix is something where the particles naturally disperse evenly and tend to stay evenly dispersed because the particles slightly repel each other more than attract each other. Chaotic entropy - dispersion - is the natural state of non-life and it is organization of material which creates or allows life.
An emulsified pudding or gravy or salad dressing has chemicals that can attract both water and fat soluble chemicals. Adding egg yolk to mayonnaise helps the colloidal suspension of fat, water and vinegar molecules to stay dispersed instead separating into a vinegar layer with a layer of oil floating on top. Powdered mustard is particles with phospholipids which also acts as an emulsifying agent in a mayonnaise or salad dressing recipe.
Jargon can help us communicate within an industry, but it can also confuse and reduce information across industries. People get tied to their own ‘word’ and understanding of its definition and may not realize that other people are talking about the same subject, but in a slightly different way and with a ‘word’ that is not the same word, for the same meaning. The similar definition is called different things in different fields of science…leading to both groups not realizing the other group is talking about the same thing, just in a slightly different way.
I talk about pudding and mayonnaise and the colloidal suspension scientist talks about how to make concrete mixtures properly or how to treat sewage effectively (pomegranate peel could help that industry too! #NewstoUse)
In reading the opening of this very lengthy Zeta potential article, I immediately recognized that it was about structured water and how losing our structure causes ill health. But it was written in a different language kind of, than the words used by Gerald Pollack, Thomas Cowen and others. So when I had time, I got back to it and started reading from the end and taking each paragraph in reverse order, sometimes rereading a section in regular order too. I took a lot of screenshots along the way and handily, they are in forward order in the camera memory. This too is a long post as I added all my screenshots. The initial graphic is out of order but the rest proceed in order I think.
In reading the bits about dementia, I think it answers in part why my mother has improved - a package deal. Not just essential oils, or pomegranate juice/peel, or Thorne 2-1-day supplements, or homemade structured pureed soups, I also added Infrared space heater which stimulates mitochondria and a grow light in the living room for brighter winter light, which seemed to help more than just add more EMF to the room. And I remembered a very recent change was an increase in CBD and THC drops. I got a medical patient card which allows purchase of more concentrated tinctures. That was a more recent change than the Myrrh and Fennel essential oils - but those help too and the pomegranate juice — package deal. All, all, all, they all work together I think to help restructure the body fluid and help mitochondria switch back to aerobic methylation cycles.
Rebuilding Terrain is a topic I address in another course idea - No Virus? What then? Exploring Exosomes, Liposomes, and “Virus”. (Overview presentation - comprehensive though - a webinar, link for viewing.) There is another jargon issue regarding whether Germ theory, virus and virology is fake versus Terrain theory. Virology certainly has been faked pretty often - true - but that doesn’t mean all of it is 100% wrong or that infection is not transmissable between people with bad Terrain or good Terrain but under a heavy workload at that moment in time exposure to something occurred. My video addresses how ‘virus’ may be created during isolation methods similar to how pudding is emulsified - and then a ‘vaccine’ is made to protect us from the ‘virus’ that was newly discovered.
Making pudding is structuring the water and can help us build a healthier, more ‘structured water’ Terrain. Mitochondria and our bodies work better when energy can be flowing at quantum speed instead of at standard lab chemistry rates. My video is related to the Zeta potential topic within the linked post and screenshots that follow. This is a project to schedule probably. My video ended up being ~ 2 hours, and A Midwestern Doctor’s post is maybe an hour read. My excerpts below are also lengthy, but are not all of the post: What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous?. And at the end I will add links to my posts related to the work of Gerald Pollack and Thomas Cowen, and that of James DeMeo, which is also related.
In a nutshell, vaccines mess up our body’s Zeta potential which is the difference in electric charge between the edge of the structured water layers that form around everything with an electric charge within a watery mixture and the unstructured free water in surrounding areas. It is healthy to have a negative charge difference at the edge as the Zeta potential and it is unhealthy to have zero difference - suggesting loss of structuring to me or a positive charge which would be a reversal of normal health and might suggest a positively charged thing is forming an inner layer of fast moving lightweight negative ions and an outer layer of heavier slow moving positive ions.
Out of balance calcium, magnesium and vitamin D metabolism would be a factor that glyphosate has worsened. Our not presoaking nuts, seeds, and grains in addition to beans is also a factor in calcium metabolism imbalance due to less mineral absorption and an excess of phosphorus.
My CoV protocol includes spike effects on the negatively charged sialic acid that lines our intestines and coats red blood cells - we have to make it so adequate nucleotides in the diet may help.
Sunshine is a health food.
Potassium citrate is helpful.
Alka Seltzer may even be helpful for the rouleaux effect of red blood cells after CoV jabs.
"Consuming stabilizing colloids” may help. What is a stabilizing colloid? Mineral rich Gumbo file thickened soup or tapioca thickened pudding? With licorice root powder or polyphenol rich pomegranate juice?
Having adequate trace minerals was found protective against the “coin stacking” rouleaux effect seen in the blood after CoV jabs.
Polyphenols help stabilize the colloidal folding of large proteins. Every protein is initially like a long string of beads and it has to fold into the desired shape with just the help of amino acid shape and electrical charges. Having a bitter tasting or aromatic phytonutrient nearby can help stabilize the electrical charges in a favorable shape.
Blood stasis is a huge issue in modern society because our water is bad our food is bad and the air we breathe is full of positively charged things like chimeric spike and heavy metal toxins and mold spores and we lack fresh air flow and sunshine indoors and are bathed in large amounts of radiation or EMF fields.
High blood sugar increases coin stacking of blood but so would anything that is adding an excess of particles to the blood. Too many particles causes increased clumping/rouleaux formation.
Aged kidneys clear positive charges less well - in other words (*my words, not standard knowledge), the elderly have less magnesium to waste getting rid of calcium and then the calcium accumulates into atherosclerotic issues within blood vessels or as soft tissue calcification.
Negative ion therapy could be called “Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp” by another name. And that is a fairly low cost solution to clearing your air of positively charged chimeric spike particles, or heavy metals or mold spores, or stale cigarette smoke odor or musty basement odor. But you probably won’t hear about that at your doctor’s office.
Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamp benefits and ‘risk’ is discussed in this post: Joy is healing and may need a little help. (transcendingsquare.com)
This post has a lot of resources related to building better Terrain and Quasiswarm risk and I mention a need for negative ionizers in public spaces as a prophylactic treatment of our air. » Geert says we need to treat everyone prophylactically to stop breakthrough infections & slow the mutation rate. We should listen to Geert. He is correct and has been correct. (Substack)
Gerald Pollack
Iodine and the book Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life - Gerald H. Pollack (Substack) Sept 8, 2023
Follow up on Cells, Gels & the Engines of Life - G.H. Pollack; pufferfish and biotensegrity too. Magnesium and ATP - if you like ATP then you need magnesium adequacy. (Substack) Sept 12, 2023
Mg-ATP and cytoplasm; salt and salicylates; and aether energy of cosmic and local space. Piccardi is mentioned by Pollack, 2013, and DeMeo, 2019, had a much fuller discussion of Piccardi's findings. (Substack) Sept. 16, 2023
This post has a link to the James DeMeo series - excerpt: Aside, we are moving through cosmic space in a large loose spiral along with everything else and we all heading towards/beyond the Vega star. * That is from an earlier book summary series I haven't finished, we are now colliding or condensing book review topics. See this post for links to the series - I didn’t get back to it after this grab-bag of a post: Air flow, aether, and Van Gogh's Starry Night, Chapter Four continued; & Lion’s Mane mushroom and Avocado seed flour - two super foods. / Link to Vejon Covid-19 Review, re autoimmune risk. (Substack)
The Fourth Phase of Water by Gerald H. Pollack, wrap-up/book review, Very good - he says it is focused on the chemistry of water and much was left out that he would write more books with physics and biology focuses. This one is almost industrial while also beginner. (Substack) Sept 17, 2023
Structured water - my recipes for making structured water or beverages: Structured Water - benefits and recipes - how to make it; water, hot beverages, Cheerful Juice glycine drink - but also pudding, sauces or soups! (Substack) Jan 17, 2024
Structured water - with Dave Asprey; Methylation Meets Gut Health with Dr Lynch, fibromyalgia Thread by Dr. Kohilathas. Sun tea & yak butter monastery tea is structured water. Women churn the tea for ten minutes to create a blended structured water beverage. interview with Dean Asprey. (Substack) Jan. 22, 2023
That seems like it should keep you busy for a while. Happy learning!
Disclaimer: This information is being provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of Fair Use and is not intended to provide individual health guidance.
JD - A veritable tour de force. Pun intended.