🙏Ta for the mention, unecessary though😉😊

Based on those results-your cholesterol, Vit D, and calcium levels tell me your body does not seem to be converting to active D (not surprising if there is compromised liver function), I don't know your mitochondrial haplotype but regardless, the serum D is in what I class as the lower range (RDI's are BS unless your in WWII or underdeveloped nation!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️). If I were your health professional (which I am not), as part of nutritional and light hygiene, I would be scheduling outside time of 30-40mins, 3x per day. Specifically, before 10am, at midday, and at sunset, for 1 month. Thes will reset circadian clock, improve vagal tone, lower cellular stress, support mitochondrial function. Ultimately aiming for D to be sitting around 60- 80nmls, minimum. And no supps don't cut it in the long run.😉

Breathe work is excellent! Singing, humming all activate vagal tone through the vibratory effect on vocal chords, similar to breathing. And hugging living creatures.🤗

Oh and positive psychology has its merits but there is also a phenomenon of control fatigue and toxic positivity. So don't be too hard on yourself. Your actually dealing with a $#!& load of stuff in your life, and world!

And lower vagal tone means resilience and self control will be lower😉 So dont torture your self esteem unnecessarily.🤗🤗🤗🤷‍♀️BTJMO

Oh and here's the obligatory disclaimer, I am not your doctor, a practicing health professional, yadayda and these are purely my own opinion and in no way are intended as professional medical advice, of course consult your doctor, as your right as a fully functioning adult of sound mind and body!😉🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I should clarify, my autoimmune condition or whatever was going on for decades had left me with very low 25 D and slightly high normal 1, 25 D. I followed the Marshall Protocol for a year and a half which uses low dose antibiotics every other day, olmesartan 3 times a day, every 8 hours, and avoid vitamin D and sunshine to prevent the excess in activated D. I had used a suntan booth and got really irritable - symptom of elevated hormone D. That was back in 2006 roughly, so I have made some major improvements in my autoimmune or other dysfunction issues.

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Thanks! I do need more sunlight.

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I have found my self down a new rabbit hole. Check out the work of dr ross hauser. on youtube he discusses cervical instability and side effects especially concerning the vagus nerve. critical for people with loose ligaments especially ehler danlos. Appreciate your writings i dont have the patience (or brain power) to put in writing what im learning.

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