The Modified Messenger RNA Platform and the Creation of Unintended Proteins: A Genocidal Trojan Horse


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Thanks, very interesting/disturbing.

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Good article jennifer and thanks for sharing.

It's worse than that I'm afraid. Have people ever wondered WHY there are so many molecules that seem to counteract SARSCov2 expression, whether wild type or shot vectors?

The point was to get 2 things occurring-

1. Get the concepts of mRNA genetic modification therapies as acceptable at a population level.

2. To change the parameters of regulatory processes around manufacturing standards and safety protecols for these mRNA products.

Both these things opened the door and allowed a human trial of a "self amplififying" (samRNA) genetic therapy to be conducted at a population level.😐

Look at the shedding science and the nanopathology science of the last 15 years+.

It's not just about stopping these shots from being given. It's about stopping them from spreading.

#nanopathology #selfspreading #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Yes, I am concerned about that too and have had a project in the works that I need to stop dawdling on. Passive exposure by exosomes is part of the design. Harm is widespread as there really is no control group. And now random food supply unknowns. This is kind of depressing.

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JD - essential oil of star anise, alcohol, sugar and water. What is Sambuca? Sometimes green anise. A good one might also contain elderflower, fennel, and liquorice = elixir of the anti Covid Gods. Like absinthe, pastis (Pernod) or Ouzo, the anise’s terpenes are transparent when suspended in alcohol. Put a finger in a glass, then add water, when ABV drops <30% the terpenes become cloudy viz louche effect. Put that in your mothers tea or coffee, when you want "the baby" to sleep that is. As for her condition, I would like to go offline via email, if you wish. Is peace is happy org email still functional?

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Sambuca sounds good. I was using star anise in tea when I had CoV in March 2020. it seemed soothing to the throat and tastes sweet and good. I learned later that it was potent, likely helped against spike too.

Yes, to that site email NN but you can also reply to a Substack email I think. My jenniferdepew.com contact page also reaches me.

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The great fall.

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