JD - A veritable tour de force. Pun intended.

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haha, thanks NN. The Zeta Potential info seemed to confirm what I've been thinking about my mother's improvement - lots of little changes add up to a busy day, but skipping parts of the changes can be noticeable.

First try on the presentation. It feels good, I was procrastinating a bit. I need to make shorter segments for a course. I listened to it while cooking and it moves along mostly but could be tightened up. The emotion might be lost though. There's value in just going for it.

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JD - "lots of little changes add up" Sometimes less is more. Related: When the whole is NOT greater than the sum of the parts, something is missing and afoot viz lacking synergy or Peter is robbing Paul.

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yes, I had to read that twice to get it but yes, we are looking for the synergistic solution that is working together instead of some things adding negatives and others positive. That is what I was doing to myself with the high dose niacin for so long. I had started to suspect that it was a problem but it can be easy to fall into the thinking that "I need to do this, overall it helps" - but overall maybe it wasn't helping. I am taking about 50 mg now, diluted in my hot beverages so it is not a bolus dose.

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