Best (and most economical) magnesium absorption is transdermal. Epsom salt baths or make a magnesium chloride spray and spray onto the body. You could make/ but magnesium lotion also.

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Timothy this looked really cool, and fascinating, but then I wonder about the supposed implications and also about the funding with this hugely suspect statement

" the suggestion is clear, that the modern problem of global terrorism also springs forth from basic Saharasian-warrior roots. "

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Read the book Saharasia by James Demeo and it might make more sense, but that is tracing modern global terrorism, way back, maybe too far back. Modern global terrorism involves oil pipelines and stuff unrelated to 4000 BC. His book does make a strong statement about the origins of child abuse parenting tactics and the transition from matriarchal societies to females and children being property.

The link is like an intro to the book I think, rather than the whole book. James Demeo uses cave art and ancient artifacts along with drought history in ancient times.

An summary statement from the other link Timothy shared:

"Social institutions adopted during long periods of desperate survival within the harsh desert environment, which demanded pain-endurance and stifled nearly all pleasure-directed impulses, worked to destroy the deeper biologically-determined and pleasure-directed emotional components of the maternal-infant and male-female sexual bonds. These new desert-adapted social institutions, as previously argued, gradually became anchored into the character structures of ordinary people, as a form of emotional-characterological armoring, as discussed by Reich (1970, 1971, 1973a) who firstly theorized the connection between desert regions and armored, patriarchal authoritarian culture (Reich 1973b). The new desert-developed social institutions were later passed on from generation to generation, irrespective of climate and food supply, by virtue of the new pain-emphasizing and pleasure-censoring behaviors and social institutions, even as famine and mass-migrations pushed human populations out into the moister Saharasian borderlands."


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James Demeo mapped behavior patterns about many cultures that some other researchers had collated, and then mapped it regionally. Patriarchy practices and their spread across time and geography overlapped with severe drought taking over what had been a paradise temperate region. Now arid desert.

"Semitic and Indo-Aryan peoples, to include their more recent descendants, the Arabs and Mongol/Turks, historically dominated the Saharasian landscape and its borderlands. Importantly, the beliefs, social institutions, and behaviors of these warrior-nomad peoples were significantly different from those of the peoples inhabiting moister regions outside of Saharasia, particularly regarding infant and child care, female status, and sexual matters. Practices such as swaddling, infant cranial deformations, virginity taboos, genital mutilations, the bride price, polygamy, concubinage, female seclusion, castes, slavery, divine kingship, and human sacrifice occurred first among the warrior-nomad peoples of Saharasia, or within the despotic states they would later erect on the moister fringes of the desert. This process, which began with massive famine and migration, was set into motion at the same point in time that major desiccation of Saharasia began. From Saharasia, these behaviors and social institutions spread to other non-arid regions along its borders through the mechanisms of migration, borrowing, conquest, and/or forced adoption. Figures 18 and 19 present, once again, two maps which are fully detailed and discussed previously (DeMeo 1986, 1991, 1998), showing the migratory pathways from which these earlier episodes of armored patrism spread outwards, to affect the Saharasian borderlands, from regions of origin within Saharasia.


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Endlessly fascinating research, Jen, if terrifying. How do I find out more about how the pole-shift will affect where I live?

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If it is to believed, vs Psy op or con,


I did double check measurements of the North Pole zinc magnetosphere and if ix shifting and weakening in the directions that are estimated on the site. It will be a ninety degree shift, a tilt. Brazil will be near the new North Pole and India will be near the new South Pole. Japan and that side of Russia will be closer to the Equator, parallel, while the UK side of Europe will be nearer the South Pole along with India, bug not as close.

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Practical advice for the coming crazy times!

brilliant, as usual

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Thanks. I should add magnesium info links maybe.

Edit - I updated this post and added the link: To have optimal magnesium needs protein and phospholipids too. https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/to-have-optimal-magnesium-needs-protein-and-phospholipids-too?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Yes, please do. I use Jigsaw STR but read something the other day about fillers, and of course it has all the bad ones. Thank you, as always.

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I'm working on it this morning. Updating my main magnesium post before linking it.

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I updated this post: To have optimal magnesium needs protein and phospholipids too. https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/to-have-optimal-magnesium-needs-protein-and-phospholipids-too?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

and added the link to the violence one.

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Great, thank you. xoxox

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Jul 4
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Thanks, that helps clear things up.

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