Happy New Year Jennifer and what a wonderful kick-start to the year - your knowledge is astounding - we seem to be on a parallel course - your focus being good health mine being effective systems.

"using the wrong method, when the system is wrong." Bravo - few understand the essence of a system. I was trained by Xerox in the 1970s as a corporate systems consultant and spent my career in this field. My mantra is: "People don't fail, systems do". My oft quoting of Charles Hugh Smith rests on our mutual understanding of system failure.

In the 1990s I moved into knowledge engineering and corporate counselling using my skills to improve outcomes by getting to the root of the problem. It has been a rewarding adventure incorporating a wide range of disciplines and meeting you has more than expanded my cognition bank.

Welcome to 2023 - a year of discovery and healing!

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Wow, and thanks 😊

Yes, the current system seems rigged to fail. Sadly.

I do not comply.

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DO NOT COMPLY - is the ultimate weapon.

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JD - "We learn by studying things that we don’t understand and looking up whatever words we need to look up in order to better understand it."

You got that straight Sister. Rather than do it old school and earn it the hard way by having to exercise due diligence, research, think, filter and learn, the lazy self entitled crowd always wants it served up on a silver platter.

In the land of fake believe, "less is moar" is the mantra of the social media herd mentality. In a sound byte, elevator version, twitter afflicted world wrought with ADD, many disinformed perceptions substitute for reality.

As we have amply witnessed over the last three years, one single fact can confound ten doctors, and ten facts cannot convince a single idiot. Too many of the lazy and willfully ignorant parroting their "feed". The Devil is in the details and intelligence is the ability to filter, not regurgitate.

Happy New Year

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