Where has GVB worked before and what are his former connections? Anyone close to Malone is not trustworthy.

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okay i'll help. linkedin.

Notorious GVB --


Senior Program Officer, Global Health, Vaccine DiscoverySenior Program Officer, Global Health, Vaccine Discovery

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation · Full-time · Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation · Full-time

Jun 2008 - Jun 2021 · 13 yrs 1 mo

Managing DirectorManaging Director

VaReCo · Full-timeVaReCo · Full-time

Jan 2012 - Aug 2019 · 7 yrs 8 mosJan 2012 - Aug 2019 · 7 yrs 8 mos

Providing scientific advice to vaccine biotech and Animal Health companies as well as to nonprofit organizations (e.g., GAVI, PATH, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GALVmed, NIH, WHO, Academia

Also GSK.


He also was Vaccine Director for Ebola under GAVI. Have you read any papers on Ebola? Does it exist? Were the methods consistently producing single particle with intact genome of rna?

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Did you know Malone worked on ebola too? interesting connection. That's enough for today.

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Agree anything becomes possible with immune system dysfunction. Appreciate your healthy tips!

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I guess he could be right in the end. He has a pretty good track record until now, and everything seems to be going in that direction. The timeline coukd be completely different though, as he seems to have a hard time predicting it. Which is understandable since it is such a novel situation.

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I don't know if he is trustworthy or not. In general pathogens tend to get milder because symbiotic life is ongoing, killing a host is an end.

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But that only holds true in an environment with a healthy population-level immune response.

Sadly, we have a completely damaged and dis-regulated immune response in the vaccinated majority of the population. Therefore, the context of this pandemic is completely novel and the old rules don’t apply.

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You trust the guy who worked for GSK, WHO, Bill & Melinda gates foundation and GAVI?

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JD - Excellent rundown and Sirotkin was on this early. "The sudden avian flu that can infect cows, cats, and humans is slightly suspicious but isn't quite what Geert is warning about."

BULLSHIT ALERT: They are using the same PCR testing scam that they used for C19, and without any cows or others being symptomatic. Since 2015 a whopping 22 avian flu cases globally and historically in the US TWO!! Both lived, most recent had a bad case of pinkeye. PANDEMIC!! Lockdown!, cull, vax the food chain, raise meat & dairy prices to absurd levels, gotta stop the climate crisis, and roll up your sleeves and give up your freedoms again SUCKAS.

Once again, they are playing the chumps like a fiddle.

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In non-news, there was a wild turkey in my flowerbed this morning. Very pretty daffodils.

The bullshit does get tiring to watch.

Rima Laibow let MedPage hear a thing or two - article about how to be a better doctor for autistic people written by a doctor who got an autism Dx at age ~ 50. She has some thoughts about that. the article https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opinions/109659?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2024-04-14&eun=g397919d0r

The comments link https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/second-opinions/109659

My reply to her, in case MedPage doesn't approve it: *It looks like it was approved along with another that was replying to her in defense of the article. My reply is supportive of her premise while not fully agreeing with her linking autism exclusively to jabs.

Thanks for chiming in Dr. Laibow. The article doesn't mention medications for autistic people and does have helpful advice for improving care and environment. The tone is accepting of the rapid increase as normal and suggests that there is a huge number of undiagnosed autistic adults, adding to the myth that autism is something we have always had.

What is true is that we have always had some neurodivergent 'eccentrics' or 'mechanical or electrical engineers' - Asperger's and some social skill differences does seem to have existed but genetics only seems to make up about 20% of 'autism' cases. Neurodiversity did exist, it just is now becoming common and yes, normalized as 'uniquely me' instead of 'sadly damaged from my potential by various factors of modern life and various jabs'.

I come from a background of 'eccentric mechanical or electrical engineer' -- neurodiversity does exist, but someone able to hold a job and have a family is not the same as a neurologically injured person who will likely need full-time caregivers for their entire life.

This is a kindly, and helpful article, but it does add to the idea that autism is just something we've had with us all along. NO, not really.

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JD - "there was a wild turkey in my flowerbed this morning. Very pretty daffodils"

The Kickin Chicken? Photos?

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*slight disappointment followed by Wow, 😳, big bird, big rainbow dinosaur 🦖 nice to see in my neighborhood 😍 It is a luxury to live near a wetland and lots of open land. *Farm or golf course, some wild.

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I have a few photos but I stopped taking pictures of them. They are part of the neighborhood.

Driving home when afternoon, sunny, I see motion at the edge of the road - tall, a dog? a rainbow colored dog? I have a rainbow dog in my neighborhood? That was the fleeting impression before seeing that it was a large male turkey in late afternoon sunshine. ;-) Slight disappointment that it wasn't a rainbow colored dog.

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Just a slight detail faux pas - covid doesn't exist, has never been shown to exist and was a hoax. Therefore to refer to it is perpetuating the lie. Lots of good things in the article thank you for writing it. But I always have to make a correction when I see the hallucination being perpetrated. Please don't take offense. We all should be doing that so we can stop living in an asylum.

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A manmade illness was spreading mid 2019. It was not pandemic level and the PCR testing was used to create a pandemic to force the injections.

Nitpicking about what to call a manmade bioweapon seems like it misses a larger point to me.

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I personally don't see how Geert's predictions square with the evidence presented by others that there was no novel virus and that while there might be Coronaviruses out there that are nasty, the pandemic was because of testing not due to a viral contagion. I guess we'll find out. The evidence that mRNA transfection is a bad for one's health seems pretty clear, however. That alone is bad enough, regardless of whether there is a more virulent SARs strain on the horizon.

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I got sick with something Feb 20, 2020, at a outbreak area, symptom time line matched what was being described and my symptoms which were unusual to me compared to any other flu.

A computer synthesized thing serial passaged through lab animals to increase human infectivity is what I think was initially spreading beginning in mid 2019. Then the injection version was even worse for causing symptoms.

Human nasty inventions exist that harm some people more than others. Be glad if you are less harmed.

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I actually did get sick too, very sick. However, the overall data doesnt seem to square with the spreading virus idea . Some people who have looked in RNA viruses suggest that the events were seeded with a clone (and those would make u very sick). In any event, we will find out if GVBs ideas pan out.

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Spread from a few places seems likely, at different times.

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This article is revealing regarding how the scamdemic may have been computer modeling estimates being reported as if real cases. https://open.substack.com/pub/pandauncut/p/the-dashboard-that-ruled-the-world?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=os7nw

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what about the claimed shingles increase? the study you link to also has this text:

Several studies have assessed the incidence of HZ following COVID-19 vaccination; ----some (but not all) studies reported that recipients of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 were more likely to develop shingles than were control subjects who had not been vaccinated.----

Routine vaccination programmes, including shingles vaccine programmes, were disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic; however, now that the World Health Organization has declared an end to the COVID-19 pandemic as a health emergency, there is an important need to increase awareness of HZ and HZ vaccination.

---- emphasis added. seems like they are pushing for shingles vaccination. enjoy your cell debris, adjuvants, metals, and whatever else they put in there. info graphic from Adis. I'll look up there info.

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Yes, of course any published article is likely going to be stating the party line "get your vaccine!" but we have the statistics that we have, skewed as they probably are.

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Adis is part of "Springer Nature," all the authors on the HZ paper work for GSK. Just mouse-over their names in the pubmed study u linked to.

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Shingrix vax for shingles. Who makes it? https://www.shingrix.com/about/discover-shingles/ -- well, well look: GSK.

Zostavax, not avail in the USA, made by MERCK.

CDC - recommends 2 doses. I guess 1 dose doesn't work. Also they think you should get this product, EVEN IF you have already had shingles.

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