Feb 4Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Spry toothpaste has a Type 2 Carcinogen, Titanium Dioxide.

Spry is from Zylear.

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Thanks. I do avoid Titanium dioxide in products.

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Feb 1Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

JD - Thank you, you've outdone yourself - again. Keep it up.

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I appreciate your comments. Thanks NN.

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Great article as always. I just wrote an article about xylitol on my substack at medical underground, where I go into detail about the health benefits of xylitol. I have been using xylitol toothpaste and it is wonderful. Keep up your great articles, I enjoy them very much. Kudos

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Thanks! I will link your article in mine.

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Jan 31·edited Feb 1Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

HOMEMADE XYLITOL ORAL / NASAL SPRAY - and a practical way to use it

I bought birch xylitol on amazon, (Health Garden brand, 15 oz package). To my understanding Xlear uses xylitol derived from corn . Any practical difference? I do not know. I had previously bought a 10 pack of "Snout" brand 30 ml nasal spray bottles on amazon, on the recommendation of a friend, when I decided to use a finer spray than the walmart squeeze bottle saline nasal spray made for my homemade .5% povidone-iodine 10% in homemade "neilmed" formula "normal" saline which I had been using for covid prevention from back in 2020. (I now use the xylitol oral/nasal spray sprayed to saturation and need to blow my nose then a few sprays of .5% PVI spray then N95 for protection when indicated and 1% regular Johnson's baby shampoo in sterile saline for nasal flush, eyewash and mouthwash gargle after exposure to suspect "shared air")

I mix xylitol spray with PLAIN, boiled, bottled filtered water, NOT SALINE. Some research on Xylitol against cov2 showed higher antiviral action when it was diluted with a much lower concentration of saline then is used in the xlear formulation. Steve Kirsch in a published interview with the head man now at Xlear made a point that xylitol spray for use against covid was most effective in plain water and the head at Xlear agreed.

The consensus of information I have garnered from research papers using Xlear and said SK interview is that Xlear is ~12% xylitol (by weight?) in "normal" saline with .2% grapefruit seed extract. note; the xlear website was not forthcoming as to their formula concentrations nor did I see any breakdown on pictures on the bottle.

I put a level (to just "scant" of level) tsp of xylitol in a 30 ml "snoot" brand oral/nasal spray bottle then pour in boiled and cooled plain filtered bottled water, let "it" dissolve for a bit and put the spray top back on the bottle and let it sit with a few little shakes for a time before I spray. My tsp of xylitol weighs just below 3.9 grams. 30 ml of water weighs 30 grams so 12% would be ~ 3.6 grams there is possibly a bit more volume in the spray bottle, I should measure using a graduated syringe. I have thought about adding .1% povidone-iodine solution 10% or .3ml of povidone-iodine solution 10% measured with a syringe for an antiviral preservative but have not yet done so (or source genuine grapefruit seed extract?), I now just use it up and mix some more. I use 70% isopropyl alcohol to clean out the bottle and a bit of bleach on a tissue to wipe the outside of the spray tip and inside of the spray tip cover then loosely place the cap over the bottle spray tip and work the pump to clean it out and flood the inside of the cap and outside of the spray tip with the isopropyl alcohol, shake out the bottle, pump out the sprayer and set out to air dry before refilling.

The literature references "washing" the nasal passages with xlear. I inhale a bunch of sprays into both my nose and mouth until I need to blow my nose. Then just a few .5% povidone-iodine sprays likewise inhaled. These sprays ( iodine has been tested to lose effectiveness by 4 hours) probably have lost effectiveness by 4 hours. Some may use one or both sprays every 2 hours or so in a "high risk" shared air environment.

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Thanks for your detailed procedure. Sounds like a good plan.

Grapefruit seed extract is used as a preservative, but it says commercial preservatives would e needed too in a water based product. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+grapefruit+seed+extract+used+for+in+commercial+products%3F&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS977US977&oq=what+is+grapefruit+seed+extract+used+for+in+commercial+products%3F&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE1MDkzajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 powder or liquid sources turned up in the search results.

Oregano or rosemary essential oils are used as preservatives but I don't know how little you would need to use for it to be tolerable in a nasal spray. Very little is needed as a preservative.

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Feb 1Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I have found preservatives are not needed for my use as I makeup and use one 30ml bottle at a time which keeps it fresh. A bit of periodic cleaning of the inside of the cap and outside of the nozzle stops mold from growing there.

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I was just sharing why it likely is included in a commercial product that is going to sit on a shelf for a while. Your method should be fine for personal use, and prompt use.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Yes. Thank You. Perhaps xlear has a "full-spectrum commercial preservative" included and that is one of the reasons why they are not forthcoming with the specifics of their formula. I expect the main reason is why would anybody make repeat purchases of xlear when it is so simple to mix their own.

from your link "GSE is used as a natural preservative in a wide range of cosmetic and skincare products to help stop the growth of harmful microorganisms such as fungus or bacteria and extend its shelf life. In water-based formulations, GSE must be supplemented by a full-spectrum commercial preservative." It is good to know grapefruit seed extract alone can not be relied on alone for such longer term inhibition of fungus or bacteria.

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People dont' trust themselves I think, or have been taught not to do things for themselves when they should be spending their money on commercial products to help corporations gain more profit.

The markup on a cup of coffee is ridiculous. The markup on many products is huge compared to the cost of the ingredients. People pay for convenience but they also may be paying for the authoritarian messaging of "Do It My Way and THEN you will be safe and secure and a happy little protected baby." learning how to do things for ourselves is taking back our autonomy from an authoritarian dictator type of system - buy all these exact products or else you will suffer the consequences of not following orders, not fitting in with others, and your body odor will probably stink too!

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*advertising is not about being rational or educating sensibly, it is about swaying emotional decision making.

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Jan 31·edited Feb 1Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I now use baking soda instead of toothpaste. Occasionally I use mouthwash. I floss because I have gaps in my teeth.

Eat simply cooked foods also helps.

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Black eyed peas are soaking to cook today. I have gotten a lot simpler in my cooking after having so many problems with spices and herbs and garlic, etc.

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Feb 1Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

You should be able to notice that your mouth and teeth feel cleaner with plain-cooked meals.

Apply the ONE principle:

Eat one type of food group with each meal. One type of carb; one herb, one type of veg - if palatable - and one type of protein. One type of fruit. And notice the difference.

Never have two types of carb in one meal, like the typical fries and burger.

Don't eat dessert!

Just had for breakfast:

Boiled long melon, a can of sardines in springwater, sesame seeds, mustard seeds, Thai fish source, and a chicken + veg sushi toll from yesterday - otherwise it will be wasted. Yes, I broke the rule by having two types of protein.


I will have a frozen whole mango.


Boiled pumpkin and boiled eggs. Thai fish source. And SHIRAZ!!!

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Interesting. Is frozen mango ice cream like? Like frozen banana?

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Feb 2Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Noice! Similar to frozen banana;; but firmer.

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Jan 31Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Been using a xylitol based touth paste for years to avoid fluoride. Interesting the Dr Ellie doesn't recommend against fluoride.

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She does clearly state she is against fluoride in water, but yes, Michelle Jorgensen does not recommend fluoride, said it adds to or doesn't help demineralization. It is just adding fluoride instead of hydroxyapatite.

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Jan 31Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

I started avoiding dental cleanings when I recognized that they caused my gingivitis to come out of long-term remissions that only my MCT-peppermint-thieves-clove toothbrushing liquid had put it into. I'm planning on eschewing painful exams for the same reason. If people don't like my raggedly old teeth, they don't have to look at them.

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Jan 31Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank you for the resources.

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Very welcome!

I'm learning.

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