Jul 26Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Your dives are getting even deeper, Jennifer. Excellent reporting and writing!

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Jul 25Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thank you Jennifer, here is another video done recently..

DOC MALIK SUBSTACK BRAIN BOOK MAN Michael Nehls, MD, PhD: Molecular Geneticist, Immunologist, Author, Educator.

#205 - The Indoctrinated Brain - How To Successfully Fend Off The Attack On Your Mental Freedom (wee bonus at the end)




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Jul 26Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Doc Malik is fantastic. Thank you for referencing him!

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Jul 27Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Love Dr. Nehls. I listened to the Naomi Wolf interview with Dr Nehls, that was fantastic. Did you know he participates in the Race Across America on his bike? I actually bought some lithium based on his recommendation, but I can't figure out where to put it in my crazy supplement schedule, because I don't want to throw something else off 🙄

I guess the 6 million Jews thing is going to be the final frontier for me - so many first-hand accounts of people whose relatives died in the concentration camps. And then I read about all the Germans that were massacred all over Eastern Europe after the war? can't even remember where I read that- somewhere on sub stack of course! that was totally believable, and it being covered up and censored is totally believable too. I guess I will have to watch the videos that you have provided, leaving no stone unturned in my quest to establish that everything I thought I knew was wrong.

I really appreciate your reporting on whatever seems important. Like my chiropractor says, everything is connected. You seem to be one of the few who is not stuck in some kind of rut.

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I bought some lithium too.

In general, I suggest just take stuff and don't worry about interactions - unless you do feel worse in some way and then try other ways (with food or without food type of differences). The food all goes to the same place ultimately. Whether optimal absorption is happening or not, some will be absorbed versus forgetting to take it at all. Zero is absorbed if we forget.

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JD - "the ability to think for oneself" Facts are of no interest to zealots, and useless to the brainwashed, because they can't think for themselves. And now this...

"Red Cross records also don’t support that there had been mass killing or even severely bad treatment of concentration camp prisoners in Hitler’s Germany."

As an appetizer we highly recommend - I Company’s Gone Berserk! as one might want to read a soldiers short 1st hand account of C Company, 157th Regiment, 45th Division replacement of I Company because...

what I Company stumbled into at Dachau would make most piss & shit themselves and literally drove hardened soldiers beserk. I've been there, it's palpable.


For the plat du jour do soak up the Vrba-Wetzler report - a 33-page eyewitness account of the Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland during the Holocaust.


And for desert - the staff and showers at Birkenau were most accommodative ~2000 per sitting. In addition, Topf & Sons as well as Kori of Berlin made quite efficient incinerators - the four at Birkenau with showers could pump out 6K per day or over it's ~28 months of operation, 5M all by itself.

Given those facts and... if Tikka Khan could kill 3M in 71, and from 39-45 the Nazi's 1.5M Romani, 3M Polish & 3.5M Russian POW's, and "Uncle Joe" Stalin's purges claimed 20M, what stopped Hitler from exterminating 5-7M Jews (some included in above numbers) over those 4 years?

Certainly not the Einsatzgruppen or Einsatz Reinhardt? Much like the same apathy we saw during the pandemic, and man's seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself, nothing.

Not to forget, like a sorbet on the palette to avoid bad aftertaste - Tesch & Stabenow and Degesch's HCN aka Prussic acid is quite effective, and anyone telling you different, might want to do all of us a favor and try it on themselves Agent Scully

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