Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

Thanks for the crosspost, Jenny. Your interests are certainly many and varied. I must admit that your topic here is so far over-my-head that it might as well be a Chinese spy balloon ;-) Rather than read DeMeo myself, I will simply look forward to future installments of your English translations.

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Very welcome! It is fascinating. I quite enjoyed your post and encourage you to write more too. I hadn't been aware of that level of detail regarding skepticism. Check out my effectivecare.info link Fear and the Inner Child. I got a little political in the second section, or later sections. It is a long page. My webpages are more like book chapters. With art. https://effectivecare.info/g-fear-%26-inner-child

As I was writing that site, I made it into a book format but never went further than the document https://docs.google.com/document/d/17XlbY9rsDm4SD6hNbLem17WBTFmrhVY3vit4qAvGZRw/edit?usp=sharing

I have since started a book on LeanPub and need to finish it as I have sold a few copies. The people get notified of updates as I make them by email. But I got busy writing about Covid, And now have a book draft about Covid too. Organizing and updating the LeanPub book is my goal as it is on topic with Covid issues. So Covid could be an example theme for care strategies supported by the book chapter themes.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Jennifer Depew, R.D.

If you like digging into the historical suppression of science, you might enjoy the Hidden Truth series of novels by Hans G. Schanz.

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Thanks! Hadn't heard of him before.

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I love that you’re exploring this. Have you been to a channel on YouTube called Thunderbolts? They talk about this and much more. I watch it almost daily and some videos I’ve watched 5 times!

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